Module Mergesort

Merge sort over lists

Require Import List.
Require Import Permutation.
Require Program.Wf.
Require Omega.

Section SORT.

A type equipped with a total, decidable preorder.

Variable A: Type.
Variable le: A -> A -> Prop.
Hypothesis le_trans: forall x y z, le x y -> le y z -> le x z.
Hypothesis le_total: forall x y, le x y \/ le y x.
Variable le_dec: forall (x y: A), {le x y} + {~le x y}.

Lemma le_refl: forall x, le x x.
  intros. destruct (le_total x x); auto.

Lemma le_not: forall x y, ~le x y -> le y x.
  intros. destruct (le_total x y). contradiction. auto.

What it means for a list to be sorted in increasing order.

Inductive Sorted: list A -> Prop :=
  | Sorted_nil:
      Sorted nil
  | Sorted_cons: forall hd tl,
      (forall x, In x tl -> le hd x) ->
      Sorted tl ->
      Sorted (hd :: tl).

Lists of 1 element are sorted.

Remark Sorted_1:
  forall x, Sorted (x :: nil).
  intros. constructor. intros. elim H. constructor.

Lists of 2 ordered elements are sorted.

Remark Sorted_2:
  forall x y, le x y -> Sorted (x :: y :: nil).
  intros. constructor.
  intros. simpl in H0. destruct H0. subst x0. auto. contradiction.
  apply Sorted_1.

Two elements are equivalent if they compare le in both directions.

Definition eqv (x y: A) : bool :=
  if le_dec x y then if le_dec y x then true else false
                else false.

Lemma eqv_spec: forall x y, eqv x y = true <-> le x y /\ le y x.
  intros. unfold eqv.
  destruct (le_dec x y).
  destruct (le_dec y x). tauto. intuition congruence.
  intuition congruence.

Stable permutations. Two lists are in the Stable relation if equivalent elements appear in the same order in both lists. That is, if the first list is of the form ... x ... y ... with x and y being equivalent, the other list is also of the form ... x ... y ... .

Definition Stable (l l': list A) : Prop :=
  forall x, filter (eqv x) l = filter (eqv x) l'.

Lemma Stable_refl:
  forall l, Stable l l.
  intros; red; intros; auto.

Lemma Stable_trans:
  forall l1 l2 l3, Stable l1 l2 -> Stable l2 l3 -> Stable l1 l3.
  intros; red; intros. transitivity (filter (eqv x) l2); auto.

Remark filter_app:
  forall (A: Type) (f: A -> bool) (l l': list A),
  filter f (l ++ l') = filter f l ++ filter f l'.
  induction l; intros; simpl. auto.
  destruct (f a); simpl. f_equal; auto. auto.

Lemma Stable_app:
  forall l l' m m', Stable l l' -> Stable m m' -> Stable (l ++ m) (l' ++ m').
  intros; red; intros. repeat rewrite filter_app. f_equal; auto.

Lemma Stable_skip:
  forall a l l', Stable l l' -> Stable (a::l) (a::l').
  intros; red; intros. simpl.
  destruct (eqv x a). f_equal; auto. auto.

Lemma Stable_swap:
  forall a b l, ~le b a -> Stable (a::b::l) (b::a::l).
  intros; red; intros. simpl.
  case_eq (eqv x a); intro; auto.
  case_eq (eqv x b); intro; auto.
  rewrite eqv_spec in H0. rewrite eqv_spec in H1. destruct H0; destruct H1.
  elim H. eauto.

Remark filter_empty:
  forall (A: Type) (f: A -> bool) (l: list A),
  (forall x, In x l -> f x = false) ->
  filter f l = nil.
  induction l; simpl; intros.
  replace (f a) with false. apply IHl. auto. symmetry. auto.

Lemma Stable_cons_app:
  forall a l l1 l2,
  Stable l (l1 ++ l2) ->
  (forall b, In b l1 -> ~(le a b /\ le b a)) ->
  Stable (a :: l) (l1 ++ a :: l2).
  intros; red; intros. rewrite filter_app. simpl.
  generalize (H x). rewrite filter_app.
  case_eq (eqv x a); intro; auto.
  rewrite (filter_empty _ (eqv x) l1). simpl. intro. congruence.
  intros. case_eq (eqv x x0); intro; auto.
  elim (H0 x0); auto.
  rewrite eqv_spec in H1. destruct H1.
  rewrite eqv_spec in H3. destruct H3.
  split; eapply le_trans; eauto.

Lemma Stable_cons_app':
  forall a b l l1 l2,
  Stable l (b :: l1 ++ l2) ->
  Sorted (b :: l1) -> ~le b a ->
  Stable (a :: l) (b :: l1 ++ a :: l2).
  intros. change (Stable (a :: l) ((b :: l1) ++ a :: l2)).
  apply Stable_cons_app. simpl; auto.
  intros. simpl in H2. destruct H2. subst b0. tauto.
  inversion H0; subst. red; intros [P Q]. elim H1. apply le_trans with b0; auto.

