Module Target_binding

module Target_binding: sig .. end
resolve_module_path l env sk m tries to find the module-path m in environment env. It returns a shortest suffix m' of m that resolves to the same module in env, and adds the lskips sk to the returned ident.

val resolve_module_path : Ast.l -> Typed_ast.env -> Types.ident_option -> Path.t -> Ident.t
resolve_module_path l env sk m tries to find the module-path m in environment env. It returns a shortest suffix m' of m that resolves to the same module in env, and adds the lskips sk to the returned ident.
val resolve_type_path : Ast.l -> Typed_ast.env -> Types.ident_option -> Path.t -> Ident.t
resolve_type_path l env sk p tries to find the type of (absolute) path p in environment env. It returns a shortest suffix p' of p that resolves to the same type in env, and adds the lskips sk to the returned ident.
val resolve_const_ref : Ast.l ->
Typed_ast.env -> -> Types.ident_option -> Typed_ast.const_descr_ref -> Ident.t
resolve_const_ref l env target io c_ref tries to find the constant c_ref in environment env. Let p be the absolute path for c_ref. If tries io as default, if given. If that fails, it returns a shortest suffix p' of p that resolves to the same constant in lenv, and adds the lskips from io to the returned ident.