It is Time to Mechanize Programming Language Metatheory. Benjamin C. Pierce, Peter Sewell, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic. In VSTTE 2005, 5pp. [ bib | doi | project page | pdf | http ]
How close are we to a world in which mechanically verified software is commonplace? A world in which theorem proving technology is used routinely by both software developers and programming language researchers alike? One crucial step towards achieving these goals is mechanized reasoning about language metatheory. The time has come to bring together the theorem proving and programming language communities to address this problem. We have proposed the POPLMark challenge as a concrete set of benchmarks intended both for measuring progress in this area and for stimulating discussion and collaboration. Our goal is to push the boundaries of existing technology to the point where we can achieve mechanized metatheory for the masses.
Mechanized metatheory for the masses: The POPLmark Challenge. Brian E. Aydemir, Aaron Bohannon, Matthew Fairbairn, J. Nathan Foster, Benjamin C. Pierce, Peter Sewell, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Geoffrey Washburn, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic. In TPHOLs 2005. [ bib | doi | project page | ps | pdf | http ]
How close are we to a world where every paper on programming languages is accompanied by an electronic appendix with machine-checked proofs?

We propose an initial set of benchmarks for measuring progress in this area. Based on the metatheory of System F<:, a typed lambda-calculus with second-order polymorphism, subtyping, and records, these benchmarks embody many aspects of programming languages that are challenging to formalize: variable binding at both the term and type levels, syntactic forms with variable numbers of components (including binders), and proofs demanding complex induction principles. We hope that these benchmarks will help clarify the current state of the art, provide a basis for comparing competing technologies, and motivate further research.