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Save Power 1: Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling

Combinational logic cannot be clock gated (e.g. PAL and PLA). For large combinational blocks: can dip power supply to reduce static current when block is completely idle (detect with XORs).

So a typical SoC uses not only many dynamic clock gated islands, but also some sub-continents with automatic frequency and voltage variation.

Power isolation originally used on a longer and larger scale (complete continents) but now a lot of power islands are being used.

It is possible to locally and quickly adjust supply voltage with a series transistor - but wasteful compared with an off-chip switched-mode regulator.

An off-chip power supply can be efficiently adjusted, but limited to only a few voltage islands and tens of milliseconds inertia.

21: (C) 2008-18, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.