Computer Laboratory

ECAD and Architecture Practical Classes



  • Why are multiplies so fast on the Cyclon IV FPGA?
  • Why were you asked to use fixed-point numbers to calculate the Mandelbrot set?
  • Why was the data memory interface removed from the TTC for the multicore system?
  • How many TTCs did you use in your fastest design and how quickly did it calculate the Mandelbrot set when the maximum number of iterations was set at 255?

Ticking Criteria

  • You must give a live demonstration of your solution and demonstrate that the Mandelbrot set can be generated in under 10 seconds with a maximum iteration value of 255 per pixel using one Nios-II and several TTCs.
  • You need to correctly answer the above questions and provide them in a written form.
  • Your C, assembler and SystemVerilog code needs to be cleanly formatted and commented
  • The following header must be added to C and Verilog code submitted:
        // ECAD & Architecture Practical Class - Exercise 2 - Mandelbrot set
        // Your name
        // Your college
        // Your CRSid
        // Date

Ticking Procedure

  1. Give a live demonstration of the working project to one of the demonstrators.
  2. Show your work and answers to the questions (on screen or paper) to one of the demonstrators. They will award you with a tick if the work is up to standard.
  3. Print out your final work and add it to your portfolio to be submitted as instructed in the Head of Department Notice.

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