Theory Crary

(*                                                    *)
(* Formalisation of the chapter on Logical Relations  *)
(* and a Case Study in Equivalence Checking           *)
(* by Karl Crary from the book on Advanced Topics in  *)
(* Types and Programming Languages, MIT Press 2005    *)

(* The formalisation was done by Julien Narboux and   *)
(* Christian Urban.                                   *)

theory Crary
  imports "HOL-Nominal.Nominal"

atom_decl name 

nominal_datatype ty = 
  | TUnit 
  | Arrow "ty" "ty" ("__" [100,100] 100)

nominal_datatype trm = 
  | Var "name" ("Var _" [100] 100)
  | Lam "«name»trm" ("Lam [_]._" [100,100] 100)
  | App "trm" "trm" ("App _ _" [110,110] 100)
  | Const "nat"

type_synonym Ctxt  = "(name×ty) list"
type_synonym Subst = "(name×trm) list" 

lemma perm_ty[simp]: 
  fixes T::"ty"
  and   pi::"name prm"
  shows "piT = T"
  by (induct T rule: ty.induct) (simp_all)

lemma fresh_ty[simp]:
  fixes x::"name" 
  and   T::"ty"
  shows "xT"
  by (simp add: fresh_def supp_def)

lemma ty_cases:
  fixes T::ty
  shows "( T1 T2. T=T1T2)  T=TUnit  T=TBase"
by (induct T rule:ty.induct) (auto)

instantiation ty :: size

nominal_primrec size_ty
  "size (TBase) = 1"
| "size (TUnit) = 1"
| "size (T1T2) = size T1 + size T2"
by (rule TrueI)+

instance ..


lemma ty_size_greater_zero[simp]:
  fixes T::"ty"
  shows "size T > 0"
by (nominal_induct rule: ty.strong_induct) (simp_all)

section ‹Substitutions›

  lookup :: "Subst  name  trm"   
  "lookup [] x        = Var x"
| "lookup ((y,T)#θ) x = (if x=y then T else lookup θ x)"

lemma lookup_eqvt[eqvt]:
  fixes pi::"name prm"
  shows "pi(lookup θ x) = lookup (piθ) (pix)"
by (induct θ) (auto simp add: perm_bij)

lemma lookup_fresh:
  fixes z::"name"
  assumes a: "zθ" "zx"
  shows "z lookup θ x"
using a
by (induct rule: lookup.induct) 
   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons)

lemma lookup_fresh':
  assumes a: "zθ"
  shows "lookup θ z = Var z"
using a
by (induct rule: lookup.induct)
   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_prod fresh_atm)
  psubst :: "Subst  trm  trm"  ("_<_>" [100,100] 130)
  "θ<(Var x)> = (lookup θ x)"
| "θ<(App t1 t2)> = App θ<t1> θ<t2>"
| "xθ  θ<(Lam [x].t)> = Lam [x].(θ<t>)"
| "θ<(Const n)> = Const n"
| "θ<(Unit)> = Unit"
apply(rule TrueI)+
apply(simp add: abs_fresh)+

 subst :: "trm  name  trm  trm" ("_[_::=_]" [100,100,100] 100)
  "t[x::=t']   ([(x,t')])<t>" 

lemma subst[simp]:
  shows "(Var x)[y::=t'] = (if x=y then t' else (Var x))"
  and   "(App t1 t2)[y::=t'] = App (t1[y::=t']) (t2[y::=t'])"
  and   "x(y,t')  (Lam [x].t)[y::=t'] = Lam [x].(t[y::=t'])"
  and   "Const n[y::=t'] = Const n"
  and   "Unit [y::=t'] = Unit"
  by (simp_all add: fresh_list_cons fresh_list_nil)

lemma subst_eqvt[eqvt]:
  fixes pi::"name prm" 
  shows "pi(t[x::=t']) = (pit)[(pix)::=(pit')]"
  by (nominal_induct t avoiding: x t' rule: trm.strong_induct)
     (perm_simp add: fresh_bij)+

lemma subst_rename: 
  fixes c::"name"
  assumes a: "ct1"
  shows "t1[a::=t2] = ([(c,a)]t1)[c::=t2]"
using a
apply(nominal_induct t1 avoiding: a c t2 rule: trm.strong_induct)
apply(simp add: trm.inject calc_atm fresh_atm abs_fresh perm_nat_def)+

lemma fresh_psubst: 
  fixes z::"name"
  assumes a: "zt" "zθ"
  shows "z(θ<t>)"
using a
by (nominal_induct t avoiding: z θ t rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: abs_fresh lookup_fresh)

lemma fresh_subst'':
  fixes z::"name"
  assumes "zt2"
  shows "zt1[z::=t2]"
using assms 
by (nominal_induct t1 avoiding: t2 z rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_nat fresh_atm)

lemma fresh_subst':
  fixes z::"name"
  assumes "z[y].t1" "zt2"
  shows "zt1[y::=t2]"
using assms 
by (nominal_induct t1 avoiding: y t2 z rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_nat fresh_atm)

lemma fresh_subst:
  fixes z::"name"
  assumes a: "zt1" "zt2"
  shows "zt1[y::=t2]"
using a 
by (auto simp add: fresh_subst' abs_fresh) 

