module FreshNom where

This file develops the properties of the freshness relation.

open import Basics
open import Atoms
open import Perms
open import PermProp
open import Nom
open import Nomfs
open import CatDef

--Freshness relation

record # {X : Nominal}(a : Atom)(x : Aₛ X) : Set where
  constructor fresh
    new : Atom
    notin : new  (some_supp X) x
    fixed : (≈ₐ X) ((Act X) [ ( a , new ) ] x) x

open # public

--Separated Product

record SepPro (X : Nominal) : Set where
  constructor SP
    Xelem : Aₛ X
    Aelem : Atom
    freshCon : # {X} Aelem Xelem

open SepPro public

--equivalence relation on Separated product

SepPro≈ : (X : Nominal)  Rel (SepPro X)
SepPro≈ X x₁a₁ x₂a₂ = ((≈ₐ X) (Xelem x₁a₁) (Xelem x₂a₂)) × ((Aelem x₁a₁)  (Aelem x₂a₂))

--Some/any theorem

Some/any : {X : Nominal}  (x : Aₛ X)  (a b : Atom)  b  (some_supp X) x  (≈ₐ X) ((Act X) [ (a , b) ] x) x  (c : Atom)  (c  (some_supp X) x)  (≈ₐ X) ((Act X) [ (a , c) ] x) x
Some/any {X} x a b b∉x abx≈x c c∉x with AtEqDec c a | AtEqDec c b
Some/any {X} x a b b∉x abx≈x .a c∉x | yes refl | _ = ((Act X) [ (a , a) ] x)
                                                                                                      ≣< ((Act X) ι x) and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                      ((res X) (aa≈ι a) (≈≡ (eq≈ₐ X) {x}{x} refl)) >
                                                                                           (((Act X) ι x)
                                                                                                      ≣< x and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                      ((ι↠ X) {x}) >
                                                                                           ((x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X)  )))
Some/any {X} x a b b∉x abx≈x .b c∉x | no _ | yes refl = abx≈x
Some/any {X} x a b b∉x abx≈x c c∉x | no c≠a | no c≠b = ((Act X) [ (a , c) ] x)  ≣< ((Act X) ([(a , b)] ++ ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)])) x) and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on 
                                                                                                                                      ((res X)  {x}  (ac≈ab+bc+ab a b c c≠a c≠b) {x}) (≈≡ (eq≈ₐ X) {x}{x} refl)) >
                                                                                              (((Act X) ([(a , b)] ++ ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)])) x) 
                                                                                                                               ≣< ((Act X) ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)]) ((Act X) [(a , b)] x)) and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                                      ((isEquivalence.Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) ((p₁p₂↠ X) ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)]) [(a , b)])) > 
                                                                                              (((Act X) ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)]) ((Act X) [(a , b)] x))
                                                                                                                               ≣< ((Act X) ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)]) x) and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                                      ((res X)   {x}  P≡≈ ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)]) {x}) (abx≈x)) >
                                                                                              (((Act X) ([(b , c)] ++ [(a , b)]) x)
                                                                                                                               ≣< ((Act X) [(a , b)] ((Act X) [(b , c)] x)) and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                                       ((isEquivalence.Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) ((p₁p₂↠ X) [(a , b)] [(b , c)])) >
                                                                                             (((Act X) [(a , b)] ((Act X) [(b , c)] x))
                                                                                                                               ≣< ((Act X) [(a , b)] x) and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                                      ((res X)  {x}  P≡≈ [(a , b)] {x}) ((suppAx X) x b c b∉x c∉x)) >
                                                                                             (((Act X) [(a , b)] x)
                                                                                                                               ≣< x and x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on abx≈x >
                                                                                             ((x by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X)  )))))))

Some⇒any : {X : Nominal}{x : Aₛ X}{a : Atom}  (a#x : # {X} a x)  (c : Atom)  (c  (some_supp X) x)  # {X} a x
Some⇒any {X}{x}{a} a#x c c∉x = fresh c c∉x (Some/any {X} x a (new a#x) (notin a#x) (fixed a#x) c c∉x) 

--# is an equivariant relation

osup : {X : Nominal}  (π : Perm)  (x :  Aₛ X)  Atom
osup {X} π x = outside ((flatten π) ++ (((some_supp X) x) ++ ((some_supp X) ((Act X) π x))))                                                                                                                                      

esup : {X : Nominal}  (π : Perm)  (x :  Aₛ X)  List Atom
esup {X} π x = (flatten π) ++ (((some_supp X) x) ++ ((some_supp X) ((Act X) π x)))                                                                                                                                      

#eq : (X : Nominal)  EqCon (Prod NominalAtom X)  ax  # {X} (proj₁ ax) (proj₂ ax))
#eq X π (a , x) a#x = fresh (osup {X} π x) 
                                                                                          (∉⊆₂ {(some_supp X) x}{(some_supp X)((Act X) π x)}
                                                                                                   (osup {X} π x)
                                                                                                   (∉⊆₂ {flatten π}{((some_supp X) x) ++ ((some_supp X) ((Act X) π x))}
                                                                                                   (osup {X} π x)
                                                                                                   (outside∉ (esup {X} π x))))
                                                                                          (((Act X) [((PermAct π a) , (osup {X} π x))]
                                                                                           ((Act X) π x)
                                                                                                                ≣< ((Act X) (π ++ [((PermAct π a) , (osup {X} π x))]) x) and ((Act X) π x) by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                            ((p₁p₂↠ X) [((PermAct π a) , (osup {X} π x))] π) >
                                                                                          (((Act X) (π ++ [((PermAct π a) , (osup {X} π x))]) x)
                                                                                                               ≣< ((Act X) ([(a , (osup {X} π x))] ++ π) x) and ((Act X) π x) by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                           ((res X)(πabπ≈πab π a (osup {X} π x) 
                                                                                                                             (∉⊆₁ {flatten π}{((some_supp X) x) ++ ((some_supp X)((Act X) π x))}
                                                                                                                                  (osup {X} π x)(outside∉ (esup {X} π x)))) 
                                                                                                                           (≈≡ (eq≈ₐ X) {x}{x} refl)) >
                                                                                          (((Act X) ([(a , (osup {X} π x))] ++ π) x)
                                                                                                               ≣<  ((Act X) π ((Act X) [(a , (osup {X} π x))] x)) and ((Act X) π x) by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on 
                                                                                                                       ((isEquivalence.Symm (eq≈ₐ X))((p₁p₂↠ X) π [(a , (osup {X} π x))])) >
                                                                                          (((Act X) π ((Act X) [(a , (osup {X} π x))] x))
                                                                                                               ≣< ((Act X) π x) and ((Act X) π x) by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on
                                                                                                                        ((res X) (P≡≈ π)(fixed (Some⇒any {X = X} a#x (osup {X} π x)
                                                                                                                        (∉⊆₁ {(some_supp X) x}{(some_supp X) ((Act X) π x)}
                                                                                                                        (osup {X} π x)(∉⊆₂ {flatten π}{((some_supp X) x) ++ ((some_supp X) ((Act X) π x))}
                                                                                                                        (osup {X} π x) (outside∉ (esup {X} π x))))))) >
                                                                                          (((Act X) π x) by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) ))))))   

a₁a₂#x : {X : Nominal}{x : Aₛ X}  (a₁ a₂ : Atom)  a₁  a₂  # {X} a₁ x  # {X} a₂ x
a₁a₂#x a .a refl a#x = a#x

#feq : (X : Nominal)  EqCon (NomExp NominalAtom X)  F   (a : Atom)  # {X} a ((ffun F) a))
#feq X π F a#fa = λ a  let iπa = (PermAct (invPerm π) a) in let ππ⁻¹af = #eq X π (iπa , ((ffun F) iπa)) (a#fa iπa) in a₁a₂#x (PermAct π iπa) a (ππ⁻¹a≡a π a) ππ⁻¹af                         

ℝX : (X : Nominal)  Nominal
ℝX X = NomSubEq (NomExp NominalAtom X)  F   (a : Atom)  # {X} a ((ffun F) a)) (#feq X)

ActSepPro : (X : Nominal)  Perm  SepPro X  SepPro X
ActSepPro X π X₁ = record {Xelem = (Act X) π (Xelem X₁)
                                           ; Aelem = PermAct π (Aelem X₁)
                                           ; freshCon = #eq X π ((Aelem X₁) , (Xelem X₁)) (freshCon X₁) 

--Separated Product Functor

_*A : (X : Nominal)  Nominal
X *A = record       { Aₛ = SepPro X
                              ; ≈ₐ = SepPro≈ X
                              ; eq≈ₐ = record { Reflex = λ {x₁}  ((Reflex (eq≈ₐ X)) {Xelem x₁} , ((Aelem x₁) ))
                                                         ; Symm = λ {x₁ x₂}  λ x₁≈x₂  ((Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) (proj₁ x₁≈x₂) , sym (proj₂ x₁≈x₂))
                                                         ; Trans = λ {x₁ x₂ x₃}  λ x₁≈x₂  λ x₂≈x₃  ((Trans (eq≈ₐ X)) (proj₁ x₁≈x₂) (proj₁ x₂≈x₃) , ((Aelem x₁) ≡< proj₂ x₁≈x₂ > (proj₂ x₂≈x₃)))
                              ; Act = λ π  λ x  ActSepPro X π x 
                              ; res = λ {π₁ π₂ x₁ x₂}  λ π₁≈π₂  λ x₁≈x₂  ((res X) {π₁} {π₂} {Xelem x₁} {Xelem x₂} π₁≈π₂ (proj₁ x₁≈x₂) , 
                                                                                                (PermAct π₁ (Aelem x₁) ≡< cong  w  PermAct π₁ w) (proj₂ x₁≈x₂) > (PermAct π₁ (Aelem x₂) ≡< π₁≈π₂ {Aelem x₂} > (PermAct π₂ (Aelem x₂)) )))
                              ; p₁p₂↠ = λ π π'   {x}  (((p₁p₂↠ X) π π' {Xelem x}) , (sym (p₁++p₂≡p₂p₁ {Aelem x} π' π))))
                              ; ι↠ = λ {x}  ((ι↠ X) {Xelem x} , refl)
                              ; some_supp = λ x  ((some_supp X) (Xelem x)) ++ [ (Aelem x) ]
                              ; suppAx = λ x  λ b c  λ b∉x  λ c∉x  ((suppAx X) (Xelem x) b c (∉⊆₁ b b∉x) (∉⊆₁ c c∉x) , 
                                                    bc∉suppa (Aelem x) b c (∉⊆₂ {(some_supp X) (Xelem x)}{[ (Aelem x) ]} b b∉x) (∉⊆₂ {(some_supp X) (Xelem x)}{[ (Aelem x) ]} c c∉x))  

osupf : (X Y : Nominal)  (F : Equivar X Y)  (x : Aₛ X)  List Atom
osupf X Y F x = ((some_supp Y) ((ufun F) x)) ++ ((some_supp X) x)

X*A⟶Y*A : (X Y : Nominal)  (F : Equivar X Y)  Equivar (X *A) (Y *A)
X*A⟶Y*A X Y F = record {ufun = λ x₁  record {Xelem = (ufun F)(Xelem x₁)
                                                                             ; Aelem = Aelem x₁
                                                                             ; freshCon =  fresh
                                                                                                    (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁)))
                                                                                                    (∉⊆₁ {(some_supp Y)((ufun F)(Xelem x₁))}{(some_supp X)(Xelem x₁)}
                                                                                                                           (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))) 
                                                                                                                           (outside∉ (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))))
                                                                                                    ((Act Y) [(Aelem x₁ , (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))))] ((ufun F)(Xelem x₁))
                                                                                                                           ≣< ((ufun F)((Act X) [(Aelem x₁ , (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))))] (Xelem x₁))) and ((ufun F)(Xelem x₁)) by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                                 ((equiv F) [(Aelem x₁ , (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))))] (Xelem x₁)) >
                                                                                                    (((ufun F)((Act X) [(Aelem x₁ , (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))))] (Xelem x₁)))
                                                                                                                           ≣< ((ufun F)(Xelem x₁)) and ((ufun F)(Xelem x₁)) by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                                             ((eqi≈ F) (fixed (Some⇒any {X = X} (freshCon x₁)(outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁)))
                                                                                                                                             (∉⊆₂ {(some_supp Y)((ufun F)(Xelem x₁))}{(some_supp X)(Xelem x₁)}
                                                                                                                                                       (outside (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))) 
                                                                                                                                                       (outside∉ (osupf X Y F (Xelem x₁))))))) >
                                                                                                    (((ufun F)(Xelem x₁)) by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) )))
                                         ; eqi≈ = λ {x₁}{x₂}  λ x₁≈x₂  (((eqi≈ F){Xelem x₁}{Xelem x₂}(proj₁ x₁≈x₂)) , (proj₂ x₁≈x₂))
                                         ; equiv = λ π  λ x  (((equiv F) π (Xelem x)) , ((PermAct π (Aelem x)) ))

