Invited talk at Keio University, Tokyo, March 2024.
Keynote Speaker. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2024). March 2024.
Keynote Speaker. IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. October 2023.
Keynote Speaker. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. Hong Kong. July 2023.
Invited Talk. AI for Internet of Things. Croucher Foundation. Advanced Study Institute. Hong Kong. July 2023.
Invited Talk. IoT Day (MobiSys 2023). Helsinki. June 2023.
Inauguaral invited Speaker at Imperial-X Seminar Series. London, April 2023.
Distinguished Seminar at University of New South Wales. Sydney Australia. December 2022.
Royal Society event on Innovation in Sport. November 2022.
Invited Talk University of Avignon, France. November 2022.
Invited Talk, Medical School, University of Silesia in Katowice, PL. November 2022.
Keynote Speaker at Activity and Behaviour Computing Conference. October 2022.
Tutorial on Earable Computing at ACM Mobicom. October 2022.
Ruzena Bajcsy Lecture on Communications and Resilience. TU Darmstadt. July 2022.
Invited Talk at UCL Summer school on Biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases (talk on Wearable based Digital Biomarkers). June 2022.
Invited Talk at Cell Press "The Future of Medicine" Event. May 2022.
Keynote Talk at EdgeSys Workshop. April 2022.
Invited Departmental Seminar at Rochester Institute of Technology. February 2022.
Invited Panelist at Yonsei event on ICT in the era of Aging. February 2022.
Invited talk in TCGCC/eHealth Webinar series on Healthcare IoT. January 2022.
Strachey Lecture in the Dept of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. November. 2021.
Keynote talk at the "IEEE Healthcare Summit" October 2021.
Invited talk at the "Smart technologies for remote monitoring of health and function – what does the future hold?" event. Newcastle. May 2021.
Invited Lecture in the Cambridge Society of Applied Research. April 2021.
Invited Talk at COVID-19 Event at University of Southampton. April 2021.
Invited Talk in the MIT IoT Seminar Series. April 2021.
BCS/IET Turing Talk Speaker. February 2021.
Keynote Speaker for International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN). Feburary 2021.
Invited Speaker at CATCH/SPandH & Healthcare Showcase Event. University of Sheffield. January 2021.
Invited Speaker. University of Austin, Texas. 2021.
Invited Speaker. ARM, Cambridge. January 2021.
Keynote Speaker and Panelist at ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage 2020. September 2020.
Keynote Speaker SMARTCOMP 2020.
Invited Talk at Rice University Distinguished Seminar Series. August 2020.
Keynote Speaker at ACM Wellcomp 2020. September 2020.
Invited Talk at COVID-19 webinars at University of Cambridge. July 2020.
Invited Talk at ACM-Women UK. July 2020.
Invited Talk at Milner Therapeutics. Symposium. July 2020.
Invited Speaker at HealthDL (colocated with MobiSys 2020. June 2020.
Invited Speaker at Ellis against COVID-19 webminar series. 15 April 2020.
Invited Panelist at Downing College Event on AI for Health. March 2020. (Cancelled)
Keynote Speaker at HotMobile 2020. February 2020.
Invited Speaker at Royal Society Big data for better science: technologies for measuring behaviour workshop. February 2019.
Invited Speaker at Cambridge Dept of Neuroscience Away Day. December 2018.
Invited Speaker at Workshop on Urban Computing. Colocated with KDD 2018. London UK. August 2018.
Speaker at Turing Workshop Innovations in data capture and analytics for the diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease. Turing Institute London. April 2018.
Speaker at Turing Women in Data Science Conference. April 2018.
Cambridge Science Festival Talk. March 2018.
Invited Talk at Women in AI. London. February 2018.
Invited Talk at Dept. of Computer Science. University of Edinburgh. January 2018.
Invited Talk at Dept. of Computer Science. University of St Andrews. January 2018.
Keynote Speaker for Workshop On Mobile Crowdsensing Systems And Applications. In conjunction with ACM SenSys 2017. Delft, The Netherlands. November 2017.
Keynote Speaker for International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications 2017. In conjunction with ACM UbiComp 2017, September 2017, Maui, Hawaii. USA.
Invited Speaker at Intelligent Sensing Summer School. Queen Mary University of London. September 2017.
Invited Speaker at Cambridge Coding Academy. July 2017.
Keynote Talk at 3rd Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2). Cologne, Germany. July 2017.
Speaker at Lipari School on Computational Complex and Social Systems. July 2017.
Invited Talk at Dept. of Geography. University of Cambridge. UK. May 2017.
Keynote Talk at the 2nd ACM-W UK INSPIRE Conference 2017: Identity, Impact and Voice. An ACM Celebration of Women in Computing. Hertfordshire, UK. May 2017.
Keynote Talk at International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MOBICASE). Cambridge, UK, November 2016.
Invited Talk at Dept. of Computer Science. University of Lancaster. November 2016.
Invited Talk at First International Symposium on Fashion, Business, Technology and Design (Wearabil_IT). Bologna, Italy. September 2016.
Invited Talk at ARM Research Summit. Cambridge UK. September 2016.
Invited Talk at Cambridge Coding Summer School. Cambridge, UK. August 2016.
Invited Talk at Women's Workshop (colocated with MobiSys). June 2016.
Keynote Talk at IEEE MDM 2016. Porto, Portugal. June 2016.
Invited talk at MPI. Saarbrucken, Germany. May 2016.
Keynote Talk at IEEE Percom 2016. Sydney, Australia. March 2016.
Invited Talk at Black Dog Institute. Sydney, Australia. March 2016.
Invited Talk at Workshop on Data platform on health determinants. The Health Foundation. London UK. March 2015.
Invited Talk at Ada Lovelace Bicentenary: celebrating women in computer science. Oxford, UK. October 2015.
Invited Talk at Workshop on Big Data Methods for Social Science and Policy. Cambridge, UK. September 2015.
Invited Talk at Foresight Project Workshop on Health in Future of Cities. London, UK, September 2015.
Invited Talk at HM Treasury. London, UK, June 2015.
Invited Talk at Social Media and Human Rights Group. Cambridge, UK. June 2015.
Invited Talk at Public Health at Cambridge Event. Cambridge, Uk, June 2015.
Invited Talk at Physical Analitics Workshop (colocated with Mobisys). Florence, Italy. May 2015.
Invited Talk at Microsoft Research Devices and Networking Summit. Paris, France. May 2015.
Invited Talk at Networks and Criminality Workshop. Oxford, UK. April 2015.
Invited Talk at Workshop on Cross Disciplinary Research - From Inception to Impact. London, UK. March 2015.
Invited Talk at UCL Centre of Advanced Spatial Analysis. London, UK. March 2015.
Invited Talk at Department of Computer Science, University of Leicester, UK. October 2014.
Invited Speaker at the Computational Social Science Conference, Warwick, UK. June 2014.
Invited Speaker at ECCS 2013. Barcelona, Spain. September 2013.
Invited Speaker at Workshop on Time-Dependent and Multiplex Networks. June 2013.
Invited Speaker at Cambridge Network of Networks Day. Cambridge, UK. May 2013.
Invited Speaker at Workshop on Big Data and Social Media. Glasgow. February 2013.
Invited Speaker at Social Network Seminar Series, University of Oxford. November 2012.
Invited Speaker in CSEE Distinguished Lecturer Series in Queen Mary University of London. November 2012.
Invited Speaker at Opportunities and Challenges in Interdisciplinary Research Workshop.
Invited Speaker at Workshop on Simplifying Complex Networks (SIMPLEX), colocated with WWW 2012. Lyon, France. April 2012.
Invited Speaker at Scientific Meeting on Social Networks and Social Media. Cambridge, UK. January 2012.
Keynote Speaker at IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. Trento, Italy. September 2011.
Invited Speaker at Complexity & Networks (colocated with ECCS). Vienna, Austria. September 2011.
Invited Speaker at EPFL International Summer School. Lausanne, Switzerland. June 2011.
Invited Speaker at Annual International Workshop of the IMDEA Networks . Madrid, Spain. May 2011.