CL wireless comms lecture. Slides for my Part II lecture on wireless comms which is part of the Topical Issues Lecture Series (here).
Co-lecture the Part III course on Sampling and Compressed Sensing at DAMTP. See my DAMTP homepage for details.
Queens' DoS'ing and supervising
Computer Lab supervisions
- Probability (IA)
- Discrete Maths II (IA)
- Digital Electronics (IA)
- Operating Systems (IA)
- Computer Networking (IB)
- Proof and Logic (IB)
Engineering supervisions
- Electromagnetics + PPE (IA)
- Linear Circuits and Devices (IA)
- Digital Circuits (IA)
- Probability (IB)
- Signal Analysis (IB)
- Communications (IB)
- Integrated Digital Electronics (IIA, 3B2)
Supervision Tips (read if you are new to Cambridge!)
- General supervision guidelines. First I urge you to read the general supervision guidelines which are applicable to all supervisions in all subjects. These have been written by the Cambridge Students Union.
- Be diligent about supervision work. Make sure you plan and spend good time on the supervision work sufficiently in advance of the supervision. Good students spend days to properly answer a set of questions. They take time to research and understand the course. This ensures a deeper understanding and longer lasting skills, and that's exactly why you are here (oh, and it would also help you when revising for exams and for acing them .. but that's not why you're here). Do not rush or do the work at the last minute! That leads to the opposite effects: superficial understanding, forgetting the material quickly, painful exam revision (believe me, time will not be your friend then), and it can also waste or affect the supervision itself, which the supervisor and your supervision mates would not be thrilled about.
- Attempt all questions.
This is very important.
Those who had supervisions with me know I insist on this.
Regardless of how hard or easy they seem, make sure you attempt
every single question!
- Hard questions left unattempted means you will more easily forget the solution, method or approach after it is explained during the supervision. If you struggle with it for a good while, then any tips provided at the supervision will stick for longer and will help you at the exam. It is also a prerequisite for improving your academic skills. Brainstorm the hard questions at least, but don't leave them blank.
- Easy questions left unattempted increase the chance of making silly errors and wasting time during an exam or any other stressful scenario. Solving easy questions is good practice and helps you gain the peace of mind, confidence and needed background for solving harder questions and being more efficient and relaxed is stressful scenarios. Make sure you solve all easy questions.
- Be engaging during supervisions. It's highly unlikely you'll say or ask silly things during supervisions (I sometimes take on that role!), I want you to speak out loud! Forget any fears you might have developed prior to coming to Cambridge. Remember that supervisions are not meant to examine but to teach and help you (in that sense, they are the opposite of the admission interviews). The more engaging you are (just don't overdo it), the better and quicker you learn and we get to cover more material. It's quite difficult for supervisors to infer what you missed if you're silent, even when using active prompting.
- Submitting supervision work. Unlike other supervisors, I normally do not require you to submit work in advance. However, I do require you to do the work in full (see above) and to bring it at the supervision, as I do check it. Understanding challenging handwriting and marking work in advance is many times rendered useless as I usually end up going through all questions during the supervision anyway, with the entire group. My supervisions are normally highly interactive, and we get to discuss all interesting or problematic aspects for each student.
- Revision supervisions. These are optional and happen at the end of the year, before the exams. It is assumed you revised the course well beforehand. Let me know if you want a revision supervision (if I supervised you or if I am your DoS). For a revision supervision I usually ask you to attempt 1-2 past exams on your own, then go through them with you during the supervision. We also cover other questions you gathered while revising. Revision supervisions may involve bigger groups and may be longer than 1h.
- Asking questions outside supervisions. Do feel free to ask me questions by email. I'm usually happy to reply and give detailed answers. I may prefer this to a revision supervision if you have on point questions or not a lot to ask. If however you solved a long set of questions on your own and want me to mark it then I may delay it or be unable to help; a revision supervision or on point questions via email may be better alternatives.