Module Machregs

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Ast.

Machine registers

for integers, we use only two temporaries for spilling and reloading, plus eax for the calling conventions; for floats, we use SSE2 registers - will have to think about the top of the float stack for the calling conventions Following compcert, the type mreg does not include special-purpose or reserved machine registers such as the stack pointer and the condition codes.

Inductive mreg: Type :=
Allocatable integer regs
  | rEBX | rESI | rEDI | rEBP
Allocatable float regs
  | rXMM0 | rXMM1 | rXMM2 | rXMM3 | rXMM4 | rXMM5
Integer temporaries
  | IT1 | IT2 | rEAX
Float temporaries
  | FT1 | FT2 | FP0 .

Lemma mreg_eq: forall (r1 r2: mreg), {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}.
decide equality. Qed.

Definition mreg_type (r: mreg): typ :=
  match r with
  | rEBX => Tint | rESI => Tint | rEDI => Tint | rEBP => Tint
  | rXMM0 => Tfloat | rXMM1 => Tfloat | rXMM2 => Tfloat
  | rXMM3 => Tfloat | rXMM4 => Tfloat | rXMM5 => Tfloat
  | IT1 => Tint | IT2 => Tint | rEAX => Tint
  | FT1 => Tfloat | FT2 => Tfloat | FP0 => Tfloat

Open Scope positive_scope.

Module IndexedMreg <: INDEXED_TYPE.
  Definition t := mreg.
  Definition eq := mreg_eq.
  Definition index (r: mreg): positive :=
    match r with
    | rEBX => 1 | rESI => 2 | rEDI => 3 | rEBP => 4
    | rXMM0 => 5 | rXMM1 => 6 | rXMM2 => 7 | rXMM3 => 8 | rXMM4 => 9 | rXMM5 => 10
    | IT1 => 11 | IT2 => 12 | rEAX => 13
    | FT1 => 14 | FT2 => 15 | FP0 => 16
  Lemma index_inj:
    forall r1 r2, index r1 = index r2 -> r1 = r2.
    by destruct r1; destruct r2.
End IndexedMreg.