lemma fresh_psubst_simp:
  assumes "xt"
  shows "((x,u)#θ)<t> = θ<t>" 
using assms
proof (nominal_induct t avoiding: x u θ rule: trm.strong_induct)
  case (Lam y t x u)
  have fs: "yθ" "yx" "yu" by fact+
  moreover have "x Lam [y].t" by fact 
  ultimately have "xt" by (simp add: abs_fresh fresh_atm)
  moreover have ih:"n T. nt  ((n,T)#θ)<t> = θ<t>" by fact
  ultimately have "((x,u)#θ)<t> = θ<t>" by auto
  moreover have "((x,u)#θ)<Lam [y].t> = Lam [y].(((x,u)#θ)<t>)" using fs 
    by (simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_prod)
  moreover have " θ<Lam [y].t> = Lam [y]. (θ<t>)" using fs by simp
  ultimately show "((x,u)#θ)<Lam [y].t> = θ<Lam [y].t>" by auto
qed (auto simp add: fresh_atm abs_fresh)

lemma forget: 
  fixes x::"name"
  assumes a: "xt" 
  shows "t[x::=t'] = t"
  using a
by (nominal_induct t avoiding: x t' rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: fresh_atm abs_fresh)

lemma subst_fun_eq:
  fixes u::trm
  assumes h:"[x].t1 = [y].t2"
  shows "t1[x::=u] = t2[y::=u]"
proof -
    assume "x=y" and "t1=t2"
    then have ?thesis using h by simp
    assume h1:"x  y" and h2:"t1=[(x,y)]  t2" and h3:"x  t2"
    then have "([(x,y)]  t2)[x::=u] = t2[y::=u]" by (simp add: subst_rename)
    then have ?thesis using h2 by simp 
  ultimately show ?thesis using alpha h by blast

lemma psubst_empty[simp]:
  shows "[]<t> = t"
by (nominal_induct t rule: trm.strong_induct) 
   (auto simp add: fresh_list_nil)

lemma psubst_subst_psubst:
  assumes h:"cθ"
  shows "θ<t>[c::=s] = ((c,s)#θ)<t>"
  using h
by (nominal_induct t avoiding: θ c s rule: trm.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_atm forget lookup_fresh lookup_fresh' fresh_psubst)

lemma subst_fresh_simp:
  assumes a: "xθ"
  shows "θ<Var x> = Var x"
using a
by (induct θ arbitrary: x) (auto simp add:fresh_list_cons fresh_prod fresh_atm)

lemma psubst_subst_propagate: 
  assumes "xθ" 
  shows "θ<t[x::=u]> = θ<t>[x::=θ<u>]"
using assms
proof (nominal_induct t avoiding: x u θ rule: trm.strong_induct)
  case (Var n x u θ)
  { assume "x=n"
    moreover have "xθ" by fact 
    ultimately have "θ<Var n[x::=u]> = θ<Var n>[x::=θ<u>]" using subst_fresh_simp by auto
  { assume h:"xn"
    then have "xVar n" by (auto simp add: fresh_atm) 
    moreover have "xθ" by fact
    ultimately have "xθ<Var n>" using fresh_psubst by blast
    then have " θ<Var n>[x::=θ<u>] =  θ<Var n>" using forget by auto
    then have "θ<Var n[x::=u]> = θ<Var n>[x::=θ<u>]" using h by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto  
  case (Lam n t x u θ)
  have fs:"nx" "nu" "nθ" "xθ" by fact+
  have ih:" y s θ. yθ  ((θ<(t[y::=s])>) = ((θ<t>)[y::=(θ<s>)]))" by fact
  have "θ <(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = θ<Lam [n]. (t [x::=u])>" using fs by auto
  then have "θ <(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = Lam [n]. θ<t [x::=u]>" using fs by auto
  moreover have "θ<t[x::=u]> = θ<t>[x::=θ<u>]" using ih fs by blast
  ultimately have "θ <(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = Lam [n].(θ<t>[x::=θ<u>])" by auto
  moreover have "Lam [n].(θ<t>[x::=θ<u>]) = (Lam [n].θ<t>)[x::=θ<u>]" using fs fresh_psubst by auto
  ultimately have "θ<(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = (Lam [n].θ<t>)[x::=θ<u>]" using fs by auto
  then show "θ<(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = θ<Lam [n].t>[x::=θ<u>]" using fs by auto
qed (auto)

section ‹Typing›

  valid :: "Ctxt  bool"
  v_nil[intro]:  "valid []"
| v_cons[intro]: "valid Γ;aΓ  valid ((a,T)#Γ)"

equivariance valid 

  valid_cons_elim_auto[elim]:"valid ((x,T)#Γ)"

  "sub_context" :: "Ctxt  Ctxt  bool" (" _  _ " [55,55] 55)
  "Γ1  Γ2  a T. (a,T)set Γ1  (a,T)set Γ2"

lemma valid_monotonicity[elim]:
 fixes Γ Γ' :: Ctxt
 assumes a: "Γ  Γ'" 
 and     b: "xΓ'"
 shows "(x,T1)#Γ  (x,T1)#Γ'"
using a b by auto

lemma fresh_context: 
  fixes  Γ :: "Ctxt"
  and    a :: "name"
  assumes "aΓ"
  shows "¬(τ::ty. (a,τ)set Γ)"
using assms 
by (induct Γ)
   (auto simp add: fresh_prod fresh_list_cons fresh_atm)

