is a PhD student in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. His research interests include distributed systems, data processing systems and scheduling. He received his MEng in Computing from Imperial College London and has done internships at Google, Facebook and Microsoft Research.
is currently finishing his PhD at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. His research is primarily on operating systems and scheduling for data centres, but he dallies in many a trade. He completed a research internship in Google's cluster management group, and will join the PDOS group at MIT after graduating.
Natacha is a PhD student at MPI-SWS, currently visiting University of Texas at Austin. Her interests lie at the intersection of distributed systems, distributed computing and databases. She received her BA from the University of Cambridge and has done internships at Imperial College and MPI-SWS.
is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. His interests lie in cross-layer optimizations of networks, with a particular focus on network latency. He has completed research internships at NICTA (Sydney), Microsoft Research (Silicon Valley), Microsoft Research (Cambridge) and maintains strong ties to the high-speed networking vendor Exablaze.