

Construction of the initial algebra for a strictly positive
endofunctor on Set using uniqueness of identity proofs, function
extensionality, quotients types and sized types.

Andrew Pitts 2019-11-07

module InitialTAlgebra where

-- some standard definitions
open import Prelude

-- quotient types and function extensionality via private declaration
-- and PrimTrustMe
open import QuotientViaPrimTrustme+Private

Quotient types and function extensionality via postulates + REWRITE
and POLARITY pragmas

open import QuotientViaPostulate+Rewrite+Polarity

is insufficient for the defintion of Success.M to be accepted by Agda

-- Strictly positive endofunctor
  T : Set  Set
  T' : {X Y : Set}  (X  Y)  T X  T Y
  Tid :
    {X : Set}
    (x : T X)
    x  T' id x
  T∘ :
    {X Y Z : Set}
    (g : Y  Z)
    (f : X  Y)
    (x : T X)
    T' g (T' f x)  T' (g  f) x

{-# POLARITY T ++ #-} -- this tells Agda that T is strictly positive

-- T-Algebra structure
record isTAlg (A : Set) : Set₁ where
  constructor mkalg
    sup : T A  A

open isTAlg  ...  public

-- The property of being an T-algebra morphism
isTAlgMor :
  {A B : Set}
  {{α : isTAlg A}}
  {{β : isTAlg B}}
  (h : A  B)
isTAlgMor h =  e  h (sup e)  sup (T' h e)

-- Definition of initial T-algebra
record isInitialTAlg (A : Set){{_ : isTAlg A}} : Set₁ where
    fun : (B : Set){{_ : isTAlg B}}  A  B
    mor : (B : Set){{_ : isTAlg B}}  isTAlgMor (fun B)
    unq :
      (B : Set)
      {{_ : isTAlg B}}
      (f : A  B)
      (_ : isTAlgMor f)
      fun B  f

open isInitialTAlg{{...}} public

The aim is to construct a T-algebra (M : Set, isTAlgM : isTalg M) for
which one can find a proof of isInitialTAlg M.

-- Non-terminating construction of intial T-algebra
module NonTerminating where
  -- Agda accepts the following because of the POLARITY pragma for T
  data M : Set where
    mu : T M  M

  -- M is a T-algebra by construction
    isTAlgM : isTAlg M
    sup{{isTAlgM}} = mu
But can one prove that M is the initial T-algebra? I don’t think so,
because both the existence and the uniqueness part of the initiality
property involve recursions that Agda cannot see are terminating.
  module _
    (X : Set)
    {{ξ : isTAlg X}}
    {-# TERMINATING #-} -- termination checking fails for rec
    rec : M  X
    rec (mu t) = sup (T' rec t)

    isTAlgMorrec : isTAlgMor rec
    isTAlgMorrec _ = refl

    module _
      (f : M  X)
      (isTAlgMorf : isTAlgMor f)
      {-# TERMINATING #-} -- termination checking fails for uniq
      uniq : rec  f
      uniq = funext λ{(mu t) 
          sup (T' rec t)
        =[ ap  f  sup (T' f t)) uniq ]
          sup (T' f t)
        =[ symm (isTAlgMorf _) ]
          f (mu t)

  initialTAlg : isInitialTAlg M
  fun {{initialTAlg}} = rec
  mor {{initialTAlg}} = isTAlgMorrec
  unq {{initialTAlg}} = uniq

-- Unsuccessful construction of initial T-algebra using sized types
module Unsuccessful where
To get around the problem in Nonterminating, it's natural to consider
using sizes to "help the termination checker by tracking the depth of
data structures across definition boundaries” (as it says in the Agda
documantation).  The first sized version of Nonterminating.M one might
consider is the indexed datatype

  data M : Size → Set where
    mu : (i : Size) → T (M i) → M (↑ i)

but this does not work very well for trying to prove the uniqueness
part of intiality, compared with the following parameterized datatype.
  data M (i : Size) : Set where
    mu : (j : Size< i)  T(M j)  M i

  M∞ : Set  -- we hope this is the underlying type of
  M∞ = M   -- an initial T-algebra

  φ : -- comparison function between M j and M i for j ≤ i
    (i : Size)
    (j : Size≤ i) -- Size≤ i is an abbreviation for Size< (↑ i)
    M j  M i
  φ _ _ (mu k x) = mu k x -- a version of the identity function

  φid :
    (i : Size)
    (x : M i)
    φ i i x  x
  φid _ (mu _ _) = refl

  It seems that the following proposition is needed to prove the
  uniqueness property, but there is no obvious reason why it is
  provable. We can make it so by suitably quotienting M, as in module
  Successful, below.
    muφ :
      (i : Size)
      (j : Size< i)
      (k : Size< j)
      (t : T(M k))
      mu j (T' (φ j k) t)  mu k t

  -- M∞ is a T-algebra
    isTAlgM∞ : isTAlg M∞
    sup{{isTAlgM∞}} = mu 

  module _
    (X : Set)
    {{ξ : isTAlg X}}
    -- the existence part of initiality
    rec : (i : Size)  M i  X
    rec i (mu j t) = sup (T' (rec j) t)

    rec∞ : M∞  X
    rec∞ = rec 

    isTAlgMorrec∞ : isTAlgMor rec∞
    isTAlgMorrec∞ _ = refl

    module _
      (f : M∞  X)
      (isTAlgMorf : isTAlgMor f)
      -- the uniqueness part of intiality
      uniq :
        (i : Size)
        (x : M i)
        rec i x  f (φ  i x)
      uniq i (mu j t) =
          sup (T' (rec j) t)
        =[ ap  f  sup (T' f t)) (funext (uniq j)) ]
          sup (T' (f  φ  j) t)
        =[ ap sup (symm (T∘ _ _ _)) ]
          sup (T' f (T' (φ  j) t))
        =[ symm (isTAlgMorf _) ]
          f (mu  (T' (φ  j) t))
        =[ ap f (muφ   j t) ] -- the postulated muφ is used here
          f (mu j t)

      uniq∞ : rec∞  f
      uniq∞ = funext λ x 
          rec  x
        =[ uniq  _ ]
          f (φ   x)
        =[ ap f (φid  _) ]
          f x

  initialTAlg : isInitialTAlg M∞
  fun {{initialTAlg}} = rec∞
  mor {{initialTAlg}} = isTAlgMorrec∞
  unq {{initialTAlg}} = uniq∞