lemma type_unicity_in_context:
  assumes a: "valid Γ" 
  and     b: "(x,T1)  set Γ" 
  and     c: "(x,T2)  set Γ"
  shows "T1=T2"
using a b c
by (induct Γ)
   (auto dest!: fresh_context)

  typing :: "Ctxttrmtybool" (" _  _ : _ " [60,60,60] 60) 
  T_Var[intro]:   "valid Γ; (x,T)set Γ  Γ  Var x : T"
| T_App[intro]:   "Γ  e1 : T1T2; Γ  e2 : T1  Γ  App e1 e2 : T2"
| T_Lam[intro]:   "xΓ; (x,T1)#Γ  t : T2  Γ  Lam [x].t : T1T2"
| T_Const[intro]: "valid Γ  Γ  Const n : TBase"
| T_Unit[intro]:  "valid Γ  Γ  Unit : TUnit"

equivariance typing

nominal_inductive typing
  by (simp_all add: abs_fresh)

lemma typing_implies_valid:
  assumes a: "Γ  t : T"
  shows "valid Γ"
  using a by (induct) (auto)

declare trm.inject [simp add]
declare ty.inject  [simp add]

inductive_cases typing_inv_auto[elim]:
  "Γ  Lam [x].t : T"
  "Γ  Var x : T"
  "Γ  App x y : T"
  "Γ  Const n : T"
  "Γ  Unit : TUnit"
  "Γ  s : TUnit"

declare trm.inject [simp del]
declare ty.inject [simp del]

section ‹Definitional Equivalence›

  def_equiv :: "Ctxttrmtrmtybool" ("_  _  _ : _" [60,60] 60) 
  Q_Refl[intro]:  "Γ  t : T  Γ  t  t : T"
| Q_Symm[intro]:  "Γ  t  s : T  Γ  s  t : T"
| Q_Trans[intro]: "Γ  s  t : T; Γ  t  u : T   Γ  s  u : T"
| Q_Abs[intro]:   "xΓ; (x,T1)#Γ  s2  t2 : T2  Γ  Lam [x]. s2   Lam [x]. t2 : T1  T2"
| Q_App[intro]:   "Γ  s1  t1 : T1  T2 ; Γ  s2  t2 : T1   Γ  App s1 s2  App t1 t2 : T2"
| Q_Beta[intro]:  "x(Γ,s2,t2); (x,T1)#Γ  s1  t1 : T2 ; Γ  s2  t2 : T1 
                     Γ  App (Lam [x]. s1) s2  t1[x::=t2] : T2"
| Q_Ext[intro]:   "x(Γ,s,t); (x,T1)#Γ  App s (Var x)  App t (Var x) : T2 
                    Γ  s  t : T1  T2"
| Q_Unit[intro]:  "Γ  s : TUnit; Γ  t: TUnit  Γ  s  t : TUnit"

equivariance def_equiv

nominal_inductive def_equiv
  by (simp_all add: abs_fresh fresh_subst'')

lemma def_equiv_implies_valid:
  assumes a: "Γ  t  s : T"
  shows "valid Γ"
using a by (induct) (auto elim: typing_implies_valid)

section ‹Weak Head Reduction›

  whr_def :: "trmtrmbool" ("_  _" [80,80] 80) 
  QAR_Beta[intro]: "App (Lam [x]. t1) t2  t1[x::=t2]"
| QAR_App[intro]:  "t1  t1'  App t1 t2  App t1' t2"

declare trm.inject  [simp add]
declare ty.inject  [simp add]

inductive_cases whr_inv_auto[elim]: 
  "t  t'"
  "Lam [x].t  t'"
  "App (Lam [x].t12) t2  t"
  "Var x  t"
  "Const n  t"
  "App p q  t"
  "t  Const n"
  "t  Var x"
  "t  App p q"

declare trm.inject  [simp del]
declare ty.inject  [simp del]

equivariance whr_def

section ‹Weak Head Normalisation›

 nf :: "trm  bool" ("_ ↝|" [100] 100)
  "t↝|   ¬( u. t  u)" 

  whn_def :: "trmtrmbool" ("_  _" [80,80] 80) 
  QAN_Reduce[intro]: "s  t; t  u  s  u"
| QAN_Normal[intro]: "t↝|   t  t"

declare trm.inject[simp]

inductive_cases whn_inv_auto[elim]: "t  t'"

declare trm.inject[simp del]

equivariance whn_def

lemma red_unicity : 
  assumes a: "x  a" 
  and     b: "x  b"
  shows "a=b"
  using a b
apply (induct arbitrary: b)
apply (erule whr_inv_auto(3))
apply (clarify)
apply (rule subst_fun_eq)
apply (simp)
apply (force)
apply (erule whr_inv_auto(6))
apply (blast)+

lemma nf_unicity :
  assumes "x  a" and "x  b"
  shows "a=b"
  using assms 
proof (induct arbitrary: b)
  case (QAN_Reduce x t a b)
  have h:"x  t" "t  a" by fact+
  have ih:"b. t  b  a = b" by fact
  have "x  b" by fact
  then obtain t' where "x  t'" and hl:"t'  b" using h by auto
  then have "t=t'" using h red_unicity by auto
  then show "a=b" using ih hl by auto
qed (auto)

