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Class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord


public class ShortWord
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o ShortWord()
Constructor methods
 o ShortWord(Character)
 o ShortWord(Character, boolean)
 o ShortWord(long)
 o ShortWord(LongWord)

Method Index

 o fractValue()
Return the value as a fraction -1 < x < 1
 o getAddress()
Return the address part of this ShortWord, interpreted as an instruction.
 o getOpcode()
Return the opcode part of this ShortWord, interpreted as an instruction.
 o intValue()
Return the value in an integer
 o isLong()
Return boolean to test if the command would refer to a long address
 o isLongOperation()
Return whether this is an instruction dealing with LongWords
 o toString()
Display information on the contents


 o ShortWord
 public ShortWord()
Constructor methods

 o ShortWord
 public ShortWord(long i)
 o ShortWord
 public ShortWord(Character i)
 o ShortWord
 public ShortWord(Character i,
                  boolean top)
 o ShortWord
 public ShortWord(LongWord i)


 o intValue
 public int intValue()
Return the value in an integer

 o getOpcode
 public Character getOpcode()
Return the opcode part of this ShortWord, interpreted as an instruction.

 o getAddress
 public Address getAddress()
Return the address part of this ShortWord, interpreted as an instruction.

 o isLongOperation
 public boolean isLongOperation()
Return whether this is an instruction dealing with LongWords

 o fractValue
 public double fractValue()
Return the value as a fraction -1 < x < 1

 o toString
 public String toString()
Display information on the contents

toString in class Object
 o isLong
 public boolean isLong()
Return boolean to test if the command would refer to a long address

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