Remark filter_sublist:
  forall (A: Type) (f: A -> bool) (x: A) (l l1' l2': list A),
  filter f l = l1' ++ x :: l2' ->
  exists l1, exists l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2 /\ filter f l1 = l1' /\ filter f l2 = l2'.
  induction l; intros until l2'; simpl.
  intro. destruct l1'; simpl in H; discriminate.
  case_eq (f a); intros.
  destruct l1'; simpl in H0; injection H0; clear H0; intros.
  subst x. exists (@nil A0); exists l. auto.
  subst a0. destruct (IHl _ _ H0) as [l1 [l2 [P [Q R]]]]. subst l.
  exists (a :: l1); exists l2.
  split. auto. split. simpl. rewrite H. congruence. auto.
  destruct (IHl _ _ H0) as [l1 [l2 [P [Q R]]]]. subst l.
  exists (a :: l1); exists l2.
  split. auto. split. simpl. rewrite H. auto. auto.

Lemma Stable_decomp:
  forall l l',
  Stable l l' ->
  forall l1 x l2 y l3,
  l = l1 ++ x :: l2 ++ y :: l3 ->
  le x y -> le y x ->
  exists l1', exists l2', exists l3',
  l' = l1' ++ x :: l2' ++ y :: l3'.
  generalize (H x). subst l. rewrite filter_app. simpl.
  rewrite filter_app. simpl.
  assert (eqv x x = true).
    unfold eqv.
    destruct (le_dec x x). auto. elim n. apply le_refl.
  rewrite H0; clear H0.
  assert (eqv x y = true).
    unfold eqv. destruct (le_dec x y); try contradiction.
    destruct (le_dec y x); try contradiction. auto.
  rewrite H0; clear H0.
  destruct (filter_sublist _ _ _ _ _ _ (sym_equal H0)) as [m1 [m2 [P [Q R]]]].
  destruct (filter_sublist _ _ _ _ _ _ R) as [m3 [m4 [S [T U]]]].
  exists m1; exists m3; exists m4. congruence.

Merging two sorted lists.

Fixpoint merge (l1: list A) : list A -> list A :=
  match l1 with
  | nil => (fun l2 => l2)
  | h1 :: t1 =>
      let fix merge_aux (l2: list A) : list A :=
        match l2 with
        | nil => l1
        | h2 :: t2 =>
           if le_dec h1 h2
           then h1 :: merge t1 l2
           else h2 :: merge_aux t2
      in merge_aux

Lemma merge_spec:
  forall l1, Sorted l1 ->
  forall l2, Sorted l2 ->
  Sorted (merge l1 l2) /\ Permutation (merge l1 l2) (l1 ++ l2) /\ Stable (merge l1 l2) (l1 ++ l2).
  induction 1.
  intros; simpl. split. auto. split. apply Permutation_refl. apply Stable_refl.
  induction 1; intros; simpl.
  rewrite <- app_nil_end.
  split. constructor; auto. split. apply Permutation_refl. apply Stable_refl.
  destruct (le_dec hd hd0).
  destruct (IHSorted (hd0 :: tl0)) as [P [Q R]]. constructor; auto.
  constructor. intros.
  assert (In x (tl ++ hd0 :: tl0)). eapply Permutation_in; eauto.
  destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H4). auto.
  simpl in H5; destruct H5. congruence. apply le_trans with hd0; auto.
  apply perm_skip; auto.
  apply Stable_skip; auto.
  destruct IHSorted0 as [P [Q R]].
  change (Sorted (hd0 :: merge (hd :: tl) tl0)).
  constructor. intros.
  assert (In x ((hd :: tl) ++ tl0)). eapply Permutation_in; eauto.
  simpl in H4; destruct H4. subst x. apply le_not; auto.
  destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H4). apply le_trans with hd; auto. apply le_not; auto. auto.
  change (Permutation (hd0 :: merge (hd :: tl) tl0) ((hd :: tl) ++ hd0 :: tl0)).
  apply Permutation_cons_app. auto.
  change (Stable (hd0 :: merge (hd :: tl) tl0) ((hd :: tl) ++ hd0 :: tl0)).
  apply Stable_cons_app'. auto. constructor; auto. auto.

Flattening a list of lists.

Fixpoint flatten (ll: list (list A)): list A :=
  match ll with
  | nil => nil
  | hd :: tl => hd ++ flatten tl

Merging adjacent pairs of lists in a list of sorted lists.

