Downloading MetiTarski

MetiTarski is distributed in both source and binary (Linux and OSX) formats. Please email me to register your copy.

It should be possible to compile the sources on any of the main operating systems. Please note that MetiTarski is experimental research software and will require a certain amount of effort to build on your machine. You will need to download and install two further pieces of software:

If you have difficulties using MetiTarski, I would be happy to help. In return I hope you can provide advice on how to improve it, sample problems, applications, etc.

Getting the sources from Bitbucket

You also have the option of downloading the sources from Bitbucket, where the source code repository is hosted. You can also download pre-release versions of MetiTarski from there. But generally you will be better off sticking with one of the standard releases, since they have been thoroughly tested.

Last revised: Thursday, 6 October 2022

Lawrence C. PaulsonComputer LaboratoryUniversity of Cambridge