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Lab 1
Computer Laboratory > Course material 2005-06 > ECAD and Architecture Main Page > Lab 1

  The Excalibur Demo Board

The Excalibur board is based around an Altera EPXA1 IC, which contains a reasonably sized FPGA, and an ARM9 processor with various peripherals. To help transfer data between the ARM and the FPGA, there is an AHB data bus, and 16kB of dual ported RAM. On the demo board itself there is Ethernet, two serial ports (one of which must be implemented in the FPGA), SDRAM and Flash memory.

The board also has two expansion headers which special I/O boards connect to, providing a safe way to connect other devices to the IC. We will be using these in later practicals.

  PART 1 - Starting Quartus and making a new Project

First create a new directory for the first part of this workshop in your filespace for the project, perhaps called lab1\lights. Into this, download the file main.v and excalibur_pins.tcl. Sometimes (for some reason best known to itself), Internet Explorer adds "(1)" to the end of file names when you download them - make sure you don't save it with this. The files are, respectively, a Verilog hardware description file, and a TCL script to set up your project.

You should now open the Quartus II program from the Start menu (it's in PWF Programs | Teaching Packages | Computer Laboratory and called Quartus II 4.0. Once loaded, it should look like the screen on the left. In the bottom left corner there is the messages window, with the status window just above it on the left. If you can't see them, turn them on from the View | Utility Windows menu.

Now, select File | New Project Wizard..., click Next and enter the information as shown in the screenshot on the right (with your directory specified). The project will be called 'lights', but the top level entity must be called 'main' since the TCL script assumes it. Click Next.

On Page 2, you must specify the files that are in your project. Click the "Add..." button and select the main.v file that was downloaded previously. Page 3 allows you to choose which tools are to be used by Quartus. At the moment we'll just be using the standard Quartus tools, so all items should be set to <NONE>. The next page allows you to choose the type of device to compile for; the demo boards use Excalibur parts, so choose EXCALIBUR_ARM from the drop down list, and make sure that 'Yes' is checked. Finally, go to the next page and choose EPXA1F484C1 as the device, and leave the other three settings as 'Any'. You can then click Finish and the project will be created. Open the verilog description file (main.v) with File | Open...

Now the project has been created, the TCL script needs to be executed so that it can set up the pin assignments. Use Tools | TCL Scripts... and click on excalibur_pins under Project and then click Run. The script will take a few seconds to run and status will appear in the window at the bottom.

The project is now completely set up, and you should be able to click the Start Compilation () button, or the menu option under Processing. The Messages and Status window should show how the compilation is doing, and when it is finished a window will be displayed, hopefully saying compilation was successful. There will almost certainly be warnings, but these aren't fatal.

  Uploading to the FPGA

Now the project has compiled, it can be uploaded to the Excalibur demo board. Go to Tools | Programmer. Next to the Hardware setup button check to make sure it says "ByteBlaster [LPT1]". If not, click on the Hardware setup button and then Add Hardware, select ByteBlasterMV or ByteBlaster II and press OK. Back in the hardware setup window, select the ByteBlaster from the list, and press Select Hardware. Currently selected hardware should now show "ByteBlaster [LPT1]", so click Close. Once you have the ByteBlaster installed, click the auto detect button. This will detect all devices on the JTAG chain - there should be 2 of them (if not, change the jumper on the EPXA1 board marked JSELECT to the 2-3 position and try again). Right-click on the one marked EPXA1 and choose Change File (you can also use the toolbar button or double-click where it says "1. <none>"). Select main.sof, and tick the 'Program/Configure' box. To upload, click the Start Programming button on the top of the toolbar that appeared on the left of the work area.

Tip: sometimes the EPXA1 device number is not recognised by the current version of Quartus. Usually the EPXA1 device is the first one on the device chain, so try to download the file to that device as per the instructions above.

After this, the LED bar graph on the demo board should light up each LED in turn. You can also use the PC to simulate the logic, and a brief walkthough of using Quartus' simulator is provided below.


First a waveform file needs to be created. This is a simple way to specify the input signals through a graphical interface. These signals provide input to the FPGA in the simulation.

