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Configuring a XenoServer
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Setting up a XenoServer


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The XenoDaemon Management Tool is intended to be used by the server owner in the XenoServers Open Platform. This document explains how the XenoDaemon Management Tool should be used to register, configure, start and monitor the XenoDaemon. Please follow the steps bellow.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Starting the Management Tool
  3. Configuring the server properties
  4. Registering the Server
  5. Declaring resources
  6. Start the Server


1. Prerequisites

You should have installed the XenoDaemon software first. To do so, follow the procedure described here. Before you start a server you should have verified that your installation is complete, by executing (in VM0) the corresponding "sanity check" script provided in the XenoDaemon package.

You should have decided on the network configuration that is going to be used. If sessions are going to be assigned link-local addresses, then a bridge should be configured using, for example, the following commands.

# brctl addbr xenobridge

# ifconfig xenobridge netmask up

Later on, the IP should be used as the first session IP (Base IP).

2. Starting the Management Tool

To start the XenoDaemon and its management tool, please run the xenodaemon executable which you can find in the XenoDaemon distribution. That should be at:

$ /opt/xenodaemon/xenodaemon

You should now see the following window, indicating the state of the XenoDaemon:

If you are starting the XenoDaemon for the first time, the XenoServer needs to be configured first. To define configuration properties (or confirm the defaults) click "configure".


3. Configuring the server properties

You should now see the following window. You most likely don't have to, but if you need to (or want to) you can set the values of the following properties of XenoDaemon:

  • domain0 IP: The IP address of the management VM (or VM0 or domain0).
  • domain xeno IP: The IP address of the VM in which XenoDaemon is running. If it is running in VM0, please type the same IP address as in the domain0IPaddress property.
  • ssh command: The command to be used to connect to VM0 using a secure shell (ssh). In most systems it is ssh or /usr/bin/ssh.
  • ssh user: As who XenoDaemon will connect to VM0 to execute privileged Xen commands.
  • base IP: The IP address for the first client VM. Subsequent VM addresses will be allocated incrementally.
  • console host: The IP address for accessing domain consoles.
  • base port: A range of 100 ports (such as RMI related ports) starting from this port will be used by the XenoDaemon.
  • bridge: The name of the network bridge on which the newly created VM's network interfaces are attached to.

When you are finished, click "save". You should see the main management tool window again. You are now ready to register the server with XenoCorp.


4. Registering the Server

Click on "register" in the main management tool window. The registration window that you should now be seeing is as shown below.

Please select the XenoCorp you want to register with from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Please type in the invite number you've been given in the corresponding text field; participation in the XenoServer platform is (at this stage) by invitation only. If you have not been given an invite number and would like to obtain one, or if your invite number does not work, please contact us.

At this stage you are asked to provide a password for the XenoServer's keys. This is important; make sure you remember your password as you will need it every time you start your XenoServer in the future. Also, please fill in the user details section with your personal details. Once you are finished, click "register".

IMPORTANT: Do not type in real credit card details, as the platform's security is still under monitoring and development. At this stage you will not need any real money to use the platform.

When registration is finished, you should return to the main XenoDaemon management tool window.


5. Declaring resources

Once you are finished with the registration process, you should have the following view of the main management tool window. You now have to declare the resources that your server will be selling, as well as the pricing schemes that you would like to associate with these resources. To do so, click on "declare" in the main management tool window.



Now, and every time you start the XenoDaemon in the future, you will be asked to enter the password you have chosen in the previous step. A dialog appears to carry on with the authentication, which should look as below. Enter your password and click "next".


Resource declaration

You are now prompted to select whether you want resources to be detected and declared automatically, or you wish to manually add them yourself. Unless you *really* are an expert user, we recommend going for the novice option. Click "next".



The XenoDaemon management tool will automatically detect and declare resources for you. You should be able to review the declared resources (please make sure none of the major ones is missing, e.g. CPU, memory, storage, ports):

If none of the major resources is missing, resource declaration is finished. Please jump to Section 5 of this document.



The system automatically detects available resources, but it's now up to the user to declare them. Confusing? We told you, it's for experts. If you don't understand a word, click "cancel" and roll back to novice mode.

At this stage you can manually add resources to the table on the left hand side (total available hardware resources), by clicking on "add". You then have to define the type of resource you are about to declare:

Then, you should define the properties of the resource you are declaring:

Clicking "add" will add your new resource to the list of available ones. Now you must declare resources, i.e. make some of the machine's hardware resources available to platform users at a certain price per unit. Select the resource you want to sell from the table on the left hand side and click on "declare". A window such as this will appear:

Here you should declare how you intend to sell the selected resource, by defining the following properties:

  • Description: a human-readable name for the resource.
  • Resource kind: the type of the hardware resource you are selling.
  • Pricing unit: the unit at which the resource is to be sold.
  • Consumption ratio: how many of the hardware units correspond to one of the units in which the resource is sold (e.g. 1 MB of network traffic corresponds to 1000000 units of "network bytes")
  • Owner: the XenoServer platform entity that owns the server.
  • Administrator: the XenoServer platform entity that manages the server.
  • Provider: the XenoServer platform entity that provides the resource.

When you are finished declaring your resource, click "declare". The resource will appear in the table on the right hand side.

6. Starting the Server

The main management tool window should now look like this:

Click on the Start button in the main XenoDaeon management tool window. If the server is started successfully, you will receive a notification window as below. The server is now ready to accept connections from clients, and an active part of the XenoServer platform.

You should now have this view of the main management tool window: