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Class edsac.datatypes.Character


public class Character
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o Character()
Constructor methods
 o Character(byte)
 o Character(char)
Convert a (unicode/ascii) char into an EDSAC character
 o Character(LongWord)
 o Character(ShortWord)

Method Index

 o byteValue()
Return the value contained.
 o charValue()
Return the value contained.
 o isInvalid()
Is the character invalid?
 o newShift(boolean)
Returns a boolean for the new state of shift, after processing the current character.
 o toString()
Return the EDSAC perferator character associated with the number.
 o toString(boolean)
Return the letter or number on the teleprinter associated with this Character.


 o Character
 public Character()
Constructor methods

 o Character
 public Character(byte i)
 o Character
 public Character(LongWord i)
 o Character
 public Character(ShortWord i)
 o Character
 public Character(char c)
Convert a (unicode/ascii) char into an EDSAC character


 o byteValue
 public byte byteValue()
Return the value contained.

 o charValue
 public char charValue()
Return the value contained.

 o toString
 public String toString(boolean figureShifted)
Return the letter or number on the teleprinter associated with this Character.

 o newShift
 public boolean newShift(boolean figureShifted)
Returns a boolean for the new state of shift, after processing the current character.

 o isInvalid
 public boolean isInvalid()
Is the character invalid?

 o toString
 public String toString()
Return the EDSAC perferator character associated with the number.

toString in class Object

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