section ‹Algorithmic Term Equivalence and Algorithmic Path Equivalence›

  alg_equiv :: "Ctxttrmtrmtybool" ("_  _  _ : _" [60,60,60,60] 60) 
  alg_path_equiv :: "Ctxttrmtrmtybool" ("_  _  _ : _" [60,60,60,60] 60) 
  QAT_Base[intro]:  "s  p; t  q; Γ  p  q : TBase  Γ  s  t : TBase"
| QAT_Arrow[intro]: "x(Γ,s,t); (x,T1)#Γ  App s (Var x)  App t (Var x) : T2 
                      Γ  s  t : T1  T2"
| QAT_One[intro]:   "valid Γ  Γ  s  t : TUnit"
| QAP_Var[intro]:   "valid Γ;(x,T)  set Γ  Γ  Var x  Var x : T"
| QAP_App[intro]:   "Γ  p  q : T1  T2; Γ  s  t : T1  Γ  App p s  App q t : T2"
| QAP_Const[intro]: "valid Γ  Γ  Const n  Const n : TBase"

equivariance alg_equiv

nominal_inductive alg_equiv
  avoids QAT_Arrow: x
  by simp_all

declare trm.inject [simp add]
declare ty.inject  [simp add]

inductive_cases alg_equiv_inv_auto[elim]: 
  "Γ  st : TBase"
  "Γ  st : T1  T2"
  "Γ  st : TBase"
  "Γ  st : TUnit"
  "Γ  st : T1  T2"

  "Γ  Var x  t : T"
  "Γ  Var x  t : T'"
  "Γ  s  Var x : T"
  "Γ  s  Var x : T'"
  "Γ  Const n  t : T"
  "Γ  s  Const n : T"
  "Γ  App p s  t : T"
  "Γ  s  App q t : T"
  "Γ  Lam[x].s  t : T"
  "Γ  t  Lam[x].s : T"

declare trm.inject [simp del]
declare ty.inject [simp del]

lemma Q_Arrow_strong_inversion:
  assumes fs: "xΓ" "xt" "xu" 
  and h: "Γ  t  u : T1T2"
  shows "(x,T1)#Γ  App t (Var x)  App u (Var x) : T2"
proof -
  obtain y where fs2: "y(Γ,t,u)" and "(y,T1)#Γ  App t (Var y)  App u (Var y) : T2" 
    using h by auto
  then have "([(x,y)]((y,T1)#Γ))  [(x,y)] App t (Var y)  [(x,y)] App u (Var y) : T2" 
    using  alg_equiv.eqvt[simplified] by blast
  then show ?thesis using fs fs2 by (perm_simp)

Warning this lemma is false:

lemma algorithmic_type_unicity:
  shows "⟦ Γ ⊢ s ⇔ t : T ; Γ ⊢ s ⇔ u : T' ⟧ ⟹ T = T'"
  and "⟦ Γ ⊢ s ↔ t : T ; Γ ⊢ s ↔ u : T' ⟧ ⟹ T = T'"

Here is the counter example : 
Γ ⊢ Const n ⇔ Const n : Tbase and Γ ⊢ Const n ⇔ Const n : TUnit

lemma algorithmic_path_type_unicity:
  shows "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  s  u : T'  T = T'"
proof (induct arbitrary:  u T' 
       rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts(2) [of _ _ _ _ _  "%a b c d . True"    ])
  case (QAP_Var Γ x T u T')
  have "Γ  Var x  u : T'" by fact
  then have "u=Var x" and "(x,T')  set Γ" by auto
  moreover have "valid Γ" "(x,T)  set Γ" by fact+
  ultimately show "T=T'" using type_unicity_in_context by auto
  case (QAP_App Γ p q T1 T2 s t u T2')
  have ih:"u T. Γ  p  u : T  T1T2 = T" by fact
  have "Γ  App p s  u : T2'" by fact
  then obtain r t T1' where "u = App r t"  "Γ  p  r : T1'  T2'" by auto
  with ih have "T1T2 = T1'  T2'" by auto
  then show "T2=T2'" using ty.inject by auto
qed (auto)

lemma alg_path_equiv_implies_valid:
  shows  "Γ  s  t : T  valid Γ" 
  and    "Γ  s  t : T  valid Γ"
by (induct rule : alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts) auto

lemma algorithmic_symmetry:
  shows "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  t  s : T" 
  and   "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  t  s : T"
by (induct rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts) 
   (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

lemma algorithmic_transitivity:
  shows "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  t  u : T  Γ  s  u : T"
  and   "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  t  u : T  Γ  s  u : T"
proof (nominal_induct Γ s t T and Γ s t T avoiding: u rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.strong_inducts)
  case (QAT_Base s p t q Γ u)
  have "Γ  t  u : TBase" by fact
  then obtain r' q' where b1: "t  q'" and b2: "u  r'" and b3: "Γ  q'  r' : TBase" by auto
  have ih: "Γ  q  r' : TBase  Γ  p  r' : TBase" by fact
  have "t  q" by fact
  with b1 have eq: "q=q'" by (simp add: nf_unicity)
  with ih b3 have "Γ  p  r' : TBase" by simp
  have "s  p" by fact
  ultimately show "Γ  s  u : TBase" using b2 by auto
  case (QAT_Arrow  x Γ s t T1 T2 u)
  have ih:"(x,T1)#Γ  App t (Var x)  App u (Var x) : T2 
                                    (x,T1)#Γ  App s (Var x)  App u (Var x) : T2" by fact
  have fs: "xΓ" "xs" "xt" "xu" by fact+
  have "Γ  t  u : T1T2" by fact
  then have "(x,T1)#Γ  App t (Var x)  App u (Var x) : T2" using fs 
    by (simp add: Q_Arrow_strong_inversion)
  with ih have "(x,T1)#Γ  App s (Var x)  App u (Var x) : T2" by simp
  then show "Γ  s  u : T1T2" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  case (QAP_App Γ p q T1 T2 s t u)
  have "Γ  App q t  u : T2" by fact
  then obtain r T1' v where ha: "Γ  q  r : T1'T2" and hb: "Γ  t  v : T1'" and eq: "u = App r v" 
    by auto
  have ih1: "Γ  q  r : T1T2  Γ  p  r : T1T2" by fact
  have ih2:"Γ  t  v : T1  Γ  s  v : T1" by fact
  have "Γ  p  q : T1T2" by fact
  then have "Γ  q  p : T1T2" by (simp add: algorithmic_symmetry)
  with ha have "T1'T2 = T1T2" using algorithmic_path_type_unicity by simp
  then have "T1' = T1" by (simp add: ty.inject) 
  then have "Γ  s  v : T1" "Γ  p  r : T1T2" using ih1 ih2 ha hb by auto
  then show "Γ  App p s  u : T2" using eq by auto
qed (auto)

