{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category

-- Mainly *properties* of isomorphisms, and a lot of other things too

-- TODO: split things up more semantically?

module Categories.Morphism.Isomorphism {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Function using (flip)

open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; _Preserves_⟶_; IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Transitive
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_)

import Categories.Category.Construction.Core as Core
open import Categories.Category.Groupoid using (IsGroupoid)
import Categories.Category.Groupoid.Properties as GroupoidProps
import Categories.Morphism as Morphism
import Categories.Morphism.Properties as MorphismProps
import Categories.Morphism.IsoEquiv as IsoEquiv
import Categories.Category.Construction.Path as Path

open Core 𝒞 using (Core; Core-isGroupoid; CoreGroupoid)
open Morphism 𝒞
open MorphismProps 𝒞
open IsoEquiv 𝒞 using (_≃_; ⌞_⌟; ≃-sym)
open Path 𝒞

import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

open Category 𝒞
open Definitions 𝒞

  module MCore where
    open IsGroupoid    Core-isGroupoid public
    open GroupoidProps CoreGroupoid public
    open MorphismProps Core public
    open Morphism      Core public
    open Path          Core public

    A B C D E F : Obj

open MCore using () renaming (_∘_ to _∘ᵢ_) public

CommutativeIso = IsGroupoid.CommutativeSquare Core-isGroupoid

-- Also stuff about transitive closure

∘ᵢ-tc : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B  A  B
∘ᵢ-tc = MCore.∘-tc

infix 4 _≃⁺_
_≃⁺_ : Rel (A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B) e
_≃⁺_ = MCore._≈⁺_

TransitiveClosure : Category o (o    e) e
TransitiveClosure = MCore.Path

-- some infrastructure setup in order to say something about morphisms and isomorphisms
module _ where
    data IsoPlus : A [ _⇒_ ]⁺ B  Set (o    e) where
      [_]     : {f : A  B} {g : B  A}  Iso f g  IsoPlus [ f ]
      _∼⁺⟨_⟩_ :  A {f⁺ : A [ _⇒_ ]⁺ B} {g⁺ : B [ _⇒_ ]⁺ C}  IsoPlus f⁺  IsoPlus g⁺  IsoPlus (_ ∼⁺⟨ f⁺  g⁺)

  open _≅_

  ≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B  A [ _⇒_ ]⁺ B
  ≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ [ f ]            = [ from f ]
  ≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ (_ ∼⁺⟨ f⁺  f⁺′) = _ ∼⁺⟨ ≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ f⁺  ≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ f⁺′

  reverse : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B  B [ _≅_ ]⁺ A
  reverse [ f ]            = [ ≅.sym f ]
  reverse (_ ∼⁺⟨ f⁺  f⁺′) = _ ∼⁺⟨ reverse f⁺′  reverse f⁺

  reverse⇒≅-sym : (f⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B)  ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺)  ≅.sym (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺)
  reverse⇒≅-sym [ f ]            = ≡.refl
  reverse⇒≅-sym (_ ∼⁺⟨ f⁺  f⁺′)  = ≡.cong₂ (Morphism.≅.trans 𝒞) (reverse⇒≅-sym f⁺′) (reverse⇒≅-sym f⁺)

  TransitiveClosure-groupoid : IsGroupoid TransitiveClosure
  TransitiveClosure-groupoid = record
    { _⁻¹ = reverse
    ; iso = λ {_ _ f⁺}  record { isoˡ = isoˡ′ f⁺ ; isoʳ = isoʳ′ f⁺ }
      open MCore.HomReasoning

      isoˡ′ : (f⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B)  ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺) ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺  ≅.refl
      isoˡ′ f⁺ = begin
          ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺) ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺
        ≡⟨ ≡.cong (_∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺) (reverse⇒≅-sym f⁺) 
          ≅.sym (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺) ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺
        ≈⟨ MCore.iso.isoˡ 

      isoʳ′ : (f⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B)  ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺ ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺)  ≅.refl
      isoʳ′ f⁺ = begin
          ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺ ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺)
        ≡⟨ ≡.cong (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺ ∘ᵢ_) (reverse⇒≅-sym f⁺) 
          ∘ᵢ-tc f⁺ ∘ᵢ ≅.sym (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺)
        ≈⟨ MCore.iso.isoʳ 

  from-∘ᵢ-tc : (f⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B)  from (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺)  ∘-tc (≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ f⁺)
  from-∘ᵢ-tc [ f ]            = ≡.refl
  from-∘ᵢ-tc (_ ∼⁺⟨ f⁺  f⁺′) = ≡.cong₂ _∘_ (from-∘ᵢ-tc f⁺′) (from-∘ᵢ-tc f⁺)

