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Booth's Multiplier

Booth does two bits per clock cycle:

(* Call this function with c=0 and carry=0 to multiply x by y. *)

fun booth(x, y, c, carry) =
    if(x=0 andalso carry=0) then c else
let val x' = x div 4
    val y' = y * 4
    val n  = (x mod 4) + carry
    val (carry', c') = case (n) of
      (0) => (0, c)
     |(1) => (0, c+y)
     |(2) => (0, c+2*y)
     |(3) => (1, c-y)
     |(4) => (1, c)
    in booth(x', y', c', carry')
Exercise: Design a micro-architecture consisting of an ALU and register file to implement Booth. Design the sequencer too.
62: (C) 2011-12, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.