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Seminars will be held in the Lecture Theatre 1 - William Gates Building, Computer Laboratory at 4.15pm
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Orion: Named Flows with Access Control

Alexander(Sandy) Fraser

Fraser Research

Unix file system semantics, applied to the host/network interface for a wide area network, lead to a compact definition of a communications service and provide a versatile framework for privacy in computer communications. Flows are named connections between processes, and a network is a flow that contains other flows. Hierarchical design limits the scope of a name, and access permissions put limits on flow access. Services publish their names on the network. Pure clients, who by default have no need of a public name, are invisible and are not vulnerable to direct attack.

Processes communicate through Orion: a file system-like interface that hides details of network operation from applications and users alike. Many different implementations are possible, and can coexist behind this unifying interface. Not only is this architecture a substantial step towards a network that can evolve independently of its users, it is also a framework under which disparate internets can coexist behind a single user interface.

Wednesday Seminars

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