-- Lifting of substitutions, and instance of strength for δ
module SOAS.Coalgebraic.Lift {T : Set} where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Context {T}
open import SOAS.Variable
open import SOAS.Families.Core {T}
import SOAS.Families.Delta {T} as δ; open δ.Sorted
open import SOAS.Abstract.Hom {T}
import SOAS.Abstract.Box {T} as  ; open □.Sorted
import SOAS.Abstract.Coalgebra {T} as →□ ; open →□.Sorted

open import SOAS.Coalgebraic.Map
open import SOAS.Coalgebraic.Strength

    Γ Δ Θ : Ctx
    α : T

module _ {𝒫 : Familyₛ} (𝒫ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒫) where
  open Coalgₚ 𝒫ᴮ

  -- General lifting over an arbitrary context
  lift : (Ξ : Ctx)  Γ ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ Δ  (Ξ  Γ) ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ (Ξ  Δ)
  lift  σ v             = σ v
  lift (τ  Ξ) σ new     = η new
  lift (τ  Ξ) σ (old v) = r (lift Ξ σ v) old

  -- Single-variable lifting
  lift₁ : {τ : T}  Γ ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ Δ  (τ  Γ) ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ (τ  Δ)
  lift₁ {τ = τ} = lift  τ 

-- General lifting of renaming
rlift : (Ξ : Ctx)  Γ  Δ  (Ξ  Γ)  (Ξ  Δ)
rlift Ξ = lift ℐᴮ Ξ

-- Strength for context extension
δ:Strength : (Ξ : Ctx)  Strength (δF Ξ)
δ:Strength Ξ = record
  { str = λ 𝒫ᴮ 𝒳 h σ  h (lift 𝒫ᴮ Ξ σ)
  ; str-nat₁ = λ fᴮ⇒ h σ  cong h (dext (str-nat₁ Ξ fᴮ⇒ σ))
  ; str-nat₂ = λ f h σ  refl
  ; str-unit = λ 𝒳 h  cong h (dext (str-unit Ξ 𝒳))
  ; str-assoc = λ 𝒳 fᶜ h σ ς  cong h (dext (str-assoc Ξ 𝒳 fᶜ σ ς))
  open ≡-Reasoning
  open Coalgₚ
  open Coalgₚ⇒

  str-nat₁ : (Ξ : Ctx){𝒫 𝒬 : Familyₛ} {𝒫ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒫}
             {𝒬ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒬} {f : 𝒬 ⇾̣ 𝒫}
            Coalgₚ⇒ 𝒬ᴮ 𝒫ᴮ f
            (σ : Γ ~[ 𝒬 ]↝ Δ)(v :  α (Ξ  Γ))
     lift 𝒫ᴮ Ξ (f  σ) v
     f (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ σ v)
  str-nat₁  fᴮ⇒ σ v = refl
  str-nat₁ (α  Ξ) {𝒫ᴮ = 𝒫ᴮ} fᴮ⇒ σ new = sym (Coalgₚ⇒.⟨η⟩ fᴮ⇒)
  str-nat₁ (α  Ξ) {𝒫ᴮ = 𝒫ᴮ} {𝒬ᴮ}{f}fᴮ⇒ σ (old v) = begin
       lift 𝒫ᴮ (α  Ξ) (f  σ) (old v)
     ≡⟨ congr (str-nat₁ Ξ fᴮ⇒ σ v)  -  r 𝒫ᴮ - old) 
       r 𝒫ᴮ (f (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ σ v)) old
     ≡˘⟨ ⟨r⟩ fᴮ⇒ 
       f (lift 𝒬ᴮ (α  Ξ) σ (old v))

  str-unit : (Ξ : Ctx) (𝒳 : Familyₛ) (v :  α (Ξ  Γ))
     lift ℐᴮ Ξ id v  v
  str-unit  𝒳 v = refl
  str-unit (α  Ξ) 𝒳 new = refl
  str-unit (α  Ξ) 𝒳 (old v) = cong old (str-unit Ξ 𝒳 v)

  str-assoc : (Ξ : Ctx) (𝒳 : Familyₛ) {𝒫 𝒬  : Familyₛ}
              {𝒫ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒫} {𝒬ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒬} {ℛᴮ : Coalgₚ }
              {f : 𝒫 ⇾̣  𝒬 ,  }
              (fᶜ : Coalgebraic 𝒫ᴮ 𝒬ᴮ ℛᴮ f) (open Coalgebraic fᶜ)
              (σ : Γ ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ Δ) (ς : Δ ~[ 𝒬 ]↝ Θ)(v :  α (Ξ  Γ))
     lift ℛᴮ Ξ  u  f (σ u) ς) v
     lift 〖𝒫,𝒴〗ᴮ Ξ (f  σ) v (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς)
  str-assoc  𝒳 fᶜ σ ς v = refl
  str-assoc (β  Ξ) 𝒳 {𝒫ᴮ = 𝒫ᴮ}{𝒬ᴮ}{ℛᴮ} {f} fᶜ σ ς new = begin
       η ℛᴮ new                          ≡˘⟨ f∘η 
       f (η 𝒫ᴮ new) (η 𝒬ᴮ)               ≡⟨ eq-at-new refl 
       f (η 𝒫ᴮ new) (lift 𝒬ᴮ (β  Ξ) ς)  
     where open Coalgebraic fᶜ

