The ray tracing algorithm: a simplistic pseudocode version

Select eye point (E), look point (L), up vector

Set screen plane to be centred on L, perpendicular to vector EL

Set screen size and number of pixel

For each pixel {

     Define D to be the unit vector pointing from E to the centre of the pixel

     Raytrace(E, D)



function Raytrace(E, D) returns Colour {

     nearest_t = infinity

     nearest_object = NULL

     for each object {

          find t, the smallest, non-negative real solution of the ray/object
                        intersection equation

          if t exists {

              if t < nearest_t {

                   nearest_t = t

                   nearest_object = current object




     colour = black

     if nearest_object exists {

          find normal vector, N, at intersection point

          if object is reflective {

              reflected_colour=Raytrace(intersection point, reflection vector)

              colour += reflection_coeff * reflected_colour ;


          if object is refractive {

              refracted_colour=Raytrace(intersection point, refracted vector)

              colour += refraction_coeff * refracted_colour ;


          for each light {

              if shadow_ray(intersection point, light position) returns No_Shadow {

                   calculate light’s colour contribution by doing the illumination calculations

                                    using D, N, the current light, and the object properties

                   colour += light’s colour contribution




     return colour




function shadow_ray(point1, point2) returns Shadow or No_Shadow {

     ray defined with E=point1, D=point2-point1

     nearest_t = infinity

     nearest_object = NULL

     for each object {

          find t, the smallest, non-negative real solution of the ray/object
                        intersection equation

          if t exists {

              if t < nearest_t {

                   nearest_t = t




     if t <1 return Shadow

     else return No_Shadow