lemma algorithmic_weak_head_closure:
  shows "Γ  s  t : T  s'  s  t'  t  Γ  s'  t' : T"
apply (nominal_induct Γ s t T avoiding: s' t'  
    rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.strong_inducts(1) [of _ _ _ _ "%a b c d e. True"])
apply(auto intro!: QAT_Arrow)

lemma algorithmic_monotonicity:
  shows "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  Γ'  valid Γ'  Γ'  s  t : T"
  and   "Γ  s  t : T  Γ  Γ'  valid Γ'  Γ'  s  t : T"
proof (nominal_induct Γ s t T and Γ s t T avoiding: Γ' rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.strong_inducts)
 case (QAT_Arrow x Γ s t T1 T2 Γ')
  have fs:"xΓ" "xs" "xt" "xΓ'" by fact+
  have h2:"Γ  Γ'" by fact
  have ih:"Γ'. (x,T1)#Γ  Γ'; valid Γ'   Γ'  App s (Var x)  App t (Var x) : T2" by fact
  have "valid Γ'" by fact
  then have "valid ((x,T1)#Γ')" using fs by auto
  have sub: "(x,T1)#Γ  (x,T1)#Γ'" using h2 by auto
  ultimately have "(x,T1)#Γ'  App s (Var x)  App t (Var x) : T2" using ih by simp
  then show "Γ'  s  t : T1T2" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
qed (auto)

lemma path_equiv_implies_nf:
  assumes "Γ  s  t : T"
  shows "s ↝|" and "t ↝|"
using assms
by (induct rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts(2)) (simp, auto)

section ‹Logical Equivalence›

function log_equiv :: "(Ctxt  trm  trm  ty  bool)" ("_  _ is _ : _" [60,60,60,60] 60) 
   "Γ  s is t : TUnit = True"
 | "Γ  s is t : TBase = Γ  s  t : TBase"
 | "Γ  s is t : (T1  T2) =  
    (Γ' s' t'. ΓΓ'  valid Γ'  Γ'  s' is t' : T1   (Γ'  (App s s') is (App t t') : T2))"
apply (auto simp add: ty.inject)
apply (subgoal_tac "(T1 T2. b=T1  T2)  b=TUnit  b=TBase" )
apply (force)
apply (rule ty_cases)

termination by lexicographic_order

lemma logical_monotonicity:
 fixes Γ Γ' :: Ctxt
 assumes a1: "Γ  s is t : T" 
 and     a2: "Γ  Γ'" 
 and     a3: "valid Γ'"
 shows "Γ'  s is t : T"
using a1 a2 a3
proof (induct arbitrary: Γ' rule: log_equiv.induct)
  case (2 Γ s t Γ')
  then show "Γ'  s is t : TBase" using algorithmic_monotonicity by auto
  case (3 Γ s t T1 T2 Γ')
  have "Γ  s is t : T1T2" 
  and  "Γ  Γ'" 
  and  "valid Γ'" by fact+
  then show "Γ'  s is t : T1T2" by simp
qed (auto)

lemma main_lemma:
  shows "Γ  s is t : T  valid Γ  Γ  s  t : T" 
    and "Γ  p  q : T  Γ  p is q : T"
proof (nominal_induct T arbitrary: Γ s t p q rule: ty.strong_induct)
  case (Arrow T1 T2)
    case (1 Γ s t)
    have ih1:"Γ s t. Γ  s is t : T2; valid Γ  Γ  s  t : T2" by fact
    have ih2:"Γ s t. Γ  s  t : T1  Γ  s is t : T1" by fact
    have h:"Γ  s is t : T1T2" by fact
    obtain x::name where fs:"x(Γ,s,t)" by (erule exists_fresh[OF fs_name1])
    have "valid Γ" by fact
    then have v: "valid ((x,T1)#Γ)" using fs by auto
    then have "(x,T1)#Γ  Var x  Var x : T1" by auto
    then have "(x,T1)#Γ  Var x is Var x : T1" using ih2 by auto
    then have "(x,T1)#Γ  App s (Var x) is App t (Var x) : T2" using h v by auto
    then have "(x,T1)#Γ  App s (Var x)  App t (Var x) : T2" using ih1 v by auto
    then show "Γ  s  t : T1T2" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
    case (2 Γ p q)
    have h: "Γ  p  q : T1T2" by fact
    have ih1:"Γ s t. Γ  s  t : T2  Γ  s is t : T2" by fact
    have ih2:"Γ s t. Γ  s is t : T1; valid Γ  Γ  s  t : T1" by fact
      fix Γ' s t
      assume "Γ  Γ'" and hl:"Γ'  s is t : T1" and hk: "valid Γ'"
      then have "Γ'  p  q : T1  T2" using h algorithmic_monotonicity by auto
      moreover have "Γ'  s  t : T1" using ih2 hl hk by auto
      ultimately have "Γ'  App p s  App q t : T2" by auto
      then have "Γ'  App p s is App q t : T2" using ih1 by auto
    then show "Γ  p is q : T1T2"  by simp
  case TBase
  { case 2
    have h:"Γ  s  t : TBase" by fact
    then have "s ↝|" and "t ↝|" using path_equiv_implies_nf by auto
    then have "s  s" and "t  t" by auto
    then have "Γ  s  t : TBase" using h by auto
    then show "Γ  s is t : TBase" by auto
qed (auto elim: alg_path_equiv_implies_valid) 

