Research Opportunities:
The Systems Research Group within Computer Laboratory is always on the lookout for new research students, especially
those with previous systems experience. Research assistant positions (both pre and
post-doc) are available from time to time. Contact:[iap10@cl.cam.ac.uk].
Why would you like to research for COMS?
We have tons of ideas for Part II and Diploma student projects to work on. If you're interested to contribute to COMS, send an e-mail to any of us or at this address: [rc277@cl.cam.ac.uk]
The following Part-II, Diploma and Summer Interns have contributed to COMS:
Joel Cartwright, Part-II, work led to a paper in IEEE GLOBECOM'2002
Sachin Katti, Summer Intern - IITB, work led to a paper in IEEE INFOCOM'2003
Andrew Clark, Part II, work led to a paper in ACM MOBISYS 2003
Kavitha Subramanian, Summer Intern - IITB, publication pending.
Daniel Shane, Diploma (postgraduate student), Work on Mobile Agents.