  • Click File | New... and select Other Files | Vector Waveform File, or click the button (), to bring up the vector waveform editor.
  • Right-click on the left-hand pane of the window labelled Waveform1.vwf and click Insert Node or Bus....
  • In this new window, click Node Finder. This window allows you to select parts of your design to look at and change at simulation time.
  • Make sure Named is set to '*'
  • and that Filter is Pins: all.
  • Click List. The list on the left should now show all the pins that the project uses (CLK, LEDS, LEDS[0], etc.).
  • Select CLK and LEDS and click the right-arrow button to add them to the right-hand list.
  • Click OK, and OK again, and two lines should now have been added to the waveform window.
  • Click on CLK to select the waveform for the clock input.
  • Click the clock button on the left.
  • Set Period to 25 Mhz and click OK. This will replace the CLK waveform with a clock like that on the Excalibur board.
  • Choose Edit | End Time... and choose 1 ms. You can also set up the state of inputs for brief periods of time by highlighting the area you want, and selecting one of the buttons on the left. There isn't any need for that here though.
  • Save the waveform file to main.vwf.
  • To tell Quartus to simulate with the vector file, you have to use Assignments | Wizards | Simulator Settings Wizard...
  • On the first page after the introduction, make sure simulation mode is set to Functional (this is not as accurate, but is far quicker than Timing simulation).
  • On page 2, choose main.vwf as the settings file, and select No for the other two options.
  • On page 3, make sure that Simulation runs until the Vector Stimuli have been used is turned on.
  • On page 4, answer No.
  • The last thing you need to do is generate the netlist for the simulation by choosing Processing | Generate Fuctional Simulation Netlist.

Now everything is set up, you can just choose Processing | Start Simulation or click the button () and the simulation should begin (if it asks, there is no need to save the CDF file). You can use the magnifying glass to zoom out, and clicking on the '+' button by LEDS will expand the bus into its component data lines. You will find that there is no useful output. Why? How can you make a minor adjustment to your Verilog code in order that a useful simulation can take place? We would like to see a result like the one below showing each LED changing (output going low) in turn.

  PART 2 - Electronic Door Lock

The idea of this part of the practical is to create a simple 4 digit electronic door lock in the FPGA. The four switches on the demo board (SW2/3/4/5) will have to be pressed in the correct order before an LED on the LED bar graph lights to show that the FPGA is unlocked. The illustration to the left shows a simple state diagram. However, when the lock is implemented in the FPGA, it is recommended that more states are used. When the correct button is pressed, a state should be entered, and when it is released, the state should change again. This allows the combination to consist of the same button pressed two or more times.

In addition to a state machine, you will have to make a module to debounce the switches.

Download main.v and excalibur_pins.tcl into a new directory for the project. excalibur_pins.tcl is the same file as last time, but the new main.v contains the outline of a Verilog file that should be the door lock. Set up a project in the new directory, as was detailed above, and then make the following additions to main.v:

Add the switch debouncing module to main.v (see ECAD lecture 4 and note errata for debounce2 on the ECAD Lectures page).

Set up the bottom 4 LEDs on the bar graph (LEDS[3:0]) to indicate the state in binary. Remember that the LEDs turn on when the output is 0, not 1. Set the remaining 6 LEDs (LEDS[9:4]) to light up if state is 8 (unlocked).

In the case statement, fill in an action for each state. The code here will dictate which sequence of buttons opens the lock. For example, if the lock's code was ADCB, in state 0, if A was pressed (and no other switches), state 1 should be entered. In state 1, if A was released, state 2 should be entered, but if any other key was pressed, the state should be set to 0. The unlocked state, 8, should return to state 0 if any key is pressed.



  1. In part 1: what did you have to change in order to obtain useful simulation results and why?
  2. In part 2: why did the switches need to be debounced and what would happen if they were not debounced?
  3. In part 2: how long does your debouncer wait before deciding whether the switch was pressed or released?

Ticking criteria

  • When uploaded to the demo board, the LED bar graph should display the current state in some manner, and some indication of whether it is in the locked or unlocked state.
  • The lock should be opened by a sequence of button presses which you have written down, and not by any other sequence that is tried.
  • The Verilog code for part 2 (but not for part 1) needs to be cleanly formatted and commented.
  • You must give a live demonstration of your solution.
  • Answers to the questions for the workshop must be added to the end of your code.
  • The following header must be added to all code submitted:
    // ECAD+Arch Workshop 1 - Electronic door lock
    // Your name
    // Your college
    // Your CRSid
    // Date

Ticking procedure

  1. Show your work to one of the demonstrators (on screen or paper). They will award you with a tick if the work is up to standard.
  2. Print out your final work and add it to your portfolio to be submitted as instructed in the Head of Department notice.