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University of Cambridge Home Computer Laboratory
Advanced Graphics
Computer Laboratory > Course material 2003-04 > Advanced Graphics

Advanced Graphics

Principal lecturer: Dr Neil Dodgson
Taken by: Part II

Note: the section of the course on radiosity is not examinable this year.


Exercises and exam questions

There are two sets of exercises. You should expect to have two supervisions, one on each set of exercises.
  • Exercise set 1 for the first supervision, covering material from the first five lectures.
  • Exercise set 2 for the second supervision, covering material from the last three lectures.
Past exam questions are in two places: Advanced Graphics (98, 99, 02, 03) and Advanced Graphics and HCI (00, 01).

A starter exercise: Write a simple ray tracer. To make it as simple as possible, you could limit it to the following features: (1) only one type of primitive object: the sphere; (2) only one type of light source: either point lights or directional lights (which are roughly the same as point lights at infinity); and (3) only specular, diffuse and ambient lighting (using the model taught in Part IB). If you then want to extend it to do more interesting things, consider adding extra primitive objects, perfect mirror reflection, transparency and refraction. Beyond this you could experiment with texture mapping and bump mapping.

Useful web sites


Ray tracing

Beziers, B-splines and NURBS

Implicits and CSG


  • The website which compliments the book "Subdivision Methods For Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach" by Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer. It has a short tutorial on subdivision and Java applets illustrating both curve and surface subdivision.


Note: the section of the course on radiosity is not examinable this year.