NomSep : Functor NomCat NomCat
NomSep = record { onObj = λ X  X *A
                              ;  onMor = λ X Y  λ F  X*A⟶Y*A X Y F
                              ;  res≈ = λ X Y  λ F G  λ F≈G  λ x  ((F≈G (Xelem x)) , ((Aelem x) ))
                              ;  onId = λ X  λ x  (((isEquivalence.Reflex (eq≈ₐ X)) {Xelem x}) , ((Aelem x) ))
                              ;  onComp = λ X Y Z  λ F G  λ x  (((isEquivalence.Reflex (eq≈ₐ Z)) {((ufun G)  (ufun F))(Xelem x)}) , ((Aelem x) ))

--Properties of Freshness

a#fx : {X Y : Nominal}{f : (Aₛ (NomExp X Y))}{x : (Aₛ X)}{a : Atom}  # {NomExp X Y} a f  # {X} a x  # {Y} a ((ffun f) x)
a#fx {X}{Y}{f}{x}{a} a#f a#x = let y = (ffun f) x in let fₛ = (some_supp (NomExp X Y)) f in let xₛ = (some_supp X) x in let yₛ = (some_supp Y) y in
                                                        let bₛ = xₛ ++ yₛ in let cₛ = fₛ ++ bₛ in let b = outside cₛ in let b∉fxy = outside∉ cₛ in let b∉f = ∉⊆₁ {fₛ}{bₛ} b b∉fxy in
                                                        let b∉xy = ∉⊆₂ {fₛ}{bₛ} b b∉fxy in let b∉x = ∉⊆₁ {xₛ}{yₛ} b b∉xy in let b∉y = ∉⊆₂ {xₛ}{yₛ} b b∉xy in
                                                        let abf≈f = fixed (Some⇒any {X = NomExp X Y} a#f b b∉f) in let abx≈x = fixed (Some⇒any {X = X} a#x b b∉x) in
                                                        let abfx≈fx = ((Act Y) [(a , b)] y)
                                                                                                     ≣< ((Act Y) [(a , b)] ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , b)] x))) and y by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                     ((res Y)  {w}  P≡≈ [(a , b)] {w}) ((feqi≈ f) ((Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) abx≈x))) >
                                                                             (((Act Y) [(a , b)] ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , b)] x)))
                                                                                                    ≣< y and y by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on (abf≈f x) >
                                                                             (y by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) )) in fresh b b∉y abfx≈fx

