Presentations and Talks since 1978
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1. Agata Brajdic, Robert Harle, "Particle filtering on GPU for indoor pedestrian localisation," International Conference on Pervasive Computing 2011, Jun 2011

2. Daniel T. Wagner, Andrew Rice, Alastair R. Beresford, "Device Analyzer (Extended Abstract)," HotMobile 2011, Mar 2011

3. George Coulouris, "From RPC to Web Apps: Trends in Client-Server Systems," Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, Presentation, May 2010

4. Simon Hay, Andrew Rice, Andy Hopper, "Personal energy metering," 2nd International Conference on Computational Sustainability (CompSust 2010), Cambridge, MA, 2010

5. Sören Preibusch, "Deploying web user authentication with Shibboleth," DTG Monday Meeting, Skills Presentation, May 2009

6. Simon Hay, Andrew Rice, Andy Hopper, "A global personal energy meter," Ubiquitous Computing at a Crossroads: Art, Science, Politics and Design (UbiComp Grand Challenge), Jan 2009

7. Bogdan Roman, "From analog to digital circuts: A phenomenological overview," Presentation, May 2008

8. Andy Hopper, "Computing for the Future of the Planet," Presentation, Mar 2008

9. David Cottingham, "Everything you wanted to know about revision control but never dared to ask," Skills Presentation, Feb 2008

10. Anthony Hylick, Andrew Rice, Brian Jones, Ripduman Sohan, "Hard Drive Power Consumption Uncovered," ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 54-55, Dec 2007

11. William Carson, "MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing," Skills Presentation, Nov 2007

12. Jonathan J. Davies, "A few introductory topics in typography," Skills Presentation, Oct 2007

13. Andrew Rice, "How to draw a diagram," Skills Presentation, Oct 2007

14. Bogdan Roman, Frank Stajano, "Scalable Medium Access Control," Microsoft Research Workshop 2007 (poster, won 2nd place), Cambridge, UK, Jun 2007

15. Mohamed Ali Teffahi, "MIMONET: Advanced MIMO techniques for Communication Networks," Presentation, May 2006

16. I J Wassell, "Broadband Access – Fixed Wireless Solutions," MSc. Research Seminar,, University of Essex, Presentation, Nov 2005

17. E. Katsiri, Alan Mycroft, "Middleware for Context-Awareness in Distributed Sensor-Driven Systems ," Presentation, Jul 2005

18. Marcelo Pias, "Tutorial on Internet Coordinate Systems," Guest lecture, Advanced Systems Topics, Computer Lab (2005), Presentation, Mar 2005

19. Elgan Huang, "An Ad Hoc Network Taxi Dispatch System," Presentation, Mar 2005

20. Karen Su, "MIMO Communication Systems: Advances in Efficient Signal Detection," Presentation, Jan 2005

21. L. Kencl, M. Pias, S. Pennock, A. Bramley, D. Kerwin, P. Shepherd, G. Trewartha, "System for Radio Tracking of Team-Sports Players," In Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), ACM, Sep 2004