Federated Secure Sensor Network Laboratory
Sponsored by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Grant: EPSRC EP/G069557/1 Project dates: January 2010 - December 2012
Wireless sensor networks are more and more seen as a solution to large-scale tracking and monitoring applications. The deployment and management of these networks, however, is handled by a central controlling entity and the sensor network is often dedicated to a single application. We argue that this is due to the fact that we do not yet have the means to deal with a secure multi-purpose federated sensor network, running different applications in parallel and able to reconfigure dynamically to run others.
The communication paradigms which have been usually devised for small and single owner sensor networks simply do not have the right scalability, security, reconfigurability characteristics required for this environment.
With FRESNEL we aim to build a large scale federated sensor network framework with multiple applications sharing the same resources. We want to guarantee a reliable intra-application communication as well as a scalable and distributed management infrastructure. Orthogonally, privacy and application security should also be maintained.
We evaluate our proposal though a large scale federation of sensor networks over the Cambridge campus. The sensors monitor different aspects (temperature, pollution, movement, etc) and the network will be running various applications belonging to different authorities in the city.
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford |
3 January 2012
EWSN'12 Paper
Paper "SenShare: Transforming sensor networks into multi-application sensing infrastructures" accepted at EWSN'12.
[Publications]11 August 2010
SenSys'11 Demo
Demo "Shared Sensor Network Infrastructure" to be presented at SenSys'11.
[Publications]29 June 2010
Fresnel Meeting
The second FRESNEL meeting took place in Oxford on the 29th of June 2010.
28 January 2010
Kick-off meeting
The FRESNEL kick-off meeting will take place in Cambridge on the 28th of January 2010.
13 January 2010
FRESNEL Web-site is launched
The public FRESNEL web-site is now available.