Department of Computer Science and Technology

Course pages 2017–18

Concepts in Programming Languages


Some additional background and code examples

Some additional exercises

Supervision question sets courtesy of Andrew Rice

(Note that topics VII, X and XI have been added/re-written since these questions were written.)

Slides by topic and pointers to further reading material

  1. Introduction and motivation.
    Supplementary reading material:
  2. The first procedural language: FORTRAN (1954-58).
    Supplementary reading material:
  3. The first declarative language: LISP (1958-62).
    Supplementary reading material:
  4. Block-structured procedural languages: Algol (1958-68) and Pascal (1970).
    Supplementary reading material:
  5. Object-oriented languages --- Concepts and origins: SIMULA (1964-67) and Smalltalk (1971-80).
    Programming language: Squeak.
    Supplementary reading material:
  6. Types in programming languages: ML (1973-1978).
    Supplementary reading material:
  7. Scripting Languages and Dynamic Typing.
  8. Data abstraction and modularity: SML Modules (1984-97).
    Supplementary reading material:
  9. Languages for concurrency and parallelism
    • Functional-style programming meets object-orientation
      Programming language: Scala.
      Supplementary reading material:
    • Miscellaneous concepts.


    Further reading material (due to Marcelo Fiore); not needed for examination purpose