  ≅*⇒⇒*-cong : ≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ {A} {B} Preserves _≃⁺_  _≈⁺_
  ≅*⇒⇒*-cong {_} {_} {f⁺} {g⁺} f⁺≃⁺g⁺ = begin
    ∘-tc (≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ f⁺)  ≡˘⟨ from-∘ᵢ-tc f⁺ 
    from (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺)  ≈⟨ _≃_.from-≈ f⁺≃⁺g⁺ 
    from (∘ᵢ-tc g⁺)  ≡⟨ from-∘ᵢ-tc g⁺ 
    ∘-tc (≅⁺⇒⇒⁺ g⁺)  
    where open HomReasoning

  ≅-shift :  {f⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B} {g⁺ : B [ _≅_ ]⁺ C} {h⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ C} 
              (_ ∼⁺⟨ f⁺   g⁺) ≃⁺ h⁺  g⁺ ≃⁺ (_ ∼⁺⟨ reverse f⁺  h⁺)
  ≅-shift {f⁺ = f⁺} {g⁺ = g⁺} {h⁺ = h⁺} eq = begin
    ∘ᵢ-tc g⁺                                      ≈⟨ introʳ (I.isoʳ f⁺) 
    ∘ᵢ-tc g⁺ ∘ᵢ (∘ᵢ-tc f⁺ ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺))  ≈⟨ pullˡ eq 
    ∘ᵢ-tc h⁺ ∘ᵢ ∘ᵢ-tc (reverse f⁺)                
      open MCore.HomReasoning
      open MR Core
      module I {A B} (f⁺ : A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B) = Morphism.Iso (IsGroupoid.iso TransitiveClosure-groupoid {f = f⁺})

  lift :  {f⁺ : A [ _⇒_ ]⁺ B}  IsoPlus f⁺  A [ _≅_ ]⁺ B
  lift [ iso ]            = [ record
    { from = _
    ; to   = _
    ; iso  = iso
    } ]
  lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ iso  iso′) = _ ∼⁺⟨ lift iso  lift iso′

  reduce-lift :  {f⁺ : A [ _⇒_ ]⁺ B} (f′ : IsoPlus f⁺)  from (∘ᵢ-tc (lift f′))  ∘-tc f⁺
  reduce-lift [ f ]           = ≡.refl
  reduce-lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ f′  f″) = ≡.cong₂ _∘_ (reduce-lift f″) (reduce-lift f′)

  lift-cong :  {f⁺ g⁺ : A [ _⇒_ ]⁺ B} (f′ : IsoPlus f⁺) (g′ : IsoPlus g⁺) 
              f⁺ ≈⁺ g⁺  lift f′ ≃⁺ lift g′
  lift-cong {_} {_} {f⁺} {g⁺} f′ g′ eq =  from-≈′ 
      open HomReasoning

      from-≈′ : from (∘ᵢ-tc (lift f′))  from (∘ᵢ-tc (lift g′))
      from-≈′ = begin
        from (∘ᵢ-tc (lift f′))  ≡⟨ reduce-lift f′ 
        ∘-tc f⁺                 ≈⟨ eq 
        ∘-tc g⁺                 ≡˘⟨ reduce-lift g′ 
        from (∘ᵢ-tc (lift g′))  

  lift-triangle : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : C  B} {k : B  C} {i : B  A} {j : A  C} 
    f  g  h  (f′ : Iso f i)  (g′ : Iso g j)  (h′ : Iso h k) 
    lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ g′ ]  [ f′ ]) ≃⁺ lift [ h′ ]
  lift-triangle eq f′ g′ h′ = lift-cong (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ g′ ]  [ f′ ]) [ h′ ] eq

  lift-square : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : D  B} {i : C  D} {j : D  C} {a : B  A} {b : A  C} {c : B  D} 
    f  g  h  i  (f′ : Iso f a)  (g′ : Iso g b)  (h′ : Iso h c)  (i′ : Iso i j) 
    lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ g′ ]  [ f′ ]) ≃⁺ lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ i′ ]  [ h′ ])
  lift-square eq f′ g′ h′ i′ = lift-cong (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ g′ ]  [ f′ ]) (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ i′ ]  [ h′ ]) eq

  lift-pentagon : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : D  C} {i : E  B} {j : D  E} {l : E  D}
                  {a : B  A} {b : A  C} {c : C  D} {d : B  E} 
    f  g  h  i  j 
    (f′ : Iso f a)  (g′ : Iso g b)  (h′ : Iso h c)  (i′ : Iso i d)  (j′ : Iso j l) 
    lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ _ ∼⁺⟨ [ h′ ]  [ g′ ]  [ f′ ]) ≃⁺ lift (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ j′ ]  [ i′ ])
  lift-pentagon eq f′ g′ h′ i′ j′ = lift-cong (_ ∼⁺⟨ _ ∼⁺⟨ [ h′ ]  [ g′ ]  [ f′ ]) (_ ∼⁺⟨ [ j′ ]  [ i′ ]) eq