corollary corollary_main:
  assumes a: "Γ  s  t : T"
  shows "Γ  s  t : T"
using a main_lemma alg_path_equiv_implies_valid by blast

lemma logical_symmetry:
  assumes a: "Γ  s is t : T"
  shows "Γ  t is s : T"
using a 
by (nominal_induct arbitrary: Γ s t rule: ty.strong_induct) 
   (auto simp add: algorithmic_symmetry)

lemma logical_transitivity:
  assumes "Γ  s is t : T" "Γ  t is u : T" 
  shows "Γ  s is u : T"
using assms
proof (nominal_induct arbitrary: Γ s t u  rule:ty.strong_induct)
  case TBase
  then show "Γ  s is u : TBase" by (auto elim:  algorithmic_transitivity)
  case (Arrow T1 T2 Γ s t u)
  have h1:"Γ  s is t : T1  T2" by fact
  have h2:"Γ  t is u : T1  T2" by fact
  have ih1:"Γ s t u. Γ  s is t : T1; Γ  t is u : T1  Γ  s is u : T1" by fact
  have ih2:"Γ s t u. Γ  s is t : T2; Γ  t is u : T2  Γ  s is u : T2" by fact
    fix Γ' s' u'
    assume hsub:"Γ  Γ'" and hl:"Γ'  s' is u' : T1" and hk: "valid Γ'"
    then have "Γ'  u' is s' : T1" using logical_symmetry by blast
    then have "Γ'  u' is u' : T1" using ih1 hl by blast
    then have "Γ'  App t u' is App u u' : T2" using h2 hsub hk by auto
    moreover have "Γ'   App s s' is App t u' : T2" using h1 hsub hl hk by auto
    ultimately have "Γ'   App s s' is App u u' : T2" using ih2 by blast
  then show "Γ  s is u : T1  T2" by auto
qed (auto)

lemma logical_weak_head_closure:
  assumes a: "Γ  s is t : T" 
  and     b: "s'  s" 
  and     c: "t'  t"
  shows "Γ  s' is t' : T"
using a b c algorithmic_weak_head_closure 
by (nominal_induct arbitrary: Γ s t s' t' rule: ty.strong_induct) 
   (auto, blast)

lemma logical_weak_head_closure':
  assumes "Γ  s is t : T" and "s'  s" 
  shows "Γ  s' is t : T"
using assms
proof (nominal_induct arbitrary: Γ s t s' rule: ty.strong_induct)
  case (TBase  Γ s t s')
  then show ?case by force
  case (TUnit Γ s t s')
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Arrow T1 T2 Γ s t s')
  have h1:"s'  s" by fact
  have ih:"Γ s t s'. Γ  s is t : T2; s'  s  Γ  s' is t : T2" by fact
  have h2:"Γ  s is t : T1T2" by fact
  have hb:"Γ' s' t'. ΓΓ'  valid Γ'  Γ'  s' is t' : T1  (Γ'  (App s s') is (App t t') : T2)" 
    by auto
    fix Γ' s2 t2
    assume "Γ  Γ'" and "Γ'  s2 is t2 : T1" and "valid Γ'"
    then have "Γ'  (App s s2) is (App t t2) : T2" using hb by auto
    moreover have "(App s' s2)   (App s s2)" using h1 by auto  
    ultimately have "Γ'  App s' s2 is App t t2 : T2" using ih by auto
  then show "Γ  s' is t : T1T2" by auto

 log_equiv_for_psubsts :: "Ctxt  Subst  Subst  Ctxt  bool"  ("_  _ is _ over _" [60,60] 60) 
  "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ  x T. (x,T)  set Γ  Γ'  θ<Var x> is  θ'<Var x> : T"

lemma logical_pseudo_reflexivity:
  assumes "Γ'  t is s over Γ"
  shows "Γ'  s is s over Γ" 
proof -
  from assms have "Γ'  s is t over Γ" using logical_symmetry by blast
  with assms show "Γ'  s is s over Γ" using logical_transitivity by blast

lemma logical_subst_monotonicity :
  fixes Γ Γ' Γ'' :: Ctxt
  assumes a: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and     b: "Γ'  Γ''"
  and     c: "valid Γ''"
  shows "Γ''  θ is θ' over Γ"
using a b c logical_monotonicity by blast

