Module S_kernel_without_zone.Date_and_ofday

Equivalent to a Date.t and an Ofday.t with no time zone. A Date_and_ofday.t does not correspond to a single, unambiguous point in time.

type t = private underlying

Constructors and accessors

val of_date_ofday : Core_kernel__Date0.t -> Ofday.t -> t
val to_date_ofday : t -> Core_kernel__Date0.t * Ofday.t
val to_date : t -> Core_kernel__Date0.t
val to_ofday : t -> Ofday.t

Conversions between absolute times and date + ofday

val of_absolute : t -> offset_from_utc:Span.t -> t
val to_absolute : t -> offset_from_utc:Span.t -> t

Low-level conversions

val of_synthetic_span_since_epoch : Span.t -> t
val to_synthetic_span_since_epoch : t -> Span.t