Module Typedecl_variance

type surface_variance = bool * bool * bool
val variance_of_params : (Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) list -> surface_variance list
val variance_of_sdecl : Parsetree.type_declaration -> surface_variance list
type prop = Types.Variance.t list
type req = surface_variance list
val property : (Types.Variance.t listreq)
type error =
| Bad_variance of int * surface_variance * surface_variance
| Varying_anonymous
exception Error of Location.t * error
val check_variance_extension : Env.t -> Types.type_declaration -> Typedtree.extension_constructor -> (req * Location.t) -> unit
val compute_decl : Env.t -> check:bool -> Types.type_declaration -> req -> prop
val update_decls : Env.t -> Parsetree.type_declaration list -> (Ident.t * Types.type_declaration) list -> (Ident.t * Types.type_declaration) list
val update_class_decls : Env.t -> (Ident.t * Typedecl_properties.decl * Types.type_declaration * Types.class_declaration * Types.class_type_declaration * 'a Typedtree.class_infos) list -> (Typedecl_properties.decl * Types.type_declaration * Types.class_declaration * Types.class_type_declaration) list