Computer Science Part IB
- Introduction to ECAD
- Dr David Greaves
- Arts School Room A (8 lectures at 10:00 on TTS starting 08-Oct-98)
- Concurrent Systems
- Dr Jean Bacon
- Rayleigh Lecture Room (12 lectures at 10:00 on MWF starting 09-Oct-98)
- Unix Tools
- Dr Arthur Norman
- Heycock Room (4 lectures at 11:00 on MWF starting 09-Oct-98)
- Logic and Proof
- Dr Larry Paulson
- Heycock Room (12 lectures at 12:00 on MWF starting 09-Oct-98)
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Dr Martin Richards
- Heycock Room (16 lectures at 11:00 on MWF starting 19-Oct-98)
- Computer Design
- Dr Simon Moore
- Arts School Room A (16 lectures at 10:00 on TTS starting 27-Oct-98)
- Numerical Analysis I
- Dr Mike O'Donohoe
- Arts School Room A (8 lectures at 11:00 on TT starting 05-Nov-98)
- Further Java
- Dr Peter Robinson
- Heycock Room (12 lectures at 10:00 on MWF starting 06-Nov-98)
- Group Project Briefing
- Dr Ross Anderson
- Heycock Room (2 lectures at 12:00 on TT starting 24-Nov-98)
- Continuous Mathematics
- Dr John Daugman
- Heycock Room (4 lectures at 11:00 on MWF starting 25-Nov-98)
- Comparative Programming Languages
- Dr Martin Richards
- Arts School Room A (12 lectures at 10:00 on TTS starting 14-Jan-99)
- Operating System Functions
- Mr Steve Hand
- Arts School Room A (8 lectures at 11:00 on TTS starting 14-Jan-99)
- Compiler Construction
- Dr Alan Mycroft
- Arts School Room A (20 lectures at 10:00 on MWF starting 15-Jan-99)
- Computation Theory
- Dr Ken Moody
- Arts School Room A (12 lectures at 11:00 on MWF starting 15-Jan-99)
- Semantics of Programming Languages
- Dr Andrew Pitts
- Heycock Room (12 lectures at 11:00 on TTS starting 02-Feb-99)
- Digital Communications I
- Prof Ian Leslie
- Arts School Room A (12 lectures at 10:00 on TTS starting 11-Feb-99)
- Prolog for Artificial Intelligence
- Dr William Clocksin
- Arts School Room A (12 lectures at 11:00 on MWF starting 12-Feb-99)
- Introduction to Security
- Dr Ross Anderson
- Arts School Room A (4 lectures at 11:00 on TTS starting 02-Mar-99)
- Computer Graphics and Image Processing
- Dr Neil Dodgson
- Arts School Room A (16 lectures at 10:00 on MWF(L) TTS(E) starting 03-Mar-99)
- Foundations of Functional Programming
- Rayleigh Lecture Theatre (12 lectures at 11:00 on TTS starting 22-Apr-99)
- Databases
- Dr Ken Moody
- Arts School Room A (12 lectures at 10:00 on MWF starting 23-Apr-99)
- Complexity
- Dr Arthur Norman
- Arts School Room A (12 lectures at 11:00 on MWF starting 23-Apr-99)
- Project Briefing I
- Prof Mike Gordon
- Rayleigh Lecture Theatre (1 lecture at 12:00 on W starting 19-May-99)
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