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Class edsac.datatypes.Tapes


public class Tapes
extends Object

This class is basically a store for the tapes that can be loaded into the
simulator from the menu in the Input Window

: 1.0
: Crispin Flowerday

Variable Index

 o conway
 o cubes
 o happy_birthday1
Happy 50th Birthday - Switch to Tank 2 and watch.
 o hello
This tape simply prints out "HI" on the teleprinter and runs under initial orders 2
 o mandelbrot
 o oxo
 o primes
This Program Calculates prime numbers.
 o squares
This is the tape to calculate the square numbers.

Constructor Index

 o Tapes()


 o happy_birthday1
 public static final String happy_birthday1
Happy 50th Birthday - Switch to Tank 2 and watch.
The program was coded by Trev, Feb 1999

 o squares
 public static final String squares
This is the tape to calculate the square numbers.
It is First Program that actually ran on the Edsac, on 6th May 1949, it took 2 minutes
35 seconds to complete. It calculates all the square numbers,and the difference between
it and the previous square.

 o primes
 public static final String primes
This Program Calculates prime numbers. It was
the second program to run on the edsac. Originally it had abug in it, but after
was corrected (The first bug in a program!) It ran on 9th May 1949 and took
1 hour 58 to get to the primes up to 1500. On 10th May 50 copies of the primes
up to 1000 were produced.

 o oxo
 public static final String oxo
 o cubes
 public static final String cubes
 o conway
 public static final String conway
 o mandelbrot
 public static final String mandelbrot
 o hello
 public static final String hello
This tape simply prints out "HI" on the teleprinter and runs under initial orders 2


 o Tapes
 public Tapes()

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