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University of Cambridge Home Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory > Abstracts

Seminars will be held in the Lecture Theatre 1 - William Gates Building, Computer Laboratory at 4.15pm
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"Designs on the Web"

Peter Cameron

School of Mathematical Sciences,
Queen Mary Univeristy of London

I will talk about a number of issues that have arisen in an EPSRC-funded project to produce a web server for designs suitable for both mathematicians and statisticians ( Some of these are: -exactly what is a design? (mathematicians and statisticians have rather different views); - production of an "external representation" for data exchange and its implementation in XML; - issues relating to computation of lists of designs and their mathematical and statistical properties (some statistical properties such as optimality refer to an entire class of designs); - theoretical issues such as differing notions of "partial balance".

Wednesday Seminars

Click here for previous seminars.