Here you can find my
Google Scholar page.
- ENDEAVOUR: A Scalable SDN Architecture for Real-World IXPs,
Antichi G., Castro I., Chiesa M., Fernandes E., Lapeyrade R., Kopp D., Han J., Bruyere M.,
Dietzel C., Gusat M., Moore A.W., Owezarski P., Uhlig S., Canini M.,
IEEE Journal on Selected Area of Communication, Special issue on Emerging Technologies in
Software-driven Communication, 2017
- Inter-Domain Networking Innovation on Steroids: Empowering IXPs with SDN Capabilities,
Chiesa M., Dietzel C., Antichi.G., Bruyere M., Castro I., Gusat M., King T., Moore A.W.,
Nguyen T.D., Owezarski P., Uhlig S., Canini M.,
IEEE Communications Magazine, Special issue on SDN Use Cases for Service Provider Networks, 2016
- An Open-Source Hardware Approach for High Performance Low-Cost QoS Monitoring of VoIP Traffic,
Antichi G., Donatini L., Garroppo R.G., Giordano S., Moore A.W.,
LNCS volume 8934, Springer, 2015
- OSNT: Open Source Network Tester,
Antichi G., Shahbaz M., Geng Y., Zilberman N., Covington A., Bruyere M., Feamster N., McKeown N., Felderman B., Blott M., Moore A.W., Owezarski P.,
IEEE Network Magazine, Special issue on Open Source for Networking: Tools and Applications, 2014
- Differential Encoding of DFAs for Fast Regular Expression Matching,
Ficara D., Di Pietro A., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F., Antichi G.,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2011
- A Cooperative PC/Network.Processor Platform for Gigabit Traffic Generation,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A.,Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
Inderscience IJCNDS, Special issue on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, 2009
- Counting Bloom filters for Pattern Matching and Anti-Evasion at the Wire Speed,
Antichi G., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE Network Magazine, Special issue on Network Intrusion Detection, 2009
- "An Improved DFA for fast regular expression matching,
Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F., Antichi G., Di Pietro A.,
ACM CCR, 2008
Peer-reviewed Conferences/Workshops
- An SDN-inspired Model for Faster Network Experimentation,
Fernandes E.L., Antichi G., Castro I., Uhlig S.,
ACM SIGSIM PADS, Rome, IT, 23-25 May, 2018
- Re-architecting datacenter networks and stacks for low latency and high performance,
Handley M., Raiciu C., Agache A., Voinescu A., Moore A.W., Antichi G., Wojicik M.,
ACM SIGCOMM, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 21-25 August, 2017
- ClassBench-ng: Recasting ClassBench After a Decade of Network Evolution,
Matoušek J., Antichi G., Lucanský A., Moore A.W., Korenek J.,
ACM/IEEE ANCS, Beijing, CN, 18-19 May, 2017
- Mind the Gap - A Comparison of Software Packet Generators,
Emmerich P., Gallenmüller S., Antichi G., Moore A.W., Carle G.,
ACM/IEEE ANCS, Beijing, CN, 18-19 May, 2017
- Where Has My Time Gone?,
Zilberman N., Grosvenor M., Popescu D.A., Manihatty-Bojan N., Antichi G., Wojcik M., Moore A.W.,
PAM, Sidney, AU, 30-31 March, 2017
- OFLOPS-Turbo: Testing the Next-Generation OpenFlow Switch,
Rostos C., Antichi G., Bruyere M., Owezarski P., Moore A.W.,
IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June, 2015
- Towards an SDN Network Control Application for Differentiated Traffic Routing,
Adami D., Antichi G., Garroppo R.G., Giordano S., Moore A.W.,
IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June, 2015
- Blueswitch: Enabling provably consistent configuration of network switches,
Han J.H., Mundkur P., Rotsos C., Antichi G., Dave N., Moore A.W., Neumann P.G.,
ACM/IEEE ANCS, Oakland, CA, USA, 7-8 May, 2015
- JA-trie: Entropy-Based Packet Classification,
Antichi G., Callegari C., Moore A.W., Giordano S., Anastasi E.,
IEEE HPSR, Vancouver, Canada, 1-4 July, 2014
- On Virtualization-aware Traffic Engineering in OpenFlow Data Centers networks,
Gharbaoui M., Martini B., Adami D., Antichi G., Giordano S., Castoldi P.,
IEEE/IFIP NOMS, Krakow, Poland, 5-9 May, 2014
- "Datacenter in a Box: Test your SDN Cloud-Datacenter Controller at Home,
Antichi G., Adami D., Teixeira J., Del Chiaro A., Giordano S., Santos A.,
EWSDN, Berlin, DE, 10-11 October, 2013
- From 1G to 10G: Code Reuse in Action,
Antichi G., Shahbaz M., Giordano S., Moore A.W.,
ACM HPPN, New York, NY, USA, 18 June, 2013
- Implementation of TCP Large Receive Offload on Open Hardware Platform,
Antichi G., Callegari C., Giordano S.,
ACM HPPN, New York, NY, USA, 18 June, 2013
- Effective Resource Control Strategies using OpenFlow in Cloud Data Center,
Adami D., Martini B., Antichi G., Giordano S., Gharbaoui M., Castoldi P.,
IFIP/IEEE, Ghent, Belgium, 27-31 May, 2013
- An open hardware implementation of CUSUM based Network Anomaly Detection,
Antichi G., Callegari C., Giordano S.,
IEEE Globecom, Anaheim, California, USA, 3-7 December, 2012
- Enabling Open-Source High Speed Network Monitoring on NetFPGA,
Antichi G., Miller D., Moore A.W., Giordano S.,
IEEE/IFIP NOMS, MAUI, Hawaii, USA, 16-20 April, 2012
