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4th March 2005: Martín Escardó
Computer Laboratory > Research > TSG > Logic and Semantics Seminar > 4th March 2005: Martín Escardó

Speaker: Martín Escardó, University of Birmingham
Title: Operational Domain Theory and Topology of a Sequential Programming Language
Time: 4th March 2005, 14:00
Venue: Lecture Theatre 2

Domain theory and topology in programming language semantics have been applied to manufacture and study denotational models, e.g., the Scott model of PCF. As is well known, for a sequential language like this, the match of the model with the operational semantics is imprecise: computational adequacy holds but full abstraction fails.

The main achievement of the present work is a reconciliation of a good deal of domain theory and topology with sequential computation. This is accomplished by side-stepping denotational semantics and reformulating domain-theoretic and topological notions directly in terms of programming concepts, interpreted in an operational way.

We apply this to prove the correctness of non-trivial (but short) programs that manipulate infinite data, in particular real numbers represented as infinite sequences of digits.

This is joint work with Ho Weng Kin.