-- Inductively constructed substitution maps
module SOAS.ContextMaps.Inductive {T : Set} where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Context
open import SOAS.Sorting
open import SOAS.Families.Core {T}
open import SOAS.Variable

    α : T
    Γ Δ : Ctx
    𝒳 𝒴 : Familyₛ

-- A list of terms in context Δ for every variable in context Γ
data Sub (𝒳 : Familyₛ) : Ctx  Ctx  Set where
     : Sub 𝒳  Δ
  _◂_ : 𝒳 α Δ  Sub 𝒳 Γ Δ  Sub 𝒳 (α  Γ) Δ

infixl 120 _◂_

infix 150 _⟩
pattern _⟩ t  = t  

-- Functorial mapping
Sub₁ : (f : 𝒳 ⇾̣ 𝒴)  Sub 𝒳 Γ Δ  Sub 𝒴 Γ Δ
Sub₁ f  = 
Sub₁ f (x  σ) = f x  Sub₁ f σ

-- Conversion between inductive substitutions and context maps
module _ {𝒳 : Familyₛ} where
  index : Sub 𝒳 Γ Δ  Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝ Δ
  index  ()
  index (t  σ) new = t
  index (t  σ) (old v) = index σ v

  tabulate : Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝ Δ  Sub 𝒳 Γ Δ
  tabulate {Γ = } σ = 
  tabulate {Γ = α  Γ} σ = σ new  tabulate (σ  old)

  ix∘tab≈id : (σ : Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝ Δ) (v :  α Γ)
          index (tabulate σ) v  σ v
  ix∘tab≈id {Γ = α  Γ} σ new = refl
  ix∘tab≈id {Γ = α  Γ} σ (old v) = ix∘tab≈id (σ  old) v

  tab∘ix≈id : (σ : Sub 𝒳 Γ Δ)  tabulate (index σ)  σ
  tab∘ix≈id  = refl
  tab∘ix≈id (x  σ) rewrite tab∘ix≈id σ = refl

-- Naturality conditions
tabulate-nat : (f : 𝒳 ⇾̣ 𝒴)(σ : Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝ Δ)
           tabulate {𝒴} (f  σ)  Sub₁ f (tabulate {𝒳} σ)
tabulate-nat {Γ = } f σ = refl
tabulate-nat {Γ = α  Γ} f σ = cong (f (σ new) ◂_) (tabulate-nat f (σ  old))

index-nat : (f : 𝒳 ⇾̣ 𝒴)(σ : Sub 𝒳 Γ Δ)(v :  α Γ)
           index (Sub₁ f σ) v  f (index σ v)
index-nat f (x  σ) new     = refl
index-nat f (x  σ) (old v) = index-nat f σ v