lemma equiv_subst_ext :
  assumes h1: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and     h2: "Γ'  s is t : T" 
  and     fs: "xΓ"
  shows "Γ'  (x,s)#θ is (x,t)#θ' over (x,T)#Γ"
using assms
proof -
    fix y U
    assume "(y,U)  set ((x,T)#Γ)"
      assume "(y,U)  set [(x,T)]"
      with h2 have "Γ'  ((x,s)#θ)<Var y> is ((x,t)#θ')<Var y> : U" by auto 
      assume hl:"(y,U)  set Γ"
      then have "¬ yΓ" by (induct Γ) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_atm fresh_prod)
      then have hf:"x Var y" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_atm)
      then have "((x,s)#θ)<Var y> = θ<Var y>" "((x,t)#θ')<Var y> = θ'<Var y>" 
        using fresh_psubst_simp by blast+ 
      moreover have  "Γ'  θ<Var y> is θ'<Var y> : U" using h1 hl by auto
      ultimately have "Γ'  ((x,s)#θ)<Var y> is ((x,t)#θ')<Var y> : U" by auto
    ultimately have "Γ'  ((x,s)#θ)<Var y> is ((x,t)#θ')<Var y> : U" by auto
  then show "Γ'  (x,s)#θ is (x,t)#θ' over (x,T)#Γ" by auto

theorem fundamental_theorem_1:
  assumes a1: "Γ  t : T" 
  and     a2: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ"
  and     a3: "valid Γ'" 
  shows "Γ'  θ<t> is θ'<t> : T"   
using a1 a2 a3
proof (nominal_induct Γ t T avoiding: θ θ' arbitrary: Γ' rule: typing.strong_induct)
  case (T_Lam x Γ T1 t2 T2 θ θ' Γ')
  have vc: "xθ" "xθ'" "xΓ" by fact+
  have asm1: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" by fact
  have ih:"θ θ' Γ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over (x,T1)#Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<t2> is θ'<t2> : T2" by fact
  show "Γ'  θ<Lam [x].t2> is θ'<Lam [x].t2> : T1T2" using vc
  proof (simp, intro strip)
    fix Γ'' s' t'
    assume sub: "Γ'  Γ''" 
    and    asm2: "Γ'' s' is t' : T1" 
    and    val: "valid Γ''"
    from asm1 val sub have "Γ''  θ is θ' over Γ" using logical_subst_monotonicity by blast
    with asm2 vc have "Γ''  (x,s')#θ is (x,t')#θ' over (x,T1)#Γ" using equiv_subst_ext by blast
    with ih val have "Γ''  ((x,s')#θ)<t2> is ((x,t')#θ')<t2> : T2" by auto
    with vc have "Γ''θ<t2>[x::=s'] is θ'<t2>[x::=t'] : T2" by (simp add: psubst_subst_psubst)
    have "App (Lam [x].θ<t2>) s'  θ<t2>[x::=s']" by auto
    have "App (Lam [x].θ'<t2>) t'  θ'<t2>[x::=t']" by auto
    ultimately show "Γ'' App (Lam [x].θ<t2>) s' is App (Lam [x].θ'<t2>) t' : T2" 
      using logical_weak_head_closure by auto
qed (auto)

theorem fundamental_theorem_2:
  assumes h1: "Γ  s  t : T" 
  and     h2: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ"
  and     h3: "valid Γ'"
  shows "Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<t> : T"
using h1 h2 h3
proof (nominal_induct Γ s t T avoiding: Γ' θ θ' rule: def_equiv.strong_induct)
  case (Q_Refl Γ t T Γ' θ θ')
  have "Γ  t : T" 
  and  "valid Γ'" by fact+
  have "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" by fact
  ultimately show "Γ'  θ<t> is θ'<t> : T" using fundamental_theorem_1 by blast
  case (Q_Symm Γ t s T Γ' θ θ')
  have "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and "valid Γ'" by fact+
  have ih: " Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<t> is θ'<s> : T" by fact
  ultimately show "Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<t> : T" using logical_symmetry by blast
  case (Q_Trans Γ s t T u Γ' θ θ')
  have ih1: " Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<t> : T" by fact
  have ih2: " Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<t> is θ'<u> : T" by fact
  have h: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and  v: "valid Γ'" by fact+
  then have "Γ'  θ' is θ' over Γ" using logical_pseudo_reflexivity by auto
  then have "Γ'  θ'<t> is θ'<u> : T" using ih2 v by auto
  moreover have "Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<t> : T" using ih1 h v by auto
  ultimately show "Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<u> : T" using logical_transitivity by blast
  case (Q_Abs x Γ T1 s2 t2 T2 Γ' θ θ')
  have fs:"xΓ" by fact
  have fs2: "xθ" "xθ'" by fact+
  have h2: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and  h3: "valid Γ'" by fact+
  have ih:"Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over (x,T1)#Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<s2> is θ'<t2> : T2" by fact
    fix Γ'' s' t'
    assume "Γ'  Γ''" and hl:"Γ'' s' is t' : T1" and hk: "valid Γ''"
    then have "Γ''  θ is θ' over Γ" using h2 logical_subst_monotonicity by blast
    then have "Γ''  (x,s')#θ is (x,t')#θ' over (x,T1)#Γ" using equiv_subst_ext hl fs by blast
    then have "Γ''  ((x,s')#θ)<s2> is ((x,t')#θ')<t2> : T2" using ih hk by blast
    then have "Γ'' θ<s2>[x::=s'] is θ'<t2>[x::=t'] : T2" using fs2 psubst_subst_psubst by auto
    moreover have "App (Lam [x]. θ<s2>) s'   θ<s2>[x::=s']" 
              and "App (Lam [x].θ'<t2>) t'  θ'<t2>[x::=t']" by auto
    ultimately have "Γ''  App (Lam [x]. θ<s2>) s' is App (Lam [x].θ'<t2>) t' : T2" 
      using logical_weak_head_closure by auto
  moreover have "valid Γ'" by fact
  ultimately have "Γ'  Lam [x].θ<s2> is Lam [x].θ'<t2> : T1T2" by auto
  then show "Γ'  θ<Lam [x].s2> is θ'<Lam [x].t2> : T1T2" using fs2 by auto
  case (Q_App Γ s1 t1 T1 T2 s2 t2 Γ' θ θ')
  then show "Γ'  θ<App s1 s2> is θ'<App t1 t2> : T2" by auto 
  case (Q_Beta x Γ s2 t2 T1 s12 t12 T2 Γ' θ θ')
  have h: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and  h': "valid Γ'" by fact+
  have fs: "xΓ" by fact
  have fs2: " xθ" "xθ'" by fact+
  have ih1: "Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<s2> is θ'<t2> : T1" by fact
  have ih2: "Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over (x,T1)#Γ; valid Γ'  Γ'  θ<s12> is θ'<t12> : T2" by fact
  have "Γ'  θ<s2> is θ'<t2> : T1" using ih1 h' h by auto
  then have "Γ'  (x,θ<s2>)#θ is (x,θ'<t2>)#θ' over (x,T1)#Γ" using equiv_subst_ext h fs by blast
  then have "Γ'  ((x,θ<s2>)#θ)<s12> is ((x,θ'<t2>)#θ')<t12> : T2" using ih2 h' by auto
  then have "Γ'  θ<s12>[x::=θ<s2>] is θ'<t12>[x::=θ'<t2>] : T2" using fs2 psubst_subst_psubst by auto
  then have "Γ'  θ<s12>[x::=θ<s2>] is θ'<t12[x::=t2]> : T2" using fs2 psubst_subst_propagate by auto
  moreover have "App (Lam [x].θ<s12>) (θ<s2>)  θ<s12>[x::=θ<s2>]" by auto 
  ultimately have "Γ'  App (Lam [x].θ<s12>) (θ<s2>) is θ'<t12[x::=t2]> : T2" 
    using logical_weak_head_closure' by auto
  then show "Γ'  θ<App (Lam [x].s12) s2> is θ'<t12[x::=t2]> : T2" using fs2 by simp
  case (Q_Ext x Γ s t T1 T2 Γ' θ θ')
  have h2: "Γ'  θ is θ' over Γ" 
  and  h2': "valid Γ'" by fact+
  have fs:"xΓ" "xs" "xt" by fact+
  have ih:"Γ' θ θ'. Γ'  θ is θ' over (x,T1)#Γ; valid Γ' 
                           Γ'  θ<App s (Var x)> is θ'<App t (Var x)> : T2" by fact
    fix Γ'' s' t'
    assume hsub: "Γ'  Γ''" and hl: "Γ'' s' is t' : T1" and hk: "valid Γ''"
    then have "Γ''  θ is θ' over Γ" using h2 logical_subst_monotonicity by blast
    then have "Γ''  (x,s')#θ is (x,t')#θ' over (x,T1)#Γ" using equiv_subst_ext hl fs by blast
    then have "Γ''  ((x,s')#θ)<App s (Var x)>  is ((x,t')#θ')<App t (Var x)> : T2" using ih hk by blast
    have "Γ''  App (((x,s')#θ)<s>) (((x,s')#θ)<(Var x)>) is App (((x,t')#θ')<t>) (((x,t')#θ')<(Var x)>) : T2"
      by auto
    then have "Γ''  App ((x,s')#θ)<s> s'  is App ((x,t')#θ')<t> t' : T2" by auto
    then have "Γ''  App (θ<s>) s' is App (θ'<t>) t' : T2" using fs fresh_psubst_simp by auto
  moreover have "valid Γ'" by fact
  ultimately show "Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<t> : T1T2" by auto
  case (Q_Unit Γ s t Γ' θ θ')  
  then show "Γ'  θ<s> is θ'<t> : TUnit" by auto

theorem completeness:
  assumes asm: "Γ  s  t : T"
  shows   "Γ  s  t : T"
proof -
  have val: "valid Γ" using def_equiv_implies_valid asm by simp
    fix x T
    assume "(x,T)  set Γ" "valid Γ"
    then have "Γ  Var x is Var x : T" using main_lemma(2) by blast
  ultimately have "Γ  [] is [] over Γ" by auto 
  then have "Γ  []<s> is []<t> : T" using fundamental_theorem_2 val asm by blast
  then have "Γ  s is t : T" by simp
  then show  "Γ  s  t : T" using main_lemma(1) val by simp

text ‹We leave soundness as an exercise - just like Crary in the ATS book :-) \\ 
 @{prop[mode=IfThen] "Γ  s  t : T; Γ  t : T; Γ  s : T  Γ  s  t : T"} \\
 propΓ  s  t : T; Γ  t : T; Γ  s : T  Γ  s  t : T
