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Save Power 2: Dynamic Clock Gating

Clock trees consume quite a lot of the power in an ASIC and considerable savings can be made by turning off the clocks to small regions. A region of logic is idle if all of the flip-flops are being loaded with their current contents, either through synchronous clock enables or just through the nature of the design. »EDA DESIGNLINE

Clock enable using multiplexor, AND and OR gate.

Replace `nice clean' synchronous clock enable with a logic gate.

One clock control logic gate serves a number of neighbouring flip-flops: state machine or broadside register.

Problem with AND gate: if CEN changes when clock is high: causes a glitch.

Problem with OR gate: if CEN changes when clock is low: causes a glitch.

Illustrating a transparent latch and its use to suppress clock gating glitches.

Care needed to match clock skew when crossing to/from non-gated domain: avoid shoot-through by building out the non-gated parts as well. Shoot-through occurs when a D-type is supposed to register its current D input value, but this has already changed to its new value before the clock signal arrives.

31: (C) 2008-18, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.