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University of Cambridge Home Computer Laboratory
ARM Reference
Computer Laboratory > Course material 2004-05 > ECAD + Architecture Main Page > ARM Reference

For more info, see the ARM922T DATASHEET


ARM Instructions work on 32 bit registers. There are 16 of these, numbered r0 to r15. A few of them have special uses, the main ones being: r15(Program Counter),r14(Return Address),r13(Stack Pointer). They can also be specified using special register names (r15=pc,r14=lr,r13=sp). Each instruction may be executed on some condition, and most may also update the condition flags (by adding an 'S' to the end of the instruction).

Condition Values


Here is a list of some of the most commonly used instructions, and meanings for them:

MOV r0,r1Move r1 to r0
MOV r0,r1,LSL #2Move r1 to r0, and shift it left by 2
MOV r0,r1,LSR r2Move r1 to r0, and shift it right r2 times
MOV r0,#42Move the number 42 to r0 (This only works for some numbers)
LDR r0,=42Move the number 42 to r0 (This works for all numbers)
LDR r0,=my_tableMove the address of 'my_table' to r0
ADD r0,r1,r2Add r1 to r2 and put the result in r0
SUB r0,r1,r2Subtract r2 from r1 and put the result in r0
MUL r0,r1,r2Multiply r1 by r2 and put the result in r0. You are not allowed to use the same register for the first and second arguments. Strangely though, you may use the same register for the first and third without problems.
CMP r0,r1Compare r0 to r1 and update the flags
B my_labelStart executing the code at my_label
BL my_functionBranch and link. Executes code at my_function, but saves the next instruction's location to r14. Used for function calls.
MOV r15,r14Returns from a function
BEQ my_labelStart executing the code at my_label IF on the previous comparison, the two values equaled each other. If the comparison was instead 'MOVS r0,r1' or similar, it will branch if r1 equalled zero.
LDR r0,[r1]Put the contents of memory location r1 into r0. the bottom two bits of r1 must be 0.
LDRB r0,[r1]Put the contents of the byte at memory location r1 into r0.
STR r0,[r1]Put r0 at memory location r1. the bottom two bits of r1 must be 0.
STRB r0,[r1]Put the least significant byte of r0 at memory location r1
STMFD sp!,{r4,r5}Push r4 and r5 onto the stack. Note: registers are pushed in their numerical order. NOT the order you specify them in this instruction
LDMFD sp!,{r4,r5}Pop r4 and r5 off the stack. Note: registers are popped in their numerical order. NOT the order you specify them in this instruction

  Useful Code Snippets

Loop around a piece of code 42 times

   MOV r0,#42
   SUBS r0,r0,#1

Get one bit from an array in memory

(at location r0 (returned in r0 as well))
ldr r1,=my_array
mov r2,r0,LSR #3
ldrb r3,[r1,r2]
and r2,r0,#7
mov r3,r3,LSR r2
and r0,r3,#1

Set one bit in an array in memory

(at location r0)
ldr r1,=my_array
ldrb r2,[r1,r0,LSR #3]
and r3,r0,#7
mov r4,#1
mov r3,r4,LSL r3
orr r2,r2,r3
strb r2,[r1,r0,LSR #3]

Call a function, preserving all registers

stmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}
bl my_function
ldmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}