  str-assoc {Γ = Γ} (β  Ξ)  𝒳 {𝒫 = 𝒫}{𝒬}{𝒫ᴮ = 𝒫ᴮ}{𝒬ᴮ}{ℛᴮ}{f} fᶜ σ ς (old v) =
         r ℛᴮ   (lift ℛᴮ Ξ  u  f (σ u) ς) v)   old
     ≡⟨ congr (str-assoc Ξ 𝒳 fᶜ σ ς v)  -  r ℛᴮ - old) 
         r ℛᴮ (  lift 〖𝒫,𝒴〗ᴮ Ξ (f  σ) v   (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς)) old
     ≡⟨ congr (str-nat₁ Ξ fᴮ⇒ (σ) v)  -  r ℛᴮ (- (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς)) old) 
         r ℛᴮ (f (lift 𝒫ᴮ Ξ σ v) (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς)) old
     ≡⟨ r∘f 
         f (lift 𝒫ᴮ Ξ σ v)    u  r 𝒬ᴮ (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς u) old)
     ≡˘⟨ congr (str-nat₁ Ξ fᴮ⇒ σ v)  -  -  u  r 𝒬ᴮ (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς u) old)) 
         lift 〖𝒫,𝒴〗ᴮ Ξ (f  σ) v  u  r 𝒬ᴮ (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς u) old)
     where open Coalgebraic fᶜ renaming (ᴮ⇒ to fᴮ⇒)

module δ:Str Θ = Strength (δ:Strength Θ)

-- Derived lifting properties
rlift-id : (𝒳 : Familyₛ)(Ξ : Ctx)(b : δ Ξ ( 𝒳) α Γ)
          b (rlift Ξ id)  b id
rlift-id 𝒳 Ξ = Strength.str-unit (δ:Strength Ξ) 𝒳

lift-comp : {𝒫 𝒬 : Familyₛ}{𝒫ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒫}{𝒬ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒬}
            (𝒳 : Familyₛ)(Ξ : Ctx){f : 𝒬 ⇾̣ 𝒫}
            (fᴮ⇒ : Coalgₚ⇒ 𝒬ᴮ 𝒫ᴮ f)
            (h : δ Ξ  𝒫 , 𝒳  α Γ) (σ : Γ ~[ 𝒬 ]↝ Δ)
   h (lift 𝒫ᴮ Ξ (f  σ))
   h (f  lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ σ)
lift-comp 𝒳 Ξ fᴮ⇒ h σ = Strength.str-nat₁ (δ:Strength Ξ) {𝒳 = 𝒳} fᴮ⇒ h σ

lift-assoc : {𝒫 𝒬  : Familyₛ}
            {𝒫ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒫} {𝒬ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒬} {ℛᴮ : Coalgₚ }
            (𝒳 : Familyₛ)(Ξ : Ctx) {f : 𝒫 ⇾̣  𝒬 ,  }
            (fᶜ : Coalgebraic 𝒫ᴮ 𝒬ᴮ ℛᴮ f)
            (open Coalgebraic fᶜ)
            (h : δ Ξ   , 𝒳  α Γ)
            (σ : Γ ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ Δ) (ς : Δ ~[ 𝒬 ]↝ Θ)
   h (lift ℛᴮ Ξ  v  f (σ v) ς))
   h  v  lift 〖𝒫,𝒴〗ᴮ Ξ (f  σ) v (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς))
lift-assoc 𝒳 Ξ fᶜ h σ ς = Strength.str-assoc (δ:Strength Ξ) 𝒳 fᶜ h σ ς

lift-dist : {𝒫 𝒬  : Familyₛ}{𝒫ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒫}{𝒬ᴮ : Coalgₚ 𝒬}{ℛᴮ : Coalgₚ }
            (𝒳 : Familyₛ){Ξ : Ctx}{f : 𝒫 ⇾̣  𝒬 ,  }
            (fᶜ : Coalgebraic 𝒫ᴮ 𝒬ᴮ ℛᴮ f)
            (h : δ Ξ   , 𝒳  α Γ)
            (σ : Γ ~[ 𝒫 ]↝ Δ) (ς : Δ ~[ 𝒬 ]↝ Θ)
   h (lift ℛᴮ Ξ  v  f (σ v) ς))
   h  v  f (lift 𝒫ᴮ Ξ σ v) (lift 𝒬ᴮ Ξ ς))
lift-dist 𝒳 {Ξ} = Strength.str-dist (δ:Strength Ξ) 𝒳