Program Fixpoint merge_pairs
    (ll: list (list A))
    (SORTED: forall l, In l ll -> Sorted l)
    {struct ll}:
    { ll' : list(list A) |
      (forall l, In l ll' -> Sorted l)
      /\ Permutation (flatten ll') (flatten ll)
      /\ Stable (flatten ll') (flatten ll)
      /\ length ll' <= length ll
      /\ (length ll >= 2 -> length ll' < length ll) } :=
  match ll with
  | l1 :: l2 :: tl => merge l1 l2 :: merge_pairs tl _
  | _ => ll
Next Obligation.
  apply SORTED. simpl. auto.
Next Obligation.
  assert (Sorted l1). apply SORTED. simpl; auto.
  assert (Sorted l2). apply SORTED. simpl; auto.
  destruct (merge_spec l1 H l2 H0). destruct H2.
  split. intros. destruct H4. congruence. auto.
  split. rewrite <- app_ass. apply Permutation_app; auto.
  split. rewrite <- app_ass. apply Stable_app; auto.
  split. simpl. omega.
  intros. simpl. omega.
Next Obligation.
  split. auto. split. apply Permutation_refl. split. apply Stable_refl.
  split. omega.
  destruct ll; simpl in H0. elimtype False; omega.
  destruct ll; simpl in H0. elimtype False; omega.
  elim (H l l0 ll). auto.

Iterating merge_pairs until all sorted lists have been merged in one.

Program Fixpoint merge_iter (ll: list (list A))
                            (SRT: forall l, In l ll -> Sorted l)
                            {measure (length ll)} :
                 { l : list A
                   | Sorted l /\ Permutation l (flatten ll) /\ Stable l (flatten ll) } :=
  match ll with
  | nil => nil
  | l :: nil => l
  | _ => merge_iter (merge_pairs ll _) _
Next Obligation.
  split. constructor. split. apply perm_nil. apply Stable_refl.
Next Obligation.
  split. simpl in SRT. auto.
  rewrite <- app_nil_end. split. apply Permutation_refl. apply Stable_refl.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (merge_pairs ll (merge_iter_func_obligation_3 ll SRT merge_iter ll (conj n n0) (eq_refl ll)))
  as [mll [P [Q [R [S T]]]]]. auto.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (merge_pairs ll (merge_iter_func_obligation_3 ll SRT merge_iter ll (conj n n0) (eq_refl ll)))
  as [mll [P [Q [R [S T]]]]]. simpl.
  apply T. destruct ll. congruence.
  destruct ll. elim (n l). auto.
  simpl; omega.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (merge_iter
              (merge_pairs ll
                 (merge_iter_func_obligation_3 ll SRT merge_iter ll
                    (conj n n0) (eq_refl ll))))
           (merge_iter_func_obligation_4 ll SRT merge_iter ll
              (conj n n0) (eq_refl ll))
           (merge_iter_func_obligation_5 ll SRT merge_iter ll
              (conj n n0) (eq_refl ll))) as [mll (S & P & ST)].
  simpl in *.
  split. auto.
  destruct (merge_pairs ll (merge_iter_func_obligation_3 ll SRT merge_iter ll (conj n n0) (eq_refl ll)))
    as [mll' [P' [Q' [R' [S' T']]]]]. simpl in *.
  split. eapply Permutation_trans; eauto.
  eapply Stable_trans; eauto.
Next Obligation.
  split; intros. congruence. congruence.

Cutting a list into a list of sorted lists.

Program Fixpoint presort (l: list A) :
   { l': list (list A) |
       (forall x, In x l' -> Sorted x) /\ Permutation (flatten l') l /\ Stable (flatten l') l} :=
  match l with
  | nil => nil
  | x :: nil => (x :: nil) :: nil
  | x :: y :: tl =>
      (if le_dec x y then x :: y :: nil else y :: x :: nil)
      :: presort tl
Next Obligation.
  split. tauto. split. constructor. apply Stable_refl.
Next Obligation.
  split. intros. destruct H. subst x0. constructor. intros. elim H. constructor.
  split. apply Permutation_refl. apply Stable_refl.
Next Obligation.
  intros. destruct H.
  destruct (le_dec x y); subst; apply Sorted_2; auto.
  apply le_not; auto. auto.
  destruct (le_dec x y); simpl.
  apply perm_skip. apply perm_skip. auto.
  apply Stable_skip. apply Stable_skip. auto.
  eapply perm_trans. apply perm_swap. apply perm_skip. apply perm_skip. auto.
  eapply Stable_trans. apply Stable_swap. auto. apply Stable_skip. apply Stable_skip. auto.

The sorting function.

Program Definition mergesort (l: list A):
    { l' : list A | Sorted l' /\ Permutation l' l /\ Stable l' l } :=
  merge_iter (presort l) _.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (presort l) as [l' [P Q]]. simpl in H. auto.
Next Obligation.
  case ((merge_iter (proj1_sig (presort l)) (mergesort_obligation_1 l))).
  intros res. simpl.
  case (presort l). simpl.
  intros l' [P [Q R]] [S [T U]].
  split. auto. split. eapply Permutation_trans; eauto. eapply Stable_trans; eauto.

A property of permutations that is missing from the List library: a permutation of a list without duplicates is a list without duplicates.

Lemma Permutation_NoDup:
  forall (l l': list A), Permutation l l' -> NoDup l -> NoDup l'.
  induction 1; intros.

  inversion H0; subst. constructor; auto.
  red; intro; elim H3. apply Permutation_in with l'; auto. apply Permutation_sym; auto.

  inversion H; subst. inversion H3; subst.
  constructor. simpl. simpl in H2. intuition.
  constructor. simpl in H2. intuition. auto.
