Bad Reasons to Reject Good Papers, and vice versa, Peter Sewell. SIGPLAN PL Perspectives Blog, December 2021. Also published 2022-12-07 on the Communications of the ACM Blog [ bib | http ]
POPL 2014 Program Chair's Report. Peter Sewell. SIGPLAN Notices, 49(4):10--26, July 2014. [ bib | doi | pdf ]
This note describes the POPL 2014 paper selection process and its rationale.
Principles of POPL. Derek Dreyer, John Field, Roberto Giacobazzi, Michael Hicks, Suresh Jagannathan, Mooly Sagiv, Peter Sewell, and Phil Wadler. SIGPLAN Notices, 48(4S):12--16, July 2013. [ bib | doi ]
Robin Milner 1934--2010: verification, languages, and concurrency. Andrew D. Gordon, Robert Harper, John Harrison, Alan Jeffrey, and Peter Sewell. In POPL 2011. [ bib | doi ]
Process Calculi: The End of the Beginning? (From Thought Experiments to Experimental Semantics). Peter Sewell. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 162:317--321, 2006. [ bib | doi | http ]
This note reflects, from a Process Calculus point of view, on lessons learned during research modelling the real-world TCP and UDP network protocols.
Applied Semantics: Specifying and Developing Abstractions for Distributed Computation (Grand Challenge Discussion Paper -- GC2, GC4, and GC6), Peter Sewell and Keith Wansbrough. Position paper for Grand Challenge meeting (Newcastle). 5pp, 2004. [ bib | pdf ]