ffs : {X Y : Nominal}{f : Funfs X Y}{a : Atom}  (a  (fsupp f))  (∀ (x : Aₛ X)  ((≈ₐ Y) ((Act Y) [(a , a)] ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x))) ((ffun f) x)))  # {NomExp X Y} a f
ffs {X}{Y}{f}{a} a∉f aafx = fresh a a∉f  x  aafx x)
a#fxEq : {X Y : Nominal}{f : Equivar X Y}{x : (Aₛ X)}{a : Atom}  # {X} a x  # {Y} a ((ufun f) x)
a#fxEq {X}{Y}{f}{x}{a} a#x = let fₛ = Eq2fs f in let a#f = ffs {X}{Y}{fₛ}{a} a∉[]  x  aax≈x fₛ x a) in a#fx a#f a#x where
                                                                            aax≈x : {X Y : Nominal}(f : Funfs X Y)(x : Aₛ X)(a : Atom)  (≈ₐ Y) ((Act Y) [(a , a)] ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x))) ((ffun f) x)
                                                                            aax≈x {X}{Y} f x a = let afx = (Act Y) [(a , a)] ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x)) in let fx = (ffun f) x in
                                                                                      let afx≈fx = afx ≣< ((Act Y) ι ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x))) and fx by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                               ((res Y)  {w}  aa≈ι a) (≈≡ (eq≈ₐ Y) {(ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x)}{(ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x)} refl)) >
                                                                                                          (((Act Y) ι ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x)))
                                                                                                                ≣< ((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x)) and fx by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                                ((ι↠ Y) {(ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x)}) >
                                                                                                          (((ffun f) ((Act X) [(a , a)] x))
                                                                                                                ≣< ((ffun f) ((Act X) ι x)) and fx by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                                 ((feqi≈ f) ((res X)  {w}  aa≈ι a {w}) (≈≡ (eq≈ₐ X) {x}{x} refl))) >
                                                                                                          (((ffun f) ((Act X) ι x)) 
                                                                                                                ≣< fx and fx by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) on
                                                                                                                              ((feqi≈ f) ((ι↠ X) {x})) >
                                                                                                           (fx by (≈ₐ Y) as (eq≈ₐ Y) )))) in afx≈fx

Freshness : {X : Nominal}{b c : Atom}  (f : (Aₛ (NomExp NominalAtom X)))  (∀ {a : Atom}  (a  (fsupp f))  (a  ((some_supp X) ((ffun f) a))))  b  (fsupp f)  c  (fsupp f)  (≈ₐ X)((ffun f) b)((ffun f) c)
Freshness {X}{b}{c} f a∉f⇒a∉fa b∉f c∉f = let fb = (ffun f) b in let fc = (ffun f) c in let fₛ = (fsupp f) in let bₛ = (some_supp X) fb in let cₛ = (some_supp X) fc in
                                                                        let uₛ = bₛ ++ cₛ in let vₛ = fₛ ++ uₛ in let a = outside vₛ in let a∉fbc = outside∉ vₛ in let a∉f = ∉⊆₁ {fₛ}{uₛ} a a∉fbc in
                                                                        let a∉bc = ∉⊆₂ {fₛ}{uₛ} a a∉fbc in let a∉fb = ∉⊆₁ {bₛ}{cₛ} a a∉bc in let a∉fc = ∉⊆₂ {bₛ}{cₛ} a a∉bc in let fa = (ffun f) a in
                                                                        let b∉fb = a∉f⇒a∉fa b∉f in let c∉fc = a∉f⇒a∉fa c∉f in let abf≈fa = (fsuppAx f) a b a∉f b∉f a in let acf≈fa = (fsuppAx f) a c a∉f c∉f a in
                                                                        let fb≈fa = fb ≣< ((Act X) [(a , b)] fb) and fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on ((Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) ((suppAx X) fb a b a∉fb b∉fb)) >
                                                                                          (((Act X) [(a , b)] fb) ≣< ((Act X) [(a , b)] ((ffun f) (PermAct [(a , b)] a))) and fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on 
                                                                                                                                 ((res X)  {w}  P≡≈ [(a , b)] {w}) ((feqi≈ f) (sym (swapaba≡b a b)))) >
                                                                                         (((Act X) [(a , b)] ((ffun f) (PermAct [(a , b)] a)))
                                                                                                                         ≣< fa and fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on abf≈fa >
                                                                                         (fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) ))) in
                                                                        let fc≈fa = fc ≣< ((Act X) [(a , c)] fc) and fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on ((Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) ((suppAx X) fc a c a∉fc c∉fc)) >
                                                                                          (((Act X) [(a , c)] fc) ≣< ((Act X) [(a , c)] ((ffun f) (PermAct [(a , c)] a))) and fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on 
                                                                                                                                 ((res X)  {w}  P≡≈ [(a , c)] {w}) ((feqi≈ f) (sym (swapaba≡b a c)))) >
                                                                                         (((Act X) [(a , c)] ((ffun f) (PermAct [(a , c)] a)))
                                                                                                                         ≣< fa and fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) on acf≈fa >
                                                                                         (fa by (≈ₐ X) as (eq≈ₐ X) ))) in (Trans (eq≈ₐ X)) fb≈fa ((Symm (eq≈ₐ X)) fc≈fa)
