Computer Laboratory

Course pages 2013–14


Course materials this year are available on the dedicated site, If you experience problems with the site, please email one of the course lecturers.

Question sets are also available on the Online Teaching Tools site:

Supervision plans and discussion points for questions are available for supervisors and Director's of Studies. Contact ott-admin@cl for access.

Alastair Beresford and Andrew Rice
October 2013

Assessed exercise

The assessed exercise should be completed by midday on Friday 24th January, with viva examinations taking place on Thursday 30th January and Friday 31st January.

Here is a test program you can use to test your solution: This can be used from the command line on Linux PWF as follows: swipl -t "load_files(['',''])"


Errors in the lecture videos and questions are indexed by video number (V), slide number (S) and time (T).

15bNo slide or question indexSlide and question index builtrsa33
1210divintdiv (div is an infix operator in some versions of prolog)hp343
86-94:30Video and audio are not quite in sync(under investigation)awc32, vbt22
7When asking to generalise from 8-Queens to n-Queens its not clear what the chessboard size should doYou should generalise to n-Queens on an nxn chessboardcdk23
38The text typed during the lecture on this slide should read rule2 rather than rule.Correct....jp581
38Implicit binding of the exists quantifier is too large. This is important because otherwise the statement holds when thing(1,2) and thang(2) is true but rule2(1) is false - this happens because false implies anything and the overlarge capture of the exists allows you pick a z for which the LHS is false.There should be an open bracket before the exists and a close bracket before the implication arrowjp581
8610:00eval(mult(A2,B2),C2) :- eval(A2,A3),eval(B2,B3), C2 is A2*B2 is incorrect.It should read C2 is A3*B3.mjh233
1723The domain of P is {1,2,3,4}The domain of P is {1,4}.arg58