-- Context extension of presheaves
module SOAS.Families.Delta {T : Set} where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Context
open import SOAS.Variable
open import SOAS.Sorting
open import SOAS.Construction.Structure
open import SOAS.Families.Core {T}

-- | General context extension by a context Θ

module Unsorted where

  -- Concatenate Θ to the context of a family
  δ : Ctx  Family  Family
  δ Θ X Γ = X (Θ  Γ)

  δF : Ctx  Functor 𝔽amilies 𝔽amilies
  δF Θ = record { F₀ = δ Θ ; F₁ = λ f  f ; identity = refl
                 ; homomorphism = refl ; F-resp-≈ = λ z  z }

  -- | Context extension by a single type τ, a special case of δ with ⌊ τ ⌋
  δ₁ : T  Family  Family
  δ₁ τ = δ  τ 

  δ₁F_ : T  Functor 𝔽amilies 𝔽amilies
  δ₁F τ = δF  τ 

    Γ Δ : Ctx
    α : T

module Sorted where
  -- Concatenate Θ to the context of a family
  δ : Ctx  Familyₛ  Familyₛ
  δ Θ 𝒳 α Γ = 𝒳 α (Θ  Γ)

  δF : Ctx  Functor 𝔽amiliesₛ 𝔽amiliesₛ
  δF Θ = record { F₀ = δ Θ ; F₁ = λ f  f ; identity = refl
                 ; homomorphism = refl ; F-resp-≈ = λ z  z }

  -- | Context extension by a single type τ, a special case of δ with ⌊ τ ⌋
  δ₁ : T  Familyₛ  Familyₛ
  δ₁ τ = δ  τ 

  δ₁F_ : T  Functor 𝔽amiliesₛ 𝔽amiliesₛ
  δ₁F τ = δF  τ