About Cambridge Open Mobile System (COMS)
The Cambridge Open
Mobile System (COMS) project is a joint effort to expose the
3G and evolving 4G mobile systems technology to a group of developers
and early adopters in the University of
Research in the COMS project is conducted over real testbeds: - a commercial Vodafone 2.5G(GPRS)/3G experimental testbed (operational since July 2001)
- a loosely-coupled, Mobile IPv6-based, GPRS/3G-WLAN-LAN testbed (operational since March 2003).
- (Feb 2004!) We have added yet another wireless tier - a Bluetooth-based Personal Area Network (PAN) - to our fully-integrated wireless access testbed.
COMS is a collaborative reseach effort led by the Networks and Operating Systems Group (NETOS) in the Computer Laboratory and also works closely with
the Laboratory for Communications Engineering (LCE) in
the Engineering Department.
Various other departments of the University of Cambridge such as the Statistical
Laboratory, the Rainbow
Group in the Computer Laboratory and the Department
of Applied Economics are also involved in COMS. Research
also extends to other organizations (e.g. Microsoft Research, Intel Research )
and universities within (e.g. UCL) as well as outside of the UK (e.g. Naples, Italy).
Cambridge Open Mobile System is related to Cambridge 3G but distinct
from it.
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