-- Families with compatible monoid and coal
module SOAS.Coalgebraic.Monoid {T : Set} where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Context {T}
open import SOAS.Variable
open import SOAS.Families.Core {T}
import SOAS.Families.Delta {T} as δ; open δ.Sorted
open import SOAS.Abstract.Hom {T}
import SOAS.Abstract.Box {T} as  ; open □.Sorted
open import SOAS.Abstract.Monoid {T}
import SOAS.Abstract.Coalgebra {T} as →□ ; open →□.Sorted

open import SOAS.Coalgebraic.Map
open import SOAS.Coalgebraic.Strength
open import SOAS.Coalgebraic.Lift

    Γ Δ : Ctx
    α β : T

-- Coalgebraic monoid: family with compatible coalgebra and monoid structure
record CoalgMon (𝒳 : Familyₛ) : Set where
     : Coalgₚ 𝒳
     : Mon 𝒳

  open Coalgₚ  public renaming (η to ηᴮ)
  open Mon  public hiding (;; r ; r∘η ; μᶜ) renaming (η to ηᵐ)

    η-compat : {v :  α Γ}  ηᴮ v  ηᵐ v
    μ-compat : {ρ : Γ  Δ}{t : 𝒳 α Γ}  r t ρ  μ t (ηᵐ  ρ)

  -- ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒳
  -- ᴮ = record { ᴮ = ᴮ ; η = η ; r∘η = trans compat lunit }

  open Coalgₚ  using (r∘η) public

  -- Multiplication of coalgebraic monoids is a pointed coalgebraic map
  μᶜ : Coalgebraic    μ
  μᶜ = record
    { r∘f = λ{ {σ = σ}{ϱ}{t}  begin
             r (μ t σ) ϱ                  ≡⟨ μ-compat 
             μ (μ t σ) (ηᵐ  ϱ)            ≡⟨ assoc 
             μ t  v  μ (σ v) (ηᵐ  ϱ))  ≡˘⟨ cong (μ t) (dext  _  μ-compat)) 
             μ t  v  r (σ v) ϱ)         }
    ; f∘r = λ{ {ρ = ρ}{ς}{t}  begin
             μ (r t ρ) ς                ≡⟨ cong  -  μ - ς) μ-compat 
             μ (μ t (ηᵐ  ρ)) ς          ≡⟨ assoc 
             μ t  v  μ (ηᵐ (ρ v)) ς)  ≡⟨ cong (μ t) (dext  _  lunit)) 
             μ t (ς  ρ)                 }
    ; f∘η = trans (μ≈₂ η-compat) runit
    } where open ≡-Reasoning

  str-eq : (𝒴 : Familyₛ){F : Functor 𝔽amiliesₛ 𝔽amiliesₛ}(F:Str : Strength F)
           (open Functor F)(open Strength F:Str)
           (h : F₀  𝒳 , 𝒴  α Γ)(σ : Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝ Δ)
          str  𝒴 h σ  str (Mon.ᴮ ) 𝒴 h σ
  str-eq 𝒴 {F} F:Str h σ = begin
        str  𝒴 h σ
    ≡⟨ str-nat₁ {f = id} (record { ᵇ⇒ = record { ⟨r⟩ = sym μ-compat }
                                               ; ⟨η⟩ = sym η-compat }) h σ 
        str (Mon.ᴮ ) 𝒴 (F₁ id h) σ
    ≡⟨ congr identity  -  str (Mon.ᴮ ) 𝒴 - σ) 
        str (Mon.ᴮ ) 𝒴 h σ
    open Functor F
    open Strength F:Str
    open ≡-Reasoning

  lift-eq : {Ξ : Ctx}(t : 𝒳 β (Ξ  Γ))(σ : Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝ Δ) 
            μ t (lift  Ξ σ)  μ t (lift (Mon.ᴮ ) Ξ σ)
  lift-eq {Ξ = Ξ} t σ = str-eq 𝒳 (δ:Strength Ξ) (μ t) σ