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Department of Computer Science and Technology



Course pages 2024–25

Theories of Socio-digital Design for Human-Centred AI

Principal lecturer: Prof Alan Blackwell
Additional lecturer: Dr Tomasz Hollanek
Taken by: MPhil ACS, Part III
Code: R225
Term: Lent
Hours: 16
Format: In-person lectures
Class limit: max. 10 students
Prerequisites: This course is appropriate to any ACS student, and will assist in the development of critical thinking, argument and long-form writing skills. Prior experience of essay-based humanities subjects at university or secondary school will be beneficial, but not required.
Moodle, timetable


This module is a theoretically-oriented advanced introduction to the broad field of human-computer interaction, extending to consider topics such as intelligent user interfaces, critical and speculative design, participatory design, cognitive models of users, human-centred, as well as more-than-human-centred design, and others. The course will not address purely engineering approaches to the development of user interfaces (unless there is a clear theoretical question being addressed), but allow students to effectively link the political, social, and ethical considerations in HCI to specific technical and conceptual design challenges. The module builds on the Practical Research in Human-Centred AI course offered in Michaelmas (developed with researchers at Microsoft Research Cambridge) and a collaboration with the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at Cambridge. Participants may include visitors from these groups and/or interdisciplinary research students and academic guests from other University departments, including Cambridge Digital Humanities.


The syllabus will remain broadly within the area of human-computer interaction, including theories of design practice and the social contexts of technology use. Individual seminar topics will be selected in response to contemporary and recent research developments, in consultation with members of the class and visiting contributors.

Representative topics in the next year are likely to include:

  • Responsible AI and HCI
  • Intersectional design for social justice
  • Participatory design and co-design
  • Sustainable AI and more-than-human-centred design
  • Usefulness and usability of ethical design toolkits
  • The EU AI Act in design practice
  • AI and interface design for transparency
  • Designing otherwise: on anarchist HCI


On completion of this module, students should have developed facility in discussing and critiquing the aims of their research, especially for an audience drawn from other academic disciplines, including the following skills:

  • Theoretical motivation and defence of a research question.
  • Consideration of a research proposal from one or more alternative theoretical perspectives.
  • Potential critique of the theoretical basis for a programme of research.


In advance of each seminar, all participants must read the essential reading - generally one long, plus one or two short papers. Further reading is suggested for some seminars. Some weeks, instead of shorter papers, students will be asked to explore specific design tools or resources.

Before seminars 2-8, each student will submit a written commentary on the paper, either generated using a large language model (LLM), or written in the style of an LLM, supplemented by a short original observation.

Each member of the class must select one of the 8 seminar themes as the subject for a more extended critical review essay. The critical review should be written as an academic research essay, not in LLM style.

Each seminar will include an informal design exercise to be carried out in small groups. The purpose of these exercises is to reflect on a variety of practical design resources, by applying those resources to concrete case studies.

Throughout the course, students will be expected to keep a "reflective diary", briefly reporting themes that arise in discussion, reflections on the design exercises, and ways in which the readings relate to their own research interests.

Practical work

There is no practical work element in this course.


  • Written critical review of a single discussion text (20%)
  • Reflective diary submitted at the end of the module (60%)
  • In advance of the session, each student will submit a written commentary on the paper, either generated using a large language model (LLM), or written in the style of an LLM. A short original observation should be added (20%)

Recommended reading

To be assigned during the module, as discussed above. Most set readings will be available either from the ACM Digital Library, or from institutional repositories of the authors.

Further Information

Students from the MPhil in the Ethics of AI, Data and Algorithms, MSt in AI, and MPhil in Digital Humanities courses also attend the lectures for this module.