Module Pattern_syntax

module Pattern_syntax: sig .. end
general functions about patterns

general functions about patterns

Destructors and selector functions

val is_var_wild_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_var_wild_pat p checks whether the pattern p is a wildcard or a variable pattern. Before checking type-annotations, parenthesis, etc. are removed.
val is_var_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_var_pat p checks whether the pattern p is a variable pattern.
val is_ext_var_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_ext_var_pat p checks whether the pattern p is a variable pattern in the broadest sense. In contrast to is_var_pat p also variables with type-annotations and parenthesis are accepted. is_var_wild_pat p additionally accepts wildcard patterns.
val is_var_tup_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_var_tup_pat p checks whether the pattern p consists only of variable and tuple patterns.
val is_var_wild_tup_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_var_wild_tup_pat p checks whether the pattern p consists only of variable, wildcard and tuple patterns.
val dest_var_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> Name.t option
dest_var_pat p destructs variable patterns and returs their name. If p is not a variable pattern, None is returned.
val dest_ext_var_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> Name.t option
dest_ext_var_pat p is an extended version of det_var_pat p. In addition to det_var_pat p it can handle variable patterns with type annotations and is able to strip parenthesis.
val pat_to_ext_name : Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.name_lskips_annot option
pat_to_ext_name p is very similar to dest_ext_var_pat p. However, intead of returning just a name, pat_to_ext_name returns additionally the whitespace and the type in form of a name_lskips_annot.
val is_wild_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_wild_pat p checks whether the pattern p is a wildcard pattern.
val dest_tup_pat : int option -> Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat list option
dest_tup_pat lo p destructs a tuple pattern. If p is no tuple pattern, None is returned. Otherwise, it destructs the tuple pattern into a list of patterns pL. If lo is not None, it checks whether the length of this list matches the length given by lo. If this is the case Some pL is returned, otherwise None.
val mk_tup_pat : Typed_ast.pat list -> Typed_ast.pat
mk_tup_pat [p1, ..., pn] creates the pattern (p1, ..., pn).
val is_tup_pat : int option -> Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_tup_pat lo p checks whether p is a tuple pattern of the given length. see dest_tup_pat
val dest_tf_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool option
dest_tf_pat p destructs boolean literal patterns, i.e. true and false patterns.
val is_tf_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
if_tf_pat p checks whether p is the true or false pattern.
val is_t_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
if_t_pat p checks whether p is the true pattern.
val is_f_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
if_f_pat p checks whether p is the false pattern.
val mk_tf_pat : bool -> Typed_ast.pat
mk_tf_pat b creates true or false pattern.
val mk_paren_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat
adds parenthesis around a pattern
val mk_opt_paren_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat
adds parenthesis around a pattern, when needed
val dest_num_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> int option
dest_num_pat p destructs number literal patterns
val is_num_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_num_pat p checks whether p is a number pattern.
val mk_num_pat : Types.t -> int -> Typed_ast.pat
mk_num_pat num_ty i makes a number pattern.
val dest_num_add_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> (Name.t * int) option
dest_num_add_pat p destructs number addition literal patterns
val mk_num_add_pat : Types.t -> Name.t -> int -> Typed_ast.pat
mk_num_add_pat num_ty i makes a number addition pattern.
val is_num_add_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_num_add_pat p checks whether p is a number addition pattern.
val num_ty_pat_cases : (Name.t -> 'a) ->
(int -> 'a) ->
(Name.t -> int -> 'a) -> 'a -> (Typed_ast.pat -> 'a) -> Typed_ast.pat -> 'a
num_ty_pat_cases f_v f_i f_a f_w f_else p performs case analysis for patterns of type num. Depending of which form the pattern p has, different argument functions are called:
val dest_string_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> string option
dest_string_pat p destructs number literal patterns
val is_string_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
is_string_pat p checks whether p is a number pattern.
val dest_cons_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> (Typed_ast.pat * Typed_ast.pat) option
dest_cons_pat p destructs list-cons patterns.
val is_cons_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
val dest_list_pat : int option -> Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat list option
dest_list_pat p destructs list patterns.
val is_list_pat : int option -> Typed_ast.pat -> bool
val dest_const_pat : Typed_ast.pat ->
(Typed_ast.const_descr_ref * Typed_ast.pat list) option
dest_contr_pat p destructs constructor patterns.
val is_const_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
val dest_record_pat : Typed_ast.pat ->
(Typed_ast.const_descr_ref * Typed_ast.pat) list option
dest_record_pat p destructs record patterns.
val is_record_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> bool

Classification of Patterns

val is_constructor : Ast.l -> Typed_ast.env -> -> Typed_ast.const_descr_ref -> bool
is_constructor l env targ c checks whether c is a constructor for target targ in environment env. If you want to know whether it is for any target, use the identity target. Internally, it checks whether type_defs_get_constr_families returns a non-empty list.
val is_buildin_constructor : Ast.l -> Typed_ast.env -> -> Typed_ast.const_descr_ref -> bool
is_buildin_constructor l env targ c checks whether c is a build-in constructor for target targ in environment env. Build-in constructors are constructors, which the target pattern compilation can handle.
val is_not_buildin_constructor : Ast.l -> Typed_ast.env -> -> Typed_ast.const_descr_ref -> bool
is_not_buildin_constructor l env targ c checks whether c is a constructor for target targ in environment env, but not a build-in one. Not build-in constructors get compiled away during pattern compilation.
val direct_subpats : Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat list
direct_subpats p returns a list of all the direct subpatterns of p.
val subpats : Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat list
subpats p returns a list of all the subpatterns of p. In contrast to direct_subpats p really all subpatterns are returned, not only direct ones. This means that the result of direct_subpats p is a subset of subpats p.
val exists_subpat : (Typed_ast.pat -> bool) -> Typed_ast.pat -> bool
exists_pat cf p checks whether p has a subpattern p' such that cf p' holds.
val for_all_subpat : (Typed_ast.pat -> bool) -> Typed_ast.pat -> bool
for_all_subpat cf p checks whether all subpatterns p' of p satisfy cf p'.
val single_pat_exhaustive : Typed_ast.pat -> bool
single_pat_exhaustive p checks whether the pattern p is exhaustive.
val pat_vars_src : Typed_ast.pat -> (Name.lskips_t, unit) Types.annot list
pat_vars_src p returns a list of all the variable names occuring in the pattern. The names are annotated with the type and the whitespace information.


val pat_extract_lskips : Typed_ast.pat -> Ast.lex_skips
pat_extract_lskips p extracts all whitespace from a pattern
val split_var_annot_pat : Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.pat
split_var_annot_pat p splits annotated variable patterns in variable patterns + type annotation. All other patterns are returned unchanged.
exception Pat_to_exp_unsupported of Ast.l * string
val pat_to_exp : Typed_ast.env -> Typed_ast.pat -> Typed_ast.exp
pat_to_exp env p tries to convert p into a corresponding expression. This might fail, e.g. if p contains wildcard patterns. If it fails a pat_to_exp_unsupported exception is raised.