{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)

module Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

open Category 𝒞
open HomReasoning

open import Categories.Morphism 𝒞
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning 𝒞

open import Level
open import Function using (_$_)

    A B C : Obj
    h i j k : A  B

record IsCoequalizer {E} (f g : A  B) (arr : B  E) : Set (o    e) where
    equality   : arr  f  arr  g
    coequalize : {h : B  C}  h  f  h  g  E  C
    universal  : {h : B  C} {eq : h  f  h  g}  h  coequalize eq  arr
    unique     : {h : B  C} {i : E  C} {eq : h  f  h  g}  h  i  arr  i  coequalize eq

  unique′ : (eq eq′ : h  f  h  g)  coequalize eq  coequalize eq′
  unique′ eq eq′ = unique universal

  id-coequalize : id  coequalize equality
  id-coequalize = unique ( identityˡ)

  coequalize-resp-≈ :  {eq :  h  f  h  g} {eq′ : i  f  i  g} 
    h  i  coequalize eq  coequalize eq′
  coequalize-resp-≈ {h = h} {i = i} {eq = eq} {eq′ = eq′} h≈i = unique $ begin
    i                   ≈˘⟨ h≈i 
    h                   ≈⟨ universal 
    coequalize eq  arr 

  coequalize-resp-≈′ : (eq :  h  f  h  g)  (eq′ : i  f  i  g) 
    h  i  j  coequalize eq  k  coequalize eq′  j  k
  coequalize-resp-≈′ {j = j} {k = k} eq eq′ h≈i eqj eqk = begin
    j              ≈⟨ eqj 
    coequalize eq  ≈⟨ coequalize-resp-≈ h≈i 
    coequalize eq′ ≈˘⟨ eqk 

record Coequalizer (f g : A  B) : Set (o    e) where
    {obj} : Obj
    arr   : B  obj
    isCoequalizer : IsCoequalizer f g arr

  open IsCoequalizer isCoequalizer public

-- Proving this via duality arguments is kind of annoying, as ≅ does not behave nicely in
-- concert with op.
up-to-iso : (coe₁ coe₂ : Coequalizer h i)  Coequalizer.obj coe₁  Coequalizer.obj coe₂
up-to-iso coe₁ coe₂ = record
  { from = repack coe₁ coe₂
  ; to = repack coe₂ coe₁
  ; iso = record
    { isoˡ = repack-cancel coe₂ coe₁
    ; isoʳ = repack-cancel coe₁ coe₂
    open Coequalizer

    repack : (coe₁ coe₂ : Coequalizer h i)  obj coe₁  obj coe₂
    repack coe₁ coe₂ = coequalize coe₁ (equality coe₂)

    repack∘ : (coe₁ coe₂ coe₃ : Coequalizer h i)  repack coe₂ coe₃  repack coe₁ coe₂  repack coe₁ coe₃
    repack∘ coe₁ coe₂ coe₃ = unique coe₁ ( (glueTrianglesˡ ( (universal coe₂)) ( (universal coe₁)))) -- unique e₃ (⟺ (glueTrianglesʳ (⟺ (universal e₃)) (⟺ (universal e₂))))

    repack-cancel : (e₁ e₂ : Coequalizer h i)  repack e₁ e₂  repack e₂ e₁  id
    repack-cancel coe₁ coe₂ = repack∘ coe₂ coe₁ coe₂   (id-coequalize coe₂)

IsCoequalizer⇒Coequalizer : IsCoequalizer h i k  Coequalizer h i
IsCoequalizer⇒Coequalizer {k = k} is-coe = record
  { arr = k
  ; isCoequalizer = is-coe