Dr. Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki


Lecturer in Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London
Visiting Researcher, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
College Research Associate, Clare College, University of Cambridge
Contact: ak2110[at]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk, angeliki.koutsoukouargyraki[at]rhul[dot]ac[dot]uk


I participated in the ERC Project ALEXANDRIA (1/10/2017-31/8/2023) led by Professor Lawrence C. Paulson at Cambridge as a postdoctoral researcher (Senior Research Associate: 5/2022-8/2023, Research Associate: 10/2017-4/2022) and a member of the Programming Languages, Semantics and Verification ( Automated Reasoning , Programming, Logic and Semantics) Research Group at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

I am now affiliated to the University of Cambridge as a Visiting Researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Technology and a College Research Associate at Clare College.

I am also an affiliated participant in the new research project Human-Oriented Automatic Theorem Proving led by Professor Timothy Gowers at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge.

I was previously (10/2016-9/2017) a Scientific Associate at the Research Group Logic, Department of Mathematics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, under Professor Ulrich Kohlenbach.

My Erdős number is 4.

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Research Interests

Formalization of mathematical proofs with Isabelle ; Interactive theorem proving and verification; Mechanisation of mathematics; Automatic proof discovery; Intersection of logic and mathematics; (Applied) proof theory, in particular I have been working on proof mining (pen-and-paper extraction of computable bounds from mathematical proofs) applied to proofs in nonlinear analysis, differential equations and fixed point theory; Foundations of mathematics.


PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. The defense of my PhD thesis entitled ''Proof Mining for Nonlinear Operator Theory: Four Case Studies on Accretive Operators, the Cauchy Problem and Nonexpansive Semigroups'' under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohlenbach and funded by the International Research Training Group 1529 (Oct. 2013- Sept. 2016) took place on Dec. 21, 2016.

I previously obtained a M.Sc. in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Dec. 2012), a Master de Sciences et Technologies (Mention Physique et Applications) from Université Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), France, and a Diploma from the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences , National Technical University of Athens, Greece (2009).

Journal Publications

Conference Publications

On the Archive of Formal Proofs

Abstracts in Conference Proceedings

SErAPIS: Yiannos Stathopoulos and I created a concept-oriented search engine for the Isabelle Libraries and the Archive of Formal Proofs.
Please try it out here and give us your relevance feedback after reading the user guide.

Fun with Maths

Talks (upcoming and past)

Academic Service/Other activities


Events to attend/ recently attended

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