Module Cmm

type machtype_component =
| Val
| Addr
| Int
| Float
type machtype = machtype_component array
val typ_void : machtype
val typ_val : machtype
val typ_addr : machtype
val typ_int : machtype
val typ_float : machtype
val size_component : machtype_component -> int
val lub_component : machtype_component -> machtype_component -> machtype_component

Least upper bound of two machtype_components.

val ge_component : machtype_component -> machtype_component -> bool

Returns true iff the first supplied machtype_component is greater than or equal to the second under the relation used by lub_component.

val size_machtype : machtype -> int
type integer_comparison = Lambda.integer_comparison =
| Ceq
| Cne
| Clt
| Cgt
| Cle
| Cge
val negate_integer_comparison : integer_comparison -> integer_comparison
val swap_integer_comparison : integer_comparison -> integer_comparison
type float_comparison = Lambda.float_comparison =
| CFeq
| CFneq
| CFlt
| CFnlt
| CFgt
| CFngt
| CFle
| CFnle
| CFge
| CFnge
val negate_float_comparison : float_comparison -> float_comparison
val swap_float_comparison : float_comparison -> float_comparison
type label = int
val new_label : unit -> label
type raise_kind =
| Raise_withtrace
| Raise_notrace
type rec_flag =
| Nonrecursive
| Recursive
type phantom_defining_expr =
| Cphantom_const_int of Targetint.t

The phantom-let-bound variable is a constant integer. The argument must be the tagged representation of an integer within the range of type int on the target. (Analogously to Cconst_int.)

| Cphantom_const_symbol of string

The phantom-let-bound variable is an alias for a symbol.

| Cphantom_var of Backend_var.t

The phantom-let-bound variable is an alias for another variable. The aliased variable must not be a bound by a phantom let.

| Cphantom_offset_var of {
var : Backend_var.t;
offset_in_words : int;

The phantom-let-bound-variable's value is defined by adding the given number of words to the pointer contained in the given identifier.

| Cphantom_read_field of {
var : Backend_var.t;
field : int;

The phantom-let-bound-variable's value is found by adding the given number of words to the pointer contained in the given identifier, then dereferencing.

| Cphantom_read_symbol_field of {
sym : string;
field : int;

As for Uphantom_read_var_field, but with the pointer specified by a symbol.

| Cphantom_block of {
tag : int;
fields : Backend_var.t list;

The phantom-let-bound variable points at a block with the given structure.

type memory_chunk =
| Byte_unsigned
| Byte_signed
| Sixteen_unsigned
| Sixteen_signed
| Thirtytwo_unsigned
| Thirtytwo_signed
| Word_int
| Word_val
| Single
| Double
| Double_u
and operation =
| Capply of machtype
| Cextcall of string * machtype * bool * label option
| Cload of memory_chunk * Asttypes.mutable_flag
| Calloc
| Cstore of memory_chunk * Lambda.initialization_or_assignment
| Caddi
| Csubi
| Cmuli
| Cmulhi
| Cdivi
| Cmodi
| Cand
| Cor
| Cxor
| Clsl
| Clsr
| Casr
| Ccmpi of integer_comparison
| Caddv
| Cadda
| Ccmpa of integer_comparison
| Cnegf
| Cabsf
| Caddf
| Csubf
| Cmulf
| Cdivf
| Cfloatofint
| Cintoffloat
| Ccmpf of float_comparison
| Craise of raise_kind
| Ccheckbound
and expression =
| Cconst_int of int * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_natint of nativeint * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_float of float * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_symbol of string * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_pointer of int * Debuginfo.t
| Cconst_natpointer of nativeint * Debuginfo.t
| Cblockheader of nativeint * Debuginfo.t
| Cvar of Backend_var.t
| Clet of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * expression
| Cphantom_let of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * phantom_defining_expr option * expression
| Cassign of Backend_var.t * expression
| Ctuple of expression list
| Cop of operation * expression list * Debuginfo.t
| Csequence of expression * expression
| Cifthenelse of expression * Debuginfo.t * expression * Debuginfo.t * expression * Debuginfo.t
| Cswitch of expression * int array * (expression * Debuginfo.t) array * Debuginfo.t
| Ccatch of rec_flag * (int * (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list * expression * Debuginfo.t) list * expression
| Cexit of int * expression list
| Ctrywith of expression * Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * Debuginfo.t

Every basic block should have a corresponding Debuginfo.t for its beginning.

type codegen_option =
| Reduce_code_size
| No_CSE
type fundecl = {
fun_name : string;
fun_args : (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list;
fun_body : expression;
fun_codegen_options : codegen_option list;
fun_dbg : Debuginfo.t;
type data_item =
| Cdefine_symbol of string
| Cglobal_symbol of string
| Cint8 of int
| Cint16 of int
| Cint32 of nativeint
| Cint of nativeint
| Csingle of float
| Cdouble of float
| Csymbol_address of string
| Cstring of string
| Cskip of int
| Calign of int
type phrase =
| Cfunction of fundecl
| Cdata of data_item list
val ccatch : (int * (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list * expression * expression * Debuginfo.t) -> expression
val reset : unit -> unit