⇡ Tutorial for the debug preview of lowRISC

How to add a new peripherial

This document details the steps needed to add a second BRAM on the IO NASTI bus.

A secondary BRAM

Below is the top-level connection of the BRAM to be added.

module nasti_bram (
  input  clk, rstn,
  nasti_channel.slave nasti

Modify the global address map

Assuming the BRAM is 128KB and is readable, writable but not executable, we add a new entry named “extra_bram” into the address map at $TOP/src/main/scala/Configs.scala:

# In class BaseConfig extends Config (

  if (site(UseSPI)) {
    entries += AddrMapEntry("spi", MemSize(1<<13, 1<<13, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW)))
    Dump("ADD_SPI", true)

+ entries += AddrMapEntry("extra_bram", MemSize(1<<17, 1<<17, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW)))

  new AddrMap(entries)

This should result in two extra macros defined in dev_map.h:

#define DEV_MAP__io_ext_extra_bram__BASE 0x40020000
#define DEV_MAP__io_ext_extra_bram__MASK 0x1ffff

Connect the BRAM to the IO NASTI bus.

Finally, we need to add the BRAM in the SystemVerilog top-level connection at $TOP/src/main/verilog/chip_top.sv:

+   // secondary BRAM
+   nasti_channel
+     #(
+   io_extra_bram_lite();
+   nasti_bram extra_bram
+     (
+      .*,
+      .nasti ( io_extra_bram_lite )
+     );
    // IO crossbar

-   localparam NUM_DEVICE = 4;
+   localparam NUM_DEVICE = 5;

    // output of the IO crossbar
        .N_PORT      ( NUM_DEVICE                ),
        .ADDR_WIDTH  ( `ROCKET_PADDR_WIDTH       ),

-   nasti_channel ios_dmm4(), ios_dmm5(), ios_dmm6(), ios_dmm7(); // dummy channels
+   nasti_channel ios_dmm5(), ios_dmm6(), ios_dmm7(); // dummy channels

    nasti_channel_slicer #(NUM_DEVICE)
    io_slicer (.s(io_cbo_lite), .m0(io_host_lite), .m1(io_uart_lite), .m2(io_spi_lite),
-              .m3(io_bram_lite), .m4(ios_dmm4), .m5(ios_dmm5), .m6(ios_dmm6), .m7(ios_dmm7));
+              .m3(io_bram_lite), .m4(io_extra_bram_lite), .m5(ios_dmm5), .m6(ios_dmm6), .m7(ios_dmm7));

    // the io crossbar
        .N_INPUT    ( 1                     ),
        .N_OUTPUT   ( NUM_DEVICE            ),
        .IB_DEPTH   ( 0                     ),
        .OB_DEPTH   ( 1                     ), // some IPs response only with data, which will cause deadlock in nasti_demux (no lock)
        .W_MAX      ( 1                     ),
        .R_MAX      ( 1                     ),
        .LITE_MODE  ( 1                     )
       .s ( io_lite     ),
       .m ( io_cbo_lite )

  `ifdef ADD_HOST
    defparam io_crossbar.BASE0 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_host__BASE ;
    defparam io_crossbar.MASK0 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_host__MASK ;

  `ifdef ADD_UART
    defparam io_crossbar.BASE1 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_uart__BASE;
    defparam io_crossbar.MASK1 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_uart__MASK;

  `ifdef ADD_SPI
    defparam io_crossbar.BASE2 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_spi__BASE;
    defparam io_crossbar.MASK2 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_spi__MASK;

  `ifdef ADD_BRAM
    defparam io_crossbar.BASE3 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_bram__BASE;
    defparam io_crossbar.MASK3 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_bram__MASK;

+   defparam io_crossbar.BASE4 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_extra_bram__BASE;
+   defparam io_crossbar.MASK4 = `DEV_MAP__io_ext_extra_bram__MASK;

That’s it! Now the secondary BRAM should be ready for use.

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