- Design and Development of an OpenFlow Compliant Smart Gigabit Switch,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Giordano S., Procissi G., Ficara D.,
IEEE Globecom 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, 5-9 December, 2011
- Scaling Regular Expression Matching Performance in Parallel Systems through Sampling Techniques,
Ficara D., Antichi G., Bonelli N., Di Pietro A., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE Globecom, Houston, Texas, USA, 5-9 December, 2011
- On the Use of Compressed DFAs for Packet Classification on NetFPGA,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE CAMAD, Miami, USA, 3-4 December, 2010
- An Open Source Hardware Module for High-Speed Network Monitoring on NetFPGA,
Antichi G., Miller D., Moore A., Giordano S.,
European NetFPGA Developers Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 9-10 September, 2010
- Packet Classification Through Regular Expression Matching on NetFPGA,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
European NetFPGA Developers Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 9-10 September, 2010
- A Randomized Scheme for IP Lookup at Wire Speed on NetFPGA,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May, 2010
- Achieving Perfect Hashing through and Improved Construction of Bloom Filters,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Russo F., Vitucci F.,
IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May, 2010
- Sampling Techniques to Accelerate Pattern Matching in Network Intrusion Detection Systems,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May, 2010
- Second-Order Differential Encoding of Deterministic Finite Automata,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 November-4 December, 2009
- Network Topology Discovery through Self-Constrained Decisions,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 Novemeber-4 December, 2009
- A Prefix-Distribution Adaptive Scheme For Routing Lookup Acceleration,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 November-4 December, 2009
- End-to-End Inference of Link Level Queueing Delay Statistics,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 November-4 December, 2009
- IP-Lookup with a Blooming Tree Array: A New Lookup Algorithm for High Performance Routers,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
NetFPGA Developers Workshop, Stanford, California, USA, 13-14 Aug, 2009
- A High Level Development, Modeling and Simulation Methodology for Complex Multicore Network Processors,
Antichi G., Callegari C., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Vitucci F., Meneghin M., Torquati M., Vanneschi M., Coppola M.,
SPECTS, Instanbul, Turkey, 13-16 July, 2009
- A Heuristic and Hybrid Hash-based Approach to Fast Lookup,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A.,Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE HPSR, Paris, France, 22-24 June, 2009
- Faster DFAs Through Simple and Efficient Inverse Homomorphisms,
Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F., Antichi G., Di Pietro A.,
IEEE INFOCOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19-25 April, 2009
- Blooming Trees for Minimal Perfect Hashing,
Antichi G., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, LA, USA, 30 November-4 December, 2008
- Design of a High Performance Traffic Generator on Network Processor,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
IEEE DSD (Euromicro), Parma, Italy, 3 September
- BRUNO: A High Performance Traffic Generator for Network Processor,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Procissi G., Vitucci F.,
SPECTS, Edimburgh, UK, 16-18 June, 2008,
- Umbrella : a deployable SDN-enabled IXP Switching Fabric,
Bruyere M., Fernandes E.L., Lapeyrade R., Castro I., Owezarski P., Uhlig S., Moore A.W., Antichi G.,
ACM SOSR, Los Angeles, CA, US, 28 March, 2018
- Enabling Fast Hierarchical Heavy Hitter Detection using Programmable Data Planes,
Popescu D.A., Antichi G., Moore A.W.,
ACM SOSR, Santa Clara, CA, US, 4 April, 2017
- Horse: towards an SDN traffic dynamics simulator for large scale networks,
Fernandes E., Antichi G., Castro I., Uhlig S.,
ACM SIGCOMM, Florianopolis, BR, 22-26 August, 2016
- Extreme data-rate scheduling for the Data Center,
Manihatty-Bojan N., Zilberman N., Antichi G., Moore A.W.,
ACM SIGCOMM, London, UK, 17-21 August, 2015
- An Open Testing Framework for Next-Generation OpenFlow Switches,
Rotsos C., Antichi G., Bruyere M., Owezarski P., Moore A.W.,
EWSDN, Budapest, HU, 1-3 September, 2014
- Architecture for an Open Source Network Tester,
Shahbaz M., Antichi G., Geng Y., Zilberman N., Covington A., Bruyere M., Feamster N., McKeown N., Felderman B., Blott M., Moore A.W., Owezarski P.,
ACM/IEEE ANCS, San Josè, CA, USA, 21-22 Octber, 2013
- Time Structure Analysis of the LHCb Online Network,
Antichi G., Bruyere M., Campora Perez D.H., Liu G., Neufeld N., Giordano S., Owezarski P., Moore A.W.,
CHEP, Amsterdam, NL, 14-18 October, 2013
- An OpenFlow Compliant Smart Switch for Monitoring Applications,
Antichi G., Di Pietro A.,
CHANGE/OFELIA Summer School, Berlin, Germany, 5-12 November, 2011