module _ where
  open _≅_

  -- projecting isomorphism commutations to morphism commutations

  project-triangle : {g : A  B} {f : C  A} {h : C  B}  g ∘ᵢ f  h  from g  from f  from h
  project-triangle = _≃_.from-≈

  project-square : {g : A  B} {f : C  A} {i : D  B} {h : C  D}  g ∘ᵢ f  i ∘ᵢ h  from g  from f  from i  from h
  project-square = _≃_.from-≈

  -- direct lifting from morphism commutations to isomorphism commutations

  lift-triangle′ : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : C  B}  from f  from g  from h  f ∘ᵢ g  h
  lift-triangle′ = ⌞_⌟

  lift-square′ : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : D  B} {i : C  D}  from f  from g  from h  from i  f ∘ᵢ g  h ∘ᵢ i
  lift-square′ = ⌞_⌟

  lift-pentagon′ : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : D  C} {i : E  B} {j : D  E} 
                   from f  from g  from h  from i  from j  f ∘ᵢ g ∘ᵢ h  i ∘ᵢ j
  lift-pentagon′ = ⌞_⌟

  open MR Core
  open MCore using (_⁻¹)
  open MCore.HomReasoning
  open MR.GroupoidR _ Core-isGroupoid

  squares×≃⇒≃ : {f f′ : A  B} {g : A  C} {h : B  D} {i i′ : C  D} 
                CommutativeIso f g h i  CommutativeIso f′ g h i′  i  i′  f  f′
  squares×≃⇒≃ sq₁ sq₂ eq = MCore.isos×≈⇒≈ eq helper₁ (MCore.≅.sym helper₂) sq₁ sq₂
      helper₁ = record { iso = MCore.iso }
      helper₂ = record { iso = MCore.iso }

  -- imagine a triangle prism, if all the sides and the top face commute, the bottom face commute.
  triangle-prism : {i′ : A  B} {f′ : C  A} {h′ : C  B} {i : D  E} {j : D  A}
    {k : E  B} {f : F  D} {g : F  C} {h : F  E} 
    i′ ∘ᵢ f′  h′ 
    CommutativeIso i j k i′  CommutativeIso f g j f′  CommutativeIso h g k h′ 
    i ∘ᵢ f  h
  triangle-prism {i′ = i′} {f′} {_} {i} {_} {k} {f} {g} {_} eq sq₁ sq₂ sq₃ =
    squares×≃⇒≃ glued sq₃ eq
      glued : CommutativeIso (i ∘ᵢ f) g k (i′ ∘ᵢ f′)
      glued = ≃-sym (glue (≃-sym sq₁) (≃-sym sq₂))

  elim-triangleˡ : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : D  C} {i : D  B} {j : D  A} 
                   f ∘ᵢ g ∘ᵢ h  i  f ∘ᵢ j  i  g ∘ᵢ h  j
  elim-triangleˡ perim tri = MCore.mono _ _ (perim   tri)

  elim-triangleˡ′ : {f : A  B} {g : C  A} {h : D  C} {i : D  B} {j : C  B} 
                    f ∘ᵢ g ∘ᵢ h  i  j ∘ᵢ h  i  f ∘ᵢ g  j
  elim-triangleˡ′ {f = f} {g} {h} {i} {j} perim tri = MCore.epi _ _ ( begin
    (f ∘ᵢ g) ∘ᵢ h ≈⟨ MCore.assoc 
    f ∘ᵢ g ∘ᵢ h   ≈⟨ perim 
    i             ≈˘⟨ tri 
    j ∘ᵢ h         )

  cut-squareʳ : {g : A  B} {f : A  C} {h : B  D} {i : C  D} {j : B  C} 
                CommutativeIso g f h i  i ∘ᵢ j  h  j ∘ᵢ g  f
  cut-squareʳ {g = g} {f = f} {h = h} {i = i} {j = j} sq tri = begin
    j ∘ᵢ g            ≈⟨ switch-fromtoˡ′ {f = i} {h = j} {k = h} tri ⟩∘⟨refl 
    (i ⁻¹ ∘ᵢ h) ∘ᵢ g  ≈⟨ MCore.assoc 
    i ⁻¹ ∘ᵢ h ∘ᵢ g    ≈˘⟨ switch-fromtoˡ′ {f = i} {h = f} {k = h ∘ᵢ g} (≃-sym sq) 