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University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
GRIDprobe / Nprobe
Computer Laboratory > Research > Systems Research Group > NetOS > GRIDprobe / Nprobe

Nprobe: Network protocol analysis

GRIDprobe: Scalable network monitoring


Nprobe is a scalable network monitoring architecture that is able to passively monitor high-speed network links and collect detailed information about the traffic flowing through them. Unlike other network probes that simply records packet headers, Nprobe collects and integrates information across all levels of the protocol stack, enabling accurate understanding of network performance, protocol interaction, and even user behaviour.

The information can be used to highlight problems with current-protocols, and to answer "what if" questions about the impact of new network technologies and protocols. Nprobe collects data to logfiles, which are then post-processed to complete the analysis.

Click here for further details about Nprobe, including the architecture design and experimental results.