-- Successful construction of initial T-algebra using sized types
-- and quotients
module Successful where
  -- we make a mutually inductive definition of a (size-indexed)
  -- type M i and a relation R i by which it is quotiented
    data M (i : Size) : Set where
      mu : (j : Size< i)  T (Q j)  M i
      -- the use in mu of the quotient Q j rather than M j seems
      -- necessary in order to show that Q ∞ is a T-algebra

    data R (i : Size) : M i  M i  Set where
      muψ :
        (j : Size< i)
        (k : Size< j)
        (t : T (Q k))
        R i (mu j (T' (ψ j k) t)) (mu k t)

    Q : Size  Set
    Q i = M i / R i

    φ : (i : Size)(j : Size≤ i)  M j  M i
    φ _ _ (mu k x) = mu k x

    φresp :
      (i : Size)
      (j : Size≤ i)
      {x y : M j}
      (_ : R j x y)
      R i (φ i j x) (φ i j y)
    φresp _ _ (muψ k l t) = muψ k l t

    ψ : (i : Size)(j : Size≤ i)  Q j  Q i
    ψ i j =
      quot.lift (quot.mk (R i)  φ i j) (quot.eq (R i)  φresp i j)
    -- end mutual

  φid :
    (i : Size)
    (x : M i)
    φ i i x  x
  φid _ (mu _ _) = refl

  ψid :
    (i : Size)
    (x : Q i)
    ψ i i x  x
  ψid i =
    quot.elim (R i)
       x  ψ i i x  x)
      (λ{(mu _ _)  refl})
       r  uip' (quot.eq (R i) r))

  Q∞ : Set
  Q∞ = Q 

  qu : (i : Size)  T (Q i)  Q∞
  qu i = quot.mk (R )  mu i

  quψ :
    (i : Size)
    (j : Size< i)
    (t : T(Q j))
    qu i (T' (ψ i j) t)  qu j t
  quψ i j = quot.eq (R )  muψ i j

    isTAlgQ∞ : isTAlg Q∞
    sup{{isTAlgQ∞}} = qu 

  module _
    (X : Set)
    {{ξ : isTAlg X}}
      rec : (i : Size)  Q i  X
      rec i = quot.lift (rec' i) (receq i)

      rec' : (i : Size)  M i  X
      rec' _ (mu j t) = sup (T' (rec j) t)

      receq :
        (i : Size)
        {x y : M i}
        (_ : R i x y)
        rec' i x ≡≡ rec' i y
      receq _ (muψ j k t) =
          sup (T' (rec j) (T' (ψ j k) t))
        =[ ap sup (T∘ (rec j) (ψ j k) t) ]
          sup (T' (rec j  ψ j k) t)
        =[ ap  g  sup (T' g t)) (recψ j k) ]
          sup (T' (rec k) t)

      rec'φ :
        (i : Size)
        (j : Size< i)
        (x : M j)
        rec' i (φ i j x)  rec' j x
      rec'φ _ _ (mu _ x) = refl

      recψ :
        (i : Size)
        (j : Size< i)
        rec i  ψ i j  rec j
      recψ i j  =
        funext (quot.elim (R j)
           x  rec i (ψ i j x)  rec j x)
          (rec'φ i j)
           r  uip' (ap (rec j) (quot.eq (R j) r))))
    --end mutual

    rec∞ : Q∞  X
    rec∞ = rec 

    isTAlgMorrec∞ : isTAlgMor rec∞
    isTAlgMorrec∞ _ = refl

    module _
      (f : Q∞  X)
      (isTAlgMorf : isTAlgMor f)
      uniq :
        (i : Size)
        (x : Q i)
        rec i x  f (ψ  i x)
      uniq i =
        quot.elim (R i)
           x  rec i x  f (ψ  i x))
          (λ{(mu j t)  symm (g j t)})
           e  uip (ap (rec i) (quot.eq (R i) e)))
        g :
          (j : Size< i)
          (t : T (Q j))
          f (qu j t)  sup (T' (rec j) t)
        g j t =
            f (qu j t)
          =[ ap f (symm (quψ  _ _)) ]
            f (sup (T' (ψ  j) t))
          =[ isTAlgMorf _ ]
            sup (T' f (T' (ψ  j) t))
          =[ ap sup (T∘ _ _ _) ]
            sup (T' (f  ψ  j) t)
          =[ ap  f  sup (T' f t)) (symm (funext (uniq j))) ]
            sup (T' (rec j) t)

      uniq∞ : rec∞  f
      uniq∞ = funext λ x 
          rec∞ x
        =[ uniq  _ ]
          f (ψ   x)
        =[ ap f (ψid  _) ]
          f x

  initialTAlg : isInitialTAlg Q∞ --success!
  fun {{initialTAlg}} = rec∞
  mor {{initialTAlg}} = isTAlgMorrec∞
  unq {{initialTAlg}} = uniq∞