Computer Laboratory

Course pages 2011–12

Introduction to Natural Language Processing


There will be four ticked, short, take-home assignments on linguistic analysis during weeks 1-5. These assignments should be handed to student administration before the lecture on the following Friday. Each assignment is worth 5% of the final mark.


  • Practical Week 6: (6 hours) PoS tag, chunk, and/or perform NER on a designated text with one or more provided tools. Evaluate the performance of the tools quantitatively and qualitatively.
  • Practical Week 8: (6 hours) Parse a designated set of sentences with one or more provided tools, to yield representations of their grammatical relations, phrase structure and/or logical forms. Evaluate the performance of the tools quantitatively and qualitatively.

Handouts describing each practical in more detail will be provided at the beginning of weeks 6 and 8.

There will be an assessed practical report based on the practicals described above. The practical report will consist of a description of the work done of not more than 5000 words. It will contribute 80% of the final module mark. The practical report should be handed to student administration